Select Publications


Cazenave T; Winands MHM; Edelkamp S; Schiffel S; Thielscher M; Togelius J, 2017, Preface

Cazenave T; Winands MHM; Edelkamp S; Schiffel S; Thielscher M; Togelius J, 2016, Preface

Genesereth M; Thielscher M, 2014, General Game Playing, Morgan & Claypool,

Genesereth M; Thielscher M, 2014, General Game Playing, Springer International Publishing,

Thielscher M, 2008, Action Programming Languages, Morgan & Claypool

Thielscher M, 2008, ACTION PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES, Springer International Publishing,

Thielscher M, 2005, Reasoning Robots: The Art and Science of Programming Robotic Agents (vol. 33 of Applied Logic Series), Springer, The Netherlands

Thielscher M, 2000, Challenges for Action Theories, Springer Berlin Heidelberg,

Thielscher M, 2000, Challenges for Action Theories\/: Solving the Ramification and Qualification Problem, Springer

Thielscher M, 1995, Automatisiertes Schließen über Kausalbeziehungen mit SLDENF-Resolution, infix, St. Augustin

Book Chapters

Partridge Z; Thielscher M, 2022, 'Hidden Information General Game Playing with Deep Learning and Search', in , pp. 161 - 172,

, 2020, '19 Universelle Spielprogramme', in Görz G; Schmid U; Braun T (ed.), Handbuch der Künstlichen Intelligenz, De Gruyter, pp. 817 - 858,

Thielscher M, 2015, 'Simulation of action theories and an application to general game-playing robots', in Advances in Knowledge Representation, Logic Programming, and Abstract Argumentation, Springer Verlag, pp. 33 - 46,

Thielscher M, 2011, 'Translating General Game Descriptions into an Action Language', in Balduccinin M; Son T (ed.), , Springer, pp. 300 - 314

Schiffel S; Thielscher M, 2010, 'A Multiagent Semantics for the Game Description Language', in Filipe J; Fred A; Sharp B (ed.), , Springer, pp. 44 - 55

Thielscher M, 2000, 'Nondeterministic Actions in the Fluent Calculus\/: Disjunctive State Update Axioms', in olldobler SH (ed.), Intellectics and Computational Logic, Kluwer Academic, pp. 327 - 345

Thielscher M, 1998, 'Kognitive Robotik — Perspektiven und Grenzen der KI-Forschung', in Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur M (ed.), Colloquia Academica, Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart, pp. 41 - 54

Bibel W; Thielscher M, 1996, 'Non-Classical Automated Deduction', in Albrecht R; Herre H (ed.), Trends in Theoretical Informatics, Oldenbourg, pp. 39 - 59

Thielscher M, '17 Universelle Spielprogramme', in Görz G; Schneeberger J; Schmid U (ed.), Handbuch der Künstlichen Intelligenz, DE GRUYTER,

Journal articles

Hengst B; Pagnucco M; Rajaratnam D; Sammut C; Thielscher M, 2023, 'Online Learning and Planning in Cognitive Hierarchies.', CoRR, abs/2310.12386

Engesser T; Mattmüller R; Nebel B; Thielscher M, 2021, 'Game description language and dynamic epistemic logic compared', Artificial Intelligence, 292,

Schofield M; Thielscher M, 2019, 'General game playing with imperfect information', Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 66, pp. 901 - 935,

Bonet B; Cavazza M; desJardins M; Felner A; Hawes N; Knox B; Konidaris G; Lang J; Linares Lopez C; Magazzeni D; McGovern A; Natarajan S; Sturtevant NR; Thielscher M; Yeoh W; Sardina S; Wagstaff K, 2015, 'A Summary of the Twenty-Ninth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence', AI MAGAZINE, 36, pp. 99 - 106,

Zhang D; Thielscher M, 2015, 'Representing and Reasoning about Game Strategies', Journal of Philosophical Logic, 44, pp. 203 - 236,

Schiffel M; Thielscher M, 2014, 'Representing and Reasoning About the Rules of General Games With Imperfect Information', Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 49, pp. 171 - 206,

Strass H; Thielscher M, 2013, 'A general first-order solution to the ramification problem with cycles', JAPL, 11, pp. 289 - 308,

Thielscher M; Ruan J, 2013, 'Logical-Epistemic Foundations of General Game Descriptions', Studia Logica, 102, pp. 321 - 338,

Strass H; Thielscher M, 2012, 'A Language for Default Reasoning about Actions', Correct Reasoning: Essays on Logic-Based AI in Honor of Vladimir Lifschitz, 7265, pp. 527 - 542

Haufe S; Schiffel S; Thielscher M, 2012, 'Automated Verification of State Sequence Invariants in General Game Playing', AIJ, 187–188, pp. 1 - 30

Thielscher M, 2011, 'Special Issue on General Game Playing', KI - Kunstliche Intelligenz, 25, pp. 5 - 7,

Thielscher M, 2011, 'A Unifying Action Calculus', AIJ, 175, pp. 120 - 141

Drescher C; Thielscher M, 2011, 'ALPprolog - A new logic programming method for dynamic domains.', Theory Pract. Log. Program., 11, pp. 451 - 468

Drescher C; Thielscher M, 2011, 'ALPprolog —A new logic programming method for dynamic domains', TPLP, 11, pp. 451 - 468

Thielscher M, 2011, 'GDL-II', KI, 25, pp. 63 - 66

Haufe S; Michulke D; Schiffel S; Thielscher M, 2011, 'Knowledge-based general game playing', KI, 25, pp. 25 - 33

Schiffel S; Thielscher M, 2009, 'Specifying multiagent environments in the game description language', ICAART 2009 - Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, pp. 21 - 28

Björnsson Y; Thielscher M, 2008, 'The IJCAI-09 WORKSHOP ON GENERAL GAME PLAYING', ICGA Journal, 31, pp. 254 - 254,

Jin Y; Thielscher M, 2008, 'Reinforcement Belief Revision', JLC, 18, pp. 783 - 813

Jin Y; Thielscher M, 2007, 'Iterated Belief Revision, Revised', AIJ, 171, pp. 1 - 18

Beetz M; Rajan K; Thielscher M; Rusu RB, 2006, 'AAAI Workshop - Technical Report: Preface', AAAI Workshop - Technical Report, WS-06-03

Achtner W; Aimeur E; Anand SS; Appelt D; Ashish N; Barnes T; Beck JE; Beetz M; Dias MB; Doshi P; Drummond C; Elazmeh W; Felner A; Freitag D; Geffner H; Geib CW; Goodwin R; Holte RC; Hutter F; Isaac F; Japkowicz N; Kaminka GA; Koenig S; Lagoudakis MG; Leake D; Lewis L; Liu H; Metzler T; Mihalcea R; Mobasher B; Poupart P; Pynadath DV; Rajan K; Roth-Berghofer T; Ruml W; Rusu RB; Schulz S; Schwarz S; Seneff S; Sheth A; Sun R; Thielscher M; Upal A; Williams J; Young S; Zelenko D, 2006, 'Reports on the Twenty-First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-06) workshop program', AI Magazine, 27, pp. 92 - 102

Thielscher M, 2006, 'General Game Playing', KI — K"unstliche Intelligenz, 4/06, pp. 37 - 39

Coradeschi S; Ishiguro H; Asada M; Shapiro S; Thielscher M; Breazeal C; Mataric M; Ishida H, 2006, 'Human-Inspired Robots', IEEE Intelligent Systems, 21, pp. 74 - 85,

Coradeschi S; Ishiguro H; Asada M; Shapiro S; Thielscher M; Breazeal C; Matarić M; Ishida H, 2006, 'Human-Inspired Robots', IEEE Intelligent Systems, 21, pp. 75 - 85

Achtner W; Aïmeur E; Anand SS; Appelt DE; Ashish N; Barnes T; Beck JE; Dias MB; Doshi P; Drummond C; Elazmeh W; Felner A; Freitag D; Geffner H; Geib CW; Goodwin R; Holte RC; Hutter F; Isaac F; Japkowicz N; Kaminka GA; Koenig S; Lagoudakis MG; Leake DB; Lewis L; Liu H; Metzler T; Mihalcea R; Mobasher B; Poupart P; Pynadath DV; Roth-Berghofer T; Ruml W; Schulz S; Schwarz S; Seneff S; Sheth AP; Sun R; Thielscher M; Upal A; Williams JD; Young SJ; Zelenko D, 2006, 'Reports on the Twenty-First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-06) Workshop Program.', AI Mag., 27, pp. 92 - 102

Jin Y; Thielscher M, 2005, 'Iterated belief revision, revised', 7th International Symposium on Logical Formalizations of Commonsense Reasoning, Commonsense 2005

Thielscher M, 2005, 'FLUX: A programming language for reasoning agents', Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 5, pp. 533 - 565

Thielscher M, 2005, 'FLUX\/: A Logic Programming Method for Reasoning Agents', TPLP, 5, pp. 533 - 565

Thielscher M, 2005, 'Handling Implication and Universal Quantification Constraints in FLUX', CP, 3709, pp. 667 - 681

Thielscher M, 2004, 'FLUX: A Logic Programming Method for Reasoning Agents', CoRR, cs.AI/0408044

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