Select Publications

Conference Papers

Thielscher M, 2001, 'Planning with Noisy Actions.', in Stumptner M; Corbett D; Brooks MJ (eds.), Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Springer, pp. 495 - 506, presented at AI 2001: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 14th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Adelaide, Australia, December 10-14, 2001, Proceedings,

orr H-PS; Thielscher M, 2000, 'A New Equational Foundation for the Fluent Calculus', in etal JL (ed.), CL, Springer, pp. 733 - 746

Thielscher M, 2000, 'Modeling Actions with Ramifications in Nondeterministic, Concurrent, and Continuous Domains—And A Case Study', in Kautz H; Porter B (ed.), AAAI, MIT Press, pp. 497 - 502

Thielscher M, 2000, 'Representing the Knowledge of a Robot', in Cohn A; Giunchiglia F; Selman B (eds.), KR, Morgan Kaufmann, pp. 109 - 120

Thielscher M, 1999, 'A Theory of First-Order Counterfactual Reasoning', in Burgard W; Christaller T; Cremers A (eds.), KIK, Springer, pp. 137 - 148

Thielscher M, 1999, 'Continuous Processes in the Fluent Calculus', in Hybrid Systems and AI\/: Modeling and Control of Discrete + Continuous Systems, AAAI Press, pp. 186 - 191

Nossum R; Thielscher M, 1999, 'Counterfactual reasoning by means of a calculus of narrative context', in Bouquet P; Serafini L; Brezillon P; Benerecetti M; Castellani F (eds.), CONTEXT, Springer, pp. 495 - 498

Thielscher M, 1998, 'From Situation Calculus to Fluents Calculus\/: A New Motivation', in International Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning, pp. 31 - 39

Thielscher M, 1998, 'How (Not) To Minimize Events', in Cohn AG; Schubert LK; Shapiro SC (eds.), KR, Morgan Kaufmann, pp. 60 - 71

Thielscher M, 1998, 'Steady Versus Stabilizing State Constraints', in Proceedings of the Symposium on Logical Formalizations of Commonsense Reasoning, pp. 239 - 248

Thielscher M, 1998, 'Towards a Logic for Causal Reasoning', in Ortiz C (ed.), Prospectes for a Commonsense Theory of Causation, AAAI Press, pp. 101 - 106

Thielscher M, 1998, 'Towards State Update Axioms\/: Reifying Successor State Axioms', in Cerro LFD; Dix J; Furbach U (eds.), Proceedings of the European Workshop on Logics in AI (JELIA), Springer, pp. 248 - 263

Gabbay DM; Nossum R; Thielscher M, 1997, 'Agents in Proactive Environments.', in Brewka G; Habel C; Nebel B (eds.), KIK, Springer, pp. 389 - 392

Thielscher M, 1997, 'Challenges for Action Theories (Extended Abstract)', in Plander I (ed.), AIICSR, World Scientific Publishing Co. Singapore, pp. 133 - 140

Thielscher M, 1997, 'How (Not) to Minimize Events', in Poster presentations at the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), Morgan Kaufmann

Scholz U; Steinmann O; utzle TS; Thielscher M, 1997, 'Planning by Local Search', in Baral C; Goldman R (ed.), Proceedings of the Workshop at AAAI on Robots, Softbots, Immobots\/: Theories of Action, Planning, and Control, pp. 124 - 125

Thielscher M, 1997, 'Qualified Ramifications', in Kuipers B; Webber B (ed.), AAAI, MIT Press, pp. 466 - 471

Thielscher M, 1996, 'Causality and the Qualification Problem', in Aiello LC; Doyle J; Shapiro S (eds.), KR, Morgan Kaufmann, CAMBRIDGE, MA, pp. 51 - 62, presented at 5th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR 96), CAMBRIDGE, MA, 05 November 1996 - 08 November 1996,

Herr-mann C; Thielscher M, 1996, 'Reasoning about Continuous Processes', in Clancey B; Weld D (ed.), AAAI, MIT Press, PORTLAND, OR, pp. 639 - 644, presented at 13th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 96) / 8th Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence (IAAI 96), PORTLAND, OR, 04 August 1996 - 08 August 1996,

Thielscher M, 1996, 'A Nonmonotonic Disputation-Based Semantics and Proof Procedure for Logic Programs', in Maher M (ed.), JICSLP, MIT Press, pp. 483 - 497

Eder K; olldobler SH; Thielscher M, 1996, 'An Abstract Machine for Reasoning about Situations, Actions, and Causality', in Dyckhoff R; Herre H; Schroeder-Heister P (eds.), ELP, Springer, pp. 137 - 151

Schaub T; Thielscher M, 1996, 'Skeptical Query-Answering in Constrained Default Logic', in Gabbay DM (ed.), FAPR, Springer, pp. 567 - 581

Eder K; olldobler SH; Thielscher M, 1995, 'A New View on Actions in Dynamic Systems', in Sandewall E (ed.), Proceedings of the Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Action and Change at IJCAI, pp. 3 - 7

Eder K; olldobler SH; Thielscher M, 1995, 'A Resource-Oriented Deductive Approach Towards Hierarchical Planning', in Krall A; Geske U (ed.), 11. Workshop Logische Programmierung, GMD-Studien 270, pp. 237 - 246

Thielscher M, 1995, 'Computing Ramifications by Postprocessing', in Mellish CS (ed.), IJCAI, Morgan Kaufmann, pp. 1994 - 2000

olldobler SH; Thielscher M, 1995, 'Objects, Specificity, Logic, and Change', in Dreschler-Fischer L; Pribbenow S (ed.), KI-95 Activities\/: Workshops, Posters, Demos, Gesellschaft f"ur Informatik e.V., Bonn, pp. 37 - 42

Thielscher M, 1995, 'On the Logic of Dynamic Systems', in Boutilier C; Goldszmidt M (ed.), Extending Theories of Actions\/: Formal Theory and Practical Applications, AAAI Press, pp. 188 - 193

Schaub T; Thielscher M, 1995, 'Skeptical Query-Answering in Constrained Default Logic', in Brewka G (ed.), Dutch/German Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning

Waal AD; Thielscher M, 1995, 'Solving Deductive Planning Problems Using Program Analysis and Transformation', in Proietti M (ed.), LOPSTR, Springer, pp. 189 - 203

Thielscher M, 1995, 'The Logic of Dynamic Systems', in Mellish CS (ed.), IJCAI, Morgan Kaufmann, pp. 1956 - 1962

Bibel W; Thielscher M, 1995, 'The Role of Automated Deduction in Intellectics', in Automated Reasoning\/: Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice, AISB-95 Workshop Programme, pp. 12 - 14

Thielscher M, 1995, 'What Is A Skeptical Proof\/?', in Wachsmuth I; Rollinger C-R; Brauer W (eds.), KIK, Springer, pp. 161 - 172

Thielscher M, 1994, 'Representing Actions in Equational Logic Programming', in Hentenryck PV (ed.), ICLP, MIT Press, S MARGHERITA LIGURE, ITALY, pp. 207 - 224, presented at 11th International Conference on Logic Programming, S MARGHERITA LIGURE, ITALY, 13 June 1994 - 18 June 1994,

Thielscher M, 1994, 'An Analysis of Systematic Approaches to Reasoning about Actions and Change', in Jorrand P; Sgurev V (ed.), AIMSA, World Scientific, pp. 195 - 204

Bibel W; Thielscher M, 1994, 'Deductive Plan Generation', in Arikawa S; Jantke KP (ed.), AII, Springer, pp. 2 - 5

olldobler SH; Thielscher M, 1994, 'On the Adequateness of AI-Systems', in Plander I (ed.), AIICSR, World Scientific Publishing Co. Singapore, pp. 41 - 46

Bornscheuer S-E; Thielscher M, 1994, 'Representing Concurrent Actions and Solving Conflicts', in Nebel B; Dreschler-Fischer L (ed.), KIK, Springer, pp. 16 - 27

olldobler SH; Thielscher M, 1993, 'Actions and Specificity', in Miller D (ed.), ILPS, MIT Press, VANCOUVER, CANADA, pp. 164 - 180, presented at 1993 International Logic Programming Symposium, VANCOUVER, CANADA, 26 October 1993 - 29 October 1993,

uning SB; olldobler SH; Schneeberger J; Sigmund U; Thielscher M, 1993, 'Disjunction in Resource-Oriented Deductive Planning', in Miller D (ed.), ILPS, MIT Press, VANCOUVER, CANADA, pp. 670 - 670, presented at 1993 International Logic Programming Symposium, VANCOUVER, CANADA, 26 October 1993 - 29 October 1993,

uning SB; Große G; olldobler SH; Schneeberger J; Sigmund U; Thielscher M, 1993, 'Disjunction in Plan Generation by Equational Logic Programming', in Horz A (ed.), Beitr"age zum 7. Workshop Planen und Konfigurieren, Arbeitspapiere der GMD 723, pp. 18 - 26

olldobler SH; Thielscher M, 1993, 'On Logic Programming with Multisets', in Omodeo EG; Rossi G (ed.), Proceedings of the Workshop on Logic Programming with Sets at ICLP

olldobler SH; Thielscher M, 1993, 'On Logic, Change, and Specificity', in ofer BF (ed.), Proceedings of the Workshop on Reasoning about Action & Change at the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pp. 3 - 7

Thielscher M, 1993, 'SLDENF-Resolution.', in Beierle C (ed.), WLP, pp. 100 - 103,

Thielscher M, 1993, 'SLDENF–Resolution', in Beierle S (ed.), Logische Programmierung, Technical Report, pp. 64 - 68

olldobler SH; Schneeberger J; Thielscher M, 1992, 'AC1-Unification/Matching in Linear Logic Programming', in Baader F; Siekmann J; Snyder W (eds.), Proceedings of Sixth International Workshop on Unification (UNIF), BUCS Tech Report #93–004, Boston University, pp. 49 - 55

Thielscher M, 1992, 'AC1-Unifikation in der linearen logischen Programmierung', in olldobler SH (ed.), Logische Programmierung, Technical Report AIDA-92-10, pp. 64 - 68

Große G; olldobler SH; Schneeberger J; Sigmund U; Thielscher M, 1992, 'Equational Logic Programming, Actions, and Change', in Apt K (ed.), IJCSLP, MIT Press, pp. 177 - 191

uning SB; Große G; olldobler SH; Schneeberger J; Sigmund U; Thielscher M, 1992, 'On Disjunction in Linear Logic Programming', in Miller D (ed.), Proceedings of the Workshop on Linear Logic and Logic Programming, MS-CIS-92-80, Univ. of Pennsylvania, School of Engineering and Applied Science, Computer and Information Science Department, pp. 53 - 59

Strass H; Thielscher M, 'Default Reasoning in Action Domains with Conditional, Non-Local Effect Actions', in EPiC Series in Computing, EasyChair, presented at LPAR-17-short. short papers for 17th International Conference on Logic for Programming, Artificial intelligence, and Reasoning.,

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