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Ice Cream Meltdown

Field of Research (FoR):

Everyone has experienced the sadness associated with melting ice cream, but there are actually some fascinating physics at work that determine the time it takes for a block of ice cream to melt and collapse under its own weight.
Food Emulsion Microstructure and Shape Effects

Field of Research (FoR):

The stability of many foods is based on, or affected by, emulsions arrested by colloids. Prediction, and thus optimization, of these products’ stability is often impossible because practitioners lack the fundamental understanding needed to design microstructural and rheological properties.
Modelling Markup Language Representation for Biological Tissues

Field of Research (FoR):
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Anatomically-accurate model of rabbit cardiac pacemaker tissue defined using the MML framework, illustrating a propagating electrical wavefront emanating from the central pacemaking site.
Modelling Cardiovascular–Rotary Blood Pump Interactions

Field of Research (FoR):
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Simplified fluid-structure interaction model of ventricular assist flow in the presence of contracting heart wall and aortic valve leaflets. Ventricular inlet (left) and outlet (right) boundaries are shown as white squares, and ventricular assist flow occurs through the outlet at the bottom.