Select Publications


Buchholz P; Droste M; Ganter B; olldobler SH; Meyer-Wegener K; oschel RP; Reichel H; Thielscher M; Vogler H, 2001, Different Approaches to the Semantics of Workflows, Department of Computer Science, Dresden University of Technology, TUD-FI01-04

Thielscher M, 2000, The Fluent Calculus\/: A Specification Language for Robots with Sensors in Nondeterministic, Concurrent, and Ramifying Environments, Artificial Intelligence Institute, Department of Computer Science, Dresden University of Technology, CL-2000-01

Thielscher M, 1998, Disputation Theory Applied To Disjunctive Logic Programs, Dept. of Computer Science, Dresden University of Technology, TUD/FI98-06

Thielscher M, 1998, Event Minimization with the Fluent Calculus, Knowledge Representation Group, Dresden University of Technology, TUD/FI98-03

Thielscher M, 1996, On a Nonmonotonic Disputation-Based Semantics and Proof Procedure for Logic Programs, FG Intellektik, TH Darmstadt, AIDA–96–09

Herrmann C; Thielscher M, 1996, On Reasoning About Continuous Processes, FG Intellektik, TH Darmstadt, AIDA–96–04

Thielscher M, 1996, Qualification and Causality, International Computer Science Institute (ICSI), Berkeley, CA, TR-96-026

André de Waal MB; Thielscher M, 1996, The Automatic Generation of Pre-Interpretations for Detecting Unsolvable Planning Problems, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, CW224

Waal AD; Thielscher M, 1995, Solving Deductive Planning Problems Using Program Analysis and Transformation, FG Intellektik, TH Darmstadt, AIDA–95–04

uning SB; olldobler SH; Schneeberger J; Sigmund U; Thielscher M, 1994, Disjunction in Resource-Oriented Deductive Planning, Intellektik, TH Darmstadt, AIDA–94–03

Thielscher M, 1993, Modelling theories of actions by Equational Logic Programs, FG Intellektik, TH Darmstadt, AIDA–93–18

Thielscher M, 1992, AC1-Unifikation in der linearen logischen Programmierung, Intellektik, Informatik, Darmstadt, Germany, 42

Große G; olldobler SH; Schneeberger J; Sigmund U; Thielscher M, 1992, Equational Logic Programming, Actions, and Change, FG Intellektik, TH Darmstadt, AIDA–92–14

Thielscher M, 1991, Prognostizieren im Poole’schen Ansatz – Arbeiten mit THEORIST, Intellektik, Informatik, Darmstadt, Germany, 18

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