Select Publications

Journal articles

Shields AJ; Osborne J; Simmons MY; Ritchie DA; Pepper M, 1996, 'Comparison of optical and transport measurements of electron densities in GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs quantum wells', Semiconductor Science and Technology, 11, pp. 890 - 896,

Millard S; Patel NJ; Simmons MY; Linfield EH; Ritchie DA; Jones G; Pepper M, 1996, 'Compressibility studies of double electron and double hole gas systems', Applied Physics Letters, 68, pp. 3323 - 3325,

Barnes CW; Mace DR; Faini G; Mailly D; Simmons MY; Ford CJ; Pepper M, 1996, 'Detection of the oscillation of the Fermi energy of a 2DEG', Surface Science, 361-362, pp. 608 - 612,

Shields AJ; Pepper M; Simmons MY; Ritchie DA, 1996, 'Evolution of GaAs quantum well excitons with excess electron density and magnetic field', Solid - State Electronics, 40, pp. 275 - 280,

Phillips R; Nixon G; Fujita T; Simmons MY; Ritchie DA, 1996, 'Excitonic trions in undoped GaAs quantum wells', Solid State Communications, 98, pp. 287 - 291,

Hamilton AR; Simmons MY; Bolton F; Patel NJ; Millard S; Nicholls JT; Ritchie DA; Pepper M, 1996, 'Fractional quantum Hall effect in bilayer two-dimensional hole-gas systems', Physical Review - Section B - Condensed Matter, 54, pp. R5259 - R5262,

Davies A; Barnes CW; Zolleis K; Nicholls JT; Simmons MY; Ritchie DA, 1996, 'Hybridization of single- and double-layer behavior in a double-quantum-well structure', Physical Review - Section B - Condensed Matter, 54, pp. R17331 - R17334,

Millard S; Patel NJ; Simmons MY; Hamilton AR; Ritchie DA; Pepper M, 1996, 'Integer quantum Hall states in coupled double electron gas systems at mismatched carrier densities', Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 8, pp. L1311 - L318,

Shields AJ; Pepper M; Simmons MY; Ritchie DA, 1996, 'Magneto-optical spectroscopy of neutral and negatively charged excitons in GaAs quantum wells', Surface Science, 361-362, pp. 451 - 455,

Liang CT; Smith CG; Mace DR; Nicholls JT; Frost J; Simmons MY; Hamilton AR; Ritchie DA; Pepper M, 1996, 'Measurements of a composite fermion split-gate', Surface Science, 361-362, pp. 71 - 74,

Liang CT; Smith CG; Mace DR; Nicholls JT; Frost J; Simmons MY; Hamilton AR; Ritchie DA; Pepper M, 1996, 'Measurements of a composite fermion split-gate device', Physical Review - Section B - Condensed Matter, 53, pp. R7596 - R7598,

Millard S; Patel NJ; Linfield EH; Rose PD; Simmons MY; Ritchie DA; Jones G; Pepper M, 1996, 'Negative transconductance in parallel conducting systems controlled by device geometry and magnetic field', Semiconductor Science and Technology, 11, pp. 483 - 488,

Shilton J; Mace DR; Talyanskii V; Galperin Y; Simmons MY; Pepper M; Ritchie DA, 1996, 'On the acoustoelectric current in a one-dimensional channel', Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 8, pp. L337 - L343,

Thomas KJ; Nicholls JT; Simmons MY; Pepper M; Mace DR; Ritchie DA, 1996, 'Possible spin polarization in a one-dimensional electron gas', Physical Review Letters, 77, pp. 135 - 138,

Brosh B; Simmons MY; Holmes SN; Hamilton AR; Ritchie DA; Pepper M, 1996, 'Probing the band structure of a two-dimensional hole gas using a one-dimensional superlattice', Physical Review - Section B - Condensed Matter, 54, pp. R14273 - R14276,

Kernohan E; Phillips R; Bairamov B; Ritchie DA; Simmons MY, 1996, 'Raman scattering lineshapes in GaAs and InP', Solid State Communications, 100, pp. 263 - 267,

Franklin J; Zailer I; Ford CJ; Simpson P; Frost J; Ritchie DA; Simmons MY; Pepper M, 1996, 'The Aharonov-Bohm effect in the fractional quantum Hall regime', Surface Science, 361-362, pp. 17 - 21,

Chabasseur-Molyneux V; Frost J; Simmons MY; Ritchie DA; Pepper M, 1996, 'Transport through an array of small ohmic contacts alloyed to the two-dimensional electron gas of a GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure', Applied Physics Letters, 68, pp. 3434 - 3436,

Millard IS; Patel NK; Simmons MY; Linfield EH; Ritchie DA; Jones GAC; Pepper M, 1995, 'Compressibility studies of double electron and double hole gas systems', Applied Physics Letters, pp. 3323,

Thomas KJ; Simmons MY; Nicholls JT; Mace DR; Pepper M; Ritchie DA, 1995, 'Ballistic transport in one‐dimensional constrictions formed in deep two‐dimensional electron gases', Applied Physics Letters, 67, pp. 109 - 111,

Shilton J; Mace DR; Talyanskii V; Pepper M; Simmons MY; Churchill AC; Ritchie DA, 1995, 'Effect of spatial dispersion on acoustoelectric current in a high-mobility two-dimensional electron gas', Physical Review - Section B - Condensed Matter, 51, pp. 14770 - 14773,

Shilton J; Mace DR; Talyanskii V; Simmons MY; Pepper M; Churchill AC; Ritchie DA, 1995, 'Experimental study of the acoustoelectric effects in GaAs-AlGaAs heterostructures', Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 7, pp. 7675 - 7685,

Mace DR; Barnes CW; Faini G; Mailly D; Simmons MY; Ford CJ; Pepper M, 1995, 'General picture of quantum Hall transitions in quantum antidots', Physical Review - Section B - Condensed Matter, 52, pp. R8672 - R8675,

Shields AJ; Pepper M; Ritchie DA; Simmons MY, 1995, 'Influence of excess electrons and magnetic fields on Mott-Wannier excitons in GaAs quantum wells', Advances in Physics, 44, pp. 47 - 72,

Davies A; Mitchell EE; Clark RG; Simmonds PE; Ritchie DA; Simmons MY; Pepper M; Jones G, 1995, 'Magneto-optical probe of the two-dimensional hole-system low-temperature ground states', Physical Review - Section B - Condensed Matter, 51, pp. 7357 - 7360,

Shields AJ; Osborne J; Simmons MY; Pepper M; Ritchie DA, 1995, 'Magneto-optical spectroscopy of positively charged excitons in GaAs quantum wells', Physical Review - Section B - Condensed Matter, 52, pp. R5523 - R5526,

Taboryski R; Brosh B; Simmons MY; Ritchie DA; Ford CJ; Pepper M, 1995, 'Magnetothermopower oscillations in a lateral superlattice', Physical Review - Section B - Condensed Matter, 51, pp. 17243 - 17246,

Shields AJ; Pepper M; Ritchie DA; Simmons MY; Jones G, 1995, 'Quenching of excitonic optical transitions by excess electrons in GaAs quantum wells', Physical Review - Section B - Condensed Matter, 51, pp. 18049 - 18052,

Frost J; Liang CT; Mace DR; Simmons MY; Pepper M; Ritchie DA, 1995, 'Reflection of edge states in the fractional quantum Hall regime', Solid State Communications, 96, pp. 327 - 331,

Shields AJ; Pepper M; Simmons MY; Ritchie DA, 1995, 'Spin-triplet negatively charged excitons in GaAs quantum wells', Physical Review - Section B - Condensed Matter, 52, pp. 7841 - 7844,

Simmons MY; Churchill AC; Kim G; Hamilton AR; Kurobe A; Mace DR; Ritchie DA; Pepper M, 1995, 'The growth of high mobility heterostructures on (311)B GaAs', Microelectronics Journal, 26, pp. 897 - 902,

Talyanskii V; Mace DR; Simmons MY; Pepper M; Churchill AC; Frost J; Ritchie DA; Jones G, 1995, 'The propagation of low-frequency edge excitations in a two-dimensional electron gas in the IQHE regime', Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 7, pp. L435 - L443,

SIMMONS M, 1994, 'WINDMILL-V4', CHEMISTRY & INDUSTRY, pp. 105 - 105,

Churchill AC; Kim G; Kurobe A; Simmons MY; Ritchie DA; Pepper M; Jones G, 1994, 'Anisotropic magnetotransport in two-dimensional electron gases on (311)B GaAs substrates', Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 6, pp. 6131 - 6138,

Churchill AC; Kim G; Simmons MY; Ritchie DA; Jones G, 1994, 'Electron focusing in two-dimensional electron gases grown on (311)B GaAs substrates', Physical Review - Section B - Condensed Matter, 50, pp. 17636 - 17638,

Talyanskii V; Simmons MY; Frost J; Pepper M; Ritchie DA; Churchill AC; Jones G, 1994, 'Experimental investigation of the damping of low-frequency edge magnetoplasmons in GaAs-AlxGa1-xAs heterostructures', Physical Review - Section B - Condensed Matter, 50, pp. 1582 - 1587,

Simmons MY; Ritchie DA; Zailer I; Churchill AC; Jones G, 1994, 'Optimization of high mobility two‐dimensional hole gases', Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B, 12, pp. 1296 - 1299,

Zailer I; Frost J; Ford CJ; Pepper M; Simmons MY; Ritchie DA; Nicholls JT; Jones G, 1994, 'Phase coherence, interference, and conductance quantization in a confined two-dimensional hole gas', Physical Review - Section B - Condensed Matter, 49, pp. 5101 - 5104,

Frost J; Simmons MY; Pepper M; Churchill AC; Ritchie DA; Jones G, 1993, 'Temperature limits for ballistic quantization in a GaAs/AlGaAs one-dimensional constriction', Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 5, pp. L559 - L564,

Brinkman AW; Al Allak HM; Awan GR; Brown PD; Durose K; Ercelebi C; Woods J; Simmons MY, 1992, 'Epitaxial Cdte-Based Solar Cells', International Journal of Solar Energy, 12, pp. 233 - 245,

Simmons MY; Al Allak H; Brinkman A; Durose K, 1992, 'Electrical and optical characterisation of epitaxial ZnTe/CdTe/CdS and ZnTe/CdTe/GaAs p-i-n solar cell structures grown by metalorginic vapour phase epitaxy', Journal of Crystal Growth, 117, pp. 959 - 963,


Durose K; Brown P; Simmons MY; Al Allak H; Brinkman A, 1991, 'Microstructural and electrical properties of epitaxial ZnTe/CdTe/CdS p-i-n solar cells and related materials', Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials 2001, 117, pp. 533 - 536

Simmons MY; Brown P; Durose K, 1991, 'MOVPE growth and characterisation of CdTe on CdS single crystal substrates', Journal of Crystal Growth, 107, pp. 664 - 669,

Conference Papers

Simmons MY, 2019, 'Atomic qubits in silicon', in 2019 Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop, SNW 2019,

Weber B; Hsueh YL; Watson TF; Li R; Hamilton AR; Hollenberg LCL; Rahman R; Simmons MY, 2017, 'Electron spin relaxation of single phosphorus donors and donor clusters in atomically engineered silicon devices', in 2017 Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop, SNW 2017, pp. 23 - 24,

Weber B; Watson TF; Simmons MY, 2016, 'Atomic-precision architectures for the high-fidelity spin read-out of phosphorus donors in silicon', in 2016 IEEE Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop, SNW 2016, Honolulu, USA, pp. 144 - 145, presented at IEEE SILICON NANOELECTRONICS WORKSHOP 2016, Honolulu, USA, 12 June 2016 - 13 June 2016,

Simmons MY, 2015, 'Quantum computing in silicon', in Technical Digest - International Electron Devices Meeting, IEDM, IEEE, Washington, DC, USA, pp. 1.2.1 - 1.2.4, presented at 2015 61st IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM), Washington, DC, USA, 07 December 2015 - 09 December 2015,

Weber B; Tan YHM; Mahapatra S; Watson TF; Ryu H; Lee S; Rahman R; Hollenberg LCL; Klimeck G; Simmons MY, 2015, 'Silicon at the fundamental scaling limit-atomic-scale donor-based quantum electronics', in 2014 Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop, SNW 2014,

Tan YHM; Ryu H; Weber B; Lee S; Rahman R; Hollenberg LCL; Simmons MY; Klimeck G, 2015, 'Statistical modeling of ultra-scaled donor-based silicon phosphorus devices', in 2014 Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop, SNW 2014,

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