Select Publications


Lansink LIM; Engel JA; Lee HJ; Soon MSF; Williams CG; SheelaNair A; Pernold CPS; Laohamonthonkul P; Akter J; Stoll T; Hill MM; Talman AM; Russell A; Lawniczak M; Davenport MP; Khoury DS; Haque A, 2021, Systemic host inflammation induces stage-specific transcriptomic modification and slower maturation in malaria parasites,

Golfinos AE; Gellerup DD; Schweigert H; Mathiaparanam J; Balgeman AJ; Weiler AM; Friedrich TC; Keele BF; Davenport MP; Venturi V; O'Connor SL, 2021, The Mucosal Barrier and Anti-Viral Immune Responses can Eliminate Portions of the Viral Population during Transmission and Early Viral Growth,

Moriarty RV; Fesser N; Sutton MS; Venturi V; Davenport MP; Schlub T; O'Connor SL, 2021, Validation of multiplex PCR sequencing assay of SIV,

Khoury D; Steain M; Triccas J; Sigal A; Davenport M; Cromer D, 2021, A meta-analysis of Early Results to predict Vaccine efficacy against Omicron,

Koutsakos M; Lee WS; Reynaldi A; Tan H-X; Gare G; Kinsella P; Liew KC; Williamson D; Kent H; Stadler E; Cromer D; Khoury D; Wheatley A; Juno J; Davenport M; Kent S, 2021, Dynamics of immune recall following SARS-CoV-2 vaccination or breakthrough infection,

Aggarwal A; Stella AO; Walker G; Akerman A; Milogiannakis V; Brilot F; Amatayakul-Chantler S; Roth N; Coppola G; Schofield P; Jackson J; Henry J; Mazigi O; Langley D; Lu Y; Forster C; McAllery S; Mathivanan V; Fichter C; Hoppe AC; Munier ML; Jack H-M; Cromer D; Darley D; Matthews G; Christ D; Khoury D; Davenport M; Rawlinson W; Kelleher A; Turville S, 2021, SARS-CoV-2 Omicron: evasion of potent humoral responses and resistance to clinical immunotherapeutics relative to viral variants of concern,

Moriarty RV; Fesser N; Sutton MS; Venturi V; Davenport MP; Schlub T; O'Connor SL, 2020, Validation of multiplex PCR sequencing assay of SIV,

Juno JA; Tan H-X; Lee WS; Reynaldi A; Kelly HG; Wragg K; Esterbauer R; Kent HE; Batten CJ; Mordant FL; Gherardin NA; Pymm P; Dietrich MH; Scott NE; Tham W-H; Godfrey DI; Subbarao K; Davenport MP; Kent SJ; Wheatley AK, 2020, Immunogenic profile of SARS-CoV-2 spike in individuals recovered from COVID-19,

Lee WS; Selva KJ; Davis S; Wines B; Reynaldi A; Esterbauer R; Kelly H; Haycroft E; Tan H-X; Juno J; Wheatley A; Hogarth M; Cromer D; Davenport M; Chung A; Kent S, 2020, Decay of Fc-dependent antibody functions after mild to moderate COVID-19,

Wheatley A; Juno J; Wang J; Selva K; Reynaldi A; Tan H-X; Shi Lee W; Wragg K; Kelly H; Esterbauer R; Davis S; Kent H; Mordant F; Schlub T; Gordon D; Khoury D; Subbarao K; Cromer D; Gordon T; Chung A; Davenport M; Kent S, 2020, Evolution of immunity to SARS-CoV-2,

Soon M; Lee HJ; Engel J; Straube J; Thomas B; Clarke L; Laohamonthonkul P; Pernold C; Haldar R; Williams C; Lansink L; Koufariotis R; Lakis V; Wood S; Chen X; James K; Lönnberg T; Lane S; Davenport M; Khoury D; Svensson V; Teichmann S; Haque A, 2019, Transcriptome Dynamics Reveals Progressive Transition from Effector to Memory in CD4+T cells,

Aliota MT; Dudley DM; Newman CM; Weger-Lucarelli J; Stewart LM; Koenig MR; Breitbach ME; Weiler AM; Semler MR; Barry GL; Zarbock KR; Mohns MS; Mohr EL; Venturi V; Schultz-Darken N; Peterson E; Newton W; Schotzko ML; Simmons HA; Mejia A; Hayes JM; Capuano S; Davenport MP; Friedrich TC; Ebel GD; O’Connor SL; O’Connor DH, 2017, Molecularly barcoded Zika virus libraries to probein vivoevolutionary dynamics,

Cao P; Klonis N; Zaloumis S; Khoury DS; Cromer D; Davenport MP; Tilley L; Simpson JA; McCaw JM, 2017, A mechanistic model quantifies artemisinin-induced parasite growth retardation in blood-stage Plasmodium falciparum infection,

Koutsakos M; Reynaldi A; Lee WS; Nguyen J; Amarasena T; Taiaroa G; Kinsella P; Liew KC; Tran T; Kent H; Tan H-X; Rowntree LC; Nguyen THO; Thomas P; Kedzierska K; Petersen J; Rossjohn J; Williamson D; Khoury D; Davenport M; Kent SJ; Wheatley AK; Juno JA, Rapid Recall and <i>de novo</i> T Cell Responses During SARS-CoV-2 Breakthrough Infection,

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