Select Publications

Journal articles

Hengst B; Pagnucco M; Rajaratnam D; Sammut C; Thielscher M, 2023, 'Online Learning and Planning in Cognitive Hierarchies.', CoRR, abs/2310.12386

Engesser T; Mattmüller R; Nebel B; Thielscher M, 2021, 'Game description language and dynamic epistemic logic compared', Artificial Intelligence, 292,

Schofield M; Thielscher M, 2019, 'General game playing with imperfect information', Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 66, pp. 901 - 935,

Bonet B; Cavazza M; desJardins M; Felner A; Hawes N; Knox B; Konidaris G; Lang J; Linares Lopez C; Magazzeni D; McGovern A; Natarajan S; Sturtevant NR; Thielscher M; Yeoh W; Sardina S; Wagstaff K, 2015, 'A Summary of the Twenty-Ninth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence', AI MAGAZINE, 36, pp. 99 - 106,

Zhang D; Thielscher M, 2015, 'Representing and Reasoning about Game Strategies', Journal of Philosophical Logic, 44, pp. 203 - 236,

Schiffel M; Thielscher M, 2014, 'Representing and Reasoning About the Rules of General Games With Imperfect Information', Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 49, pp. 171 - 206,

Strass H; Thielscher M, 2013, 'A general first-order solution to the ramification problem with cycles', JAPL, 11, pp. 289 - 308,

Thielscher M; Ruan J, 2013, 'Logical-Epistemic Foundations of General Game Descriptions', Studia Logica, 102, pp. 321 - 338,

Strass H; Thielscher M, 2012, 'A Language for Default Reasoning about Actions', Correct Reasoning: Essays on Logic-Based AI in Honor of Vladimir Lifschitz, 7265, pp. 527 - 542

Haufe S; Schiffel S; Thielscher M, 2012, 'Automated Verification of State Sequence Invariants in General Game Playing', AIJ, 187–188, pp. 1 - 30

Thielscher M, 2011, 'Special Issue on General Game Playing', KI - Kunstliche Intelligenz, 25, pp. 5 - 7,

Thielscher M, 2011, 'A Unifying Action Calculus', AIJ, 175, pp. 120 - 141

Drescher C; Thielscher M, 2011, 'ALPprolog - A new logic programming method for dynamic domains.', Theory Pract. Log. Program., 11, pp. 451 - 468

Drescher C; Thielscher M, 2011, 'ALPprolog —A new logic programming method for dynamic domains', TPLP, 11, pp. 451 - 468

Thielscher M, 2011, 'GDL-II', KI, 25, pp. 63 - 66

Haufe S; Michulke D; Schiffel S; Thielscher M, 2011, 'Knowledge-based general game playing', KI, 25, pp. 25 - 33

Schiffel S; Thielscher M, 2009, 'Specifying multiagent environments in the game description language', ICAART 2009 - Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, pp. 21 - 28

Björnsson Y; Thielscher M, 2008, 'The IJCAI-09 WORKSHOP ON GENERAL GAME PLAYING', ICGA Journal, 31, pp. 254 - 254,

Jin Y; Thielscher M, 2008, 'Reinforcement Belief Revision', JLC, 18, pp. 783 - 813

Jin Y; Thielscher M, 2007, 'Iterated Belief Revision, Revised', AIJ, 171, pp. 1 - 18

Beetz M; Rajan K; Thielscher M; Rusu RB, 2006, 'AAAI Workshop - Technical Report: Preface', AAAI Workshop - Technical Report, WS-06-03

Achtner W; Aimeur E; Anand SS; Appelt D; Ashish N; Barnes T; Beck JE; Beetz M; Dias MB; Doshi P; Drummond C; Elazmeh W; Felner A; Freitag D; Geffner H; Geib CW; Goodwin R; Holte RC; Hutter F; Isaac F; Japkowicz N; Kaminka GA; Koenig S; Lagoudakis MG; Leake D; Lewis L; Liu H; Metzler T; Mihalcea R; Mobasher B; Poupart P; Pynadath DV; Rajan K; Roth-Berghofer T; Ruml W; Rusu RB; Schulz S; Schwarz S; Seneff S; Sheth A; Sun R; Thielscher M; Upal A; Williams J; Young S; Zelenko D, 2006, 'Reports on the Twenty-First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-06) workshop program', AI Magazine, 27, pp. 92 - 102

Thielscher M, 2006, 'General Game Playing', KI — K"unstliche Intelligenz, 4/06, pp. 37 - 39

Coradeschi S; Ishiguro H; Asada M; Shapiro S; Thielscher M; Breazeal C; Mataric M; Ishida H, 2006, 'Human-Inspired Robots', IEEE Intelligent Systems, 21, pp. 74 - 85,

Coradeschi S; Ishiguro H; Asada M; Shapiro S; Thielscher M; Breazeal C; Matarić M; Ishida H, 2006, 'Human-Inspired Robots', IEEE Intelligent Systems, 21, pp. 75 - 85

Achtner W; Aïmeur E; Anand SS; Appelt DE; Ashish N; Barnes T; Beck JE; Dias MB; Doshi P; Drummond C; Elazmeh W; Felner A; Freitag D; Geffner H; Geib CW; Goodwin R; Holte RC; Hutter F; Isaac F; Japkowicz N; Kaminka GA; Koenig S; Lagoudakis MG; Leake DB; Lewis L; Liu H; Metzler T; Mihalcea R; Mobasher B; Poupart P; Pynadath DV; Roth-Berghofer T; Ruml W; Schulz S; Schwarz S; Seneff S; Sheth AP; Sun R; Thielscher M; Upal A; Williams JD; Young SJ; Zelenko D, 2006, 'Reports on the Twenty-First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-06) Workshop Program.', AI Mag., 27, pp. 92 - 102

Jin Y; Thielscher M, 2005, 'Iterated belief revision, revised', 7th International Symposium on Logical Formalizations of Commonsense Reasoning, Commonsense 2005

Thielscher M, 2005, 'FLUX: A programming language for reasoning agents', Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 5, pp. 533 - 565

Thielscher M, 2005, 'FLUX\/: A Logic Programming Method for Reasoning Agents', TPLP, 5, pp. 533 - 565

Thielscher M, 2005, 'Handling Implication and Universal Quantification Constraints in FLUX', CP, 3709, pp. 667 - 681

Thielscher M, 2004, 'FLUX: A Logic Programming Method for Reasoning Agents', CoRR, cs.AI/0408044

Fichtner M; Großmann A; Thielscher M, 2003, 'Intelligent Execution Monitoring in Dynamic Environments', FI, 57, pp. 371 - 392

Thielscher M, 2001, 'The Concurrent, Continuous Fluent Calculus', Studia Logica, 67, pp. 315 - 331

Thielscher M, 2001, 'The Qualification Problem\/: A Solution to the Problem of Anomalous Models', AIJ, 131, pp. 1 - 37

Gabbay DM; Nossum R; Thielscher M, 1999, 'Agents in Proactive Environments', JLC, 9, pp. 25 - 45

Thielscher M, 1999, 'Fluent Calculus Planning with Continuous Change', ETAI

Thielscher M, 1999, 'From Situation Calculus to Fluent Calculus\/: State Update Axioms as a Solution to the Inferential Frame Problem', AIJ, 111, pp. 277 - 299

Thielscher M, 1998, 'Introduction to the Fluent Calculus', ETAI, 2, pp. 179 - 192

Thielscher M, 1998, 'Kognitive Robotik — Perspektiven und Grenzen der "Künstlichen Intelligenz"-Forschung', Akademie-Journal, 2/98, pp. 41 - 45

Thielscher M, 1998, 'Reasoning About Actions\/: Steady Versus Stabilizing State Constraints', AIJ, 104, pp. 339 - 355

Thielscher M, 1997, 'A Theory of Dynamic Diagnosis', ETAI, 1, pp. 73 - 104

Thielscher M, 1997, 'A Theory of Dynamic Diagnosis. Electronic Transactions on Artificial Intelligence.', Electron. Trans. Artif. Intell., 1, pp. 73 - 104

Gabbay D; Nossum R; Thielscher M, 1997, 'Agents in Proactive Environments',

Thielscher M, 1997, 'Ramification and Causality', AIJ, 89, pp. 317 - 364

Bornsheuer S-E; Thielscher M, 1996, 'Explicit and Implicit Indeterminism\/: Reasoning About Uncertain and Contradictory Specifications of Dynamic Systems',

Thielscher M, 1996, 'Ramification and Causality',

Bornscheuer S-E; Thielscher M, 1996, 'Representing Concurrent Actions and Solving Conflicts', IGPL, 4, pp. 355 - 368

olldobler SH; Thielscher M, 1995, 'Computing Change and Specificity with Equational Logic Programs', AMAI, 14, pp. 99 - 133

Thielscher M; Schaub T, 1995, 'Default Reasoning by Deductive Planning', JAR, 15, pp. 1 - 40

Thielscher M, 1994, 'On the Completeness of SLDENF-Resolution',

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