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Select Publications
2020, Birdsong, Virtual International Arts Festival, Mark De Garmo Dance (MDD) Virtual International Arts Festival - Autumn Salon Performance, 27 October 2020 - 27 October 2020, medium: Video/Sound, at: https://markdegarmodance.org/virtual-international-arts-festival-via/
,2020, the lawn cemetery, Performative Troubling of Australian Ancestries: SISTAS Holding Space, Activism@Margins: Stories of Resistance, Survival and Social Change, Capitol Theatre and Melbourne Town Hall, Melbourne, 10 February 2020 - 12 February 2020, medium: Video/Sound, at: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/activism-the-margins-stories-of-resistance-survival-and-social-change-tickets-65286081427#
,2019, a pauper’s grave, MAKING, University British Columbia, Dorothy Somerset Studios, 09 July 2019 - 13 December 2019, medium: Video/Sound, at: https://www.insea2019.org/
,2018, Marriage of an Aboriginal, Dark Days: White Nights, betaspace at Aalto University, Finland, 18 June 2018 - 21 June 2018, medium: 6 thin flurescent whitebox panels, a brown antique shelf, photoframe, apron, recreated apron, Aalto chair, 1848 text from the SMH article about my GGGF., at: http://youngart.fi/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Taideohjelman-juliste-InSEA-2018.pdf
,2018, Welcome to Our Home, At Home, Academy Gallery, Inveresk Campus, University of Tasmania, Tasmania, 21 May 2018 - 01 June 2018, medium: Photograph - A4 Ilford Gallery Print using Ultra Chrome Ink
,2018, A rather novel marriage, Stories of Belonging - 2018 Anywhere Festival, kuril dhagun Indigenous Talking Circle, State Library of Queensland, Brisbane, 18 May 2018 - 20 May 2018, medium: Four slim light boxes, illuminated text in black text on, red and white film, at: https://anywhere.is/downloads/Anywhere_Guide_ONLINE.pdf