Select Publications

Book Chapters

Taylor H; Williamson S, 2024, 'Feminist approaches to research co-design: evaluating gender equality initiatives', in Parker J; Donnelly N; Ressia S; Gavin M (ed.), Field Guide to Researching Employment and Industrial Relations, Edwatd Elgar, Cheltenham, pp. 190 - 207,

Taylor H; Williamson S, 2024, 'Co-Design to Evaluate the Impact of Gender Equality Initiatives: Lessons for Practitioners, Evaluators and Researchers', in , Nova Southeastern University, pp. 2067 - 2088,

Williamson S, 2024, 'Equal Employment Opportunity', in Klarsfeld A; Nkomo S; Taksa L; Bender A-F; Cachat-Rosset G (ed.), Encyclopedia of Equality, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, pp. 118 - 121,

Williamson S; Colley L, 2024, 'Examining the Impact of COVID-19 on Managing Public Sector Employees: Overcoming or exacerbating incoherences?', in Dickinson H; Yates S; O'Flynn J; Smith C (ed.), Research Handbook on Public Management and COVID-19, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, pp. 137 - 149,

Taylor H; Williamson S, 2024, 'Feminist approaches to research co-design: evaluating gender equality initiatives', in Field Guide to Researching Employment and Industrial Relations, pp. 192 - 209,

Williamson S; Colley L, 2023, 'Overcoming ‘administrative man’? Redoing gender in Australian public services', in Conley H; Koskinen Sandberg P (ed.), Handbook on Gender and Public Sector Employment, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, pp. 94 - 107,

Colley L; Williamson S, 2021, 'Navigating the Complex Variety of Feminisms', in Pabel A; Pryce J; Anderson A (ed.), Research Paradigm Considerations for Emerging Scholars, Channel View Publications, Bristol, UK,

Brennan D; Williamson S, 2017, 'Time to Care: Paid Family Leave as Baseline Support for Gender Equality in Employment', in D'Agostino M; Marks Rubin M (ed.), Governing in a Global World: Women in Public Service, Routledge,

Journal articles

Taylor H; Williamson S, 2025, 'Co-Design to Evaluate the Impact of Gender Equality Initiatives: Lessons for Practitioners, Evaluators and Researchers', Qualitative Report, 29, pp. 2067 - 2088,

Williamson S; Jogulu U; Lundy J; Taylor H, 2024, 'Will return-to-office mandates prevent proximity bias for employees working from home?', Australian Journal of Public Administration, pp. 1 - 6,

Buick F; Williamson S; Weeratunga V; Taylor H, 2024, 'Adopting a Purposeful Approach to Hybrid Working: Integrating notions of place,space and time', Policy Quarterly, 20, pp. 40 - 49,

Williamson S; Taylor H; Weeratunga V, 2023, 'Working from home during COVID-19: What does this mean for the ideal worker norm?', Gender, Work and Organization, 31, pp. 1 - 16,

Williamson S; Roles C, 2023, 'Collective bargaining in the Australian public service: From New Public Management to public value', Journal of Industrial Relations, 65, pp. 1 - 16,

Williamson S; Colley L, 2023, 'Regulating for gender equality in the Australian Public Service: Extending Dicken's tripod of regulation', Journal of Industrial Relations, 65, pp. 1 - 23,

Williamson S; Colley L; Huybers T; Tani M; Tani Bertuol M, 2023, 'Public servants working from home during the pandemic: Who gained and who lost?', Australian Journal of Public Administration, 83, pp. 1 - 20,

Williamson S; Pearce A; Connor J; Weeratunga V; Dickinson H, 2022, 'The future of working from home in the public sector: What does the evidence tell us?', Australian Journal of Public Administration, 81, pp. 1 - 9,

Williamson S; Pearce A, 2022, 'COVID-normal workplaces: Should working from home be a ‘collective flexibility’?', Journal of Industrial Relations, 64, pp. 1-13 - 1-13,

Williamson S; Colley L; Foley M, 2022, 'Public servants working from home: Exploring managers’ changing allowance decisions in a COVID-19 context', Economic and Labour Relations Review, 33, pp. 37 - 55,

Wanninayake SD; O'Donnell M; Williamson S, 2022, 'Covid-19 and job demands and resources experienced by nurses in Sri Lanka', The Economic and Labour Relations Review, 33, pp. 1 - 17,

O'Donnell M; Williamson S; Johnson M; O'Donnell M, 2022, 'Introduction to the Themed collection: Public sector employment relations in turbulent times', The Economic and Labour Relations Review, 33, pp. 1 - 6,

Foley M; Cooper R; Colley L; Williamson S, 2021, 'Best person or best mix? How public sector managers understand the merit principle', Australian Journal of Public Administration, 81, pp. 401 - 418,

Wanninayake SDK; O’Donnell ME; Williamson S, 2021, 'Caring with a Forced Smile: Emotional Labour Among Private Hospital Nurses in Sri Lanka', South Asian Journal of Human Resources Management, 8, pp. 219 - 239,

Thorpe A; Williamson S, 2021, 'Trusted institutions: Expertise, gender, and legitimacy on planning panels', Australian Journal of Public Administration, 80, pp. 638 - 644,

Cortis N; Foley M; Williamson S, 2021, 'Change agents or defending the status quo? How senior leaders frame workplace gender equality', Gender, Work & Organization, 29, pp. 205 - 221,

Foley M; Williamson S, 2021, 'Women, work and industrial relations in Australia in 2020', Journal of Industrial Relations, 63, pp. 321 - 337,

Colley L; Williamson S; Foley M, 2020, 'Understanding, ownership, or resistance: Explaining persistent gender inequality in public services', Gender, Work and Organization, 28, pp. 1 - 17,

Williamson S; Colley L; Hanna-Osborne S, 2020, 'Will working from home become the ‘new normal’ in the public sector?', Australian Journal of Public Administration, 79, pp. 1 - 7,

Foley M; Williamson S; Mosseri S, 2020, 'Women, Work and Industrial Relations in Australia in 2019', Journal of Industrial Relations, 62, pp. 365 - 379,

Williamson S; Carson L; Foley M, 2020, 'Representations of New Public Management in Australian Public Service gender equality policies', Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, 39, pp. 235 - 250,

Colley L; Williamson S, 2019, 'The Review of the APS: Is gender really on anyone's agenda?', Australian Journal of Public Administration, 78, pp. 651 - 656,

Williamson S, 2019, 'Backlash, gender fatigue and organisational change: AIRAANZ 2019 presidential address', Labour & Industry: A journal of the social and economic relations of work, 30, pp. 1 - 11,

Williamson S; Colley L; Foley M, 2019, 'Human resource devolution, decoupling and incoherence: how line managers manage gender equality reforms', Public Management Review, 22, pp. 1 - 1,

O'Donnell M; Williamson S; Adikaram A; Foley M, 2019, 'Human Resource Managers as Liaisons Between Firms and Labour', Employee Relations, 41, pp. 1224 - 1237,

Milner S; Pochic S; Scheele A; Williamson S, 2019, 'Challenging Gender Pay Gaps: Organizational and regulatory strategies', Gender, Work and Organization, 26, pp. 593 - 598,

Williamson S; Foley M; Cartwright N, 2019, 'Women, work and industrial relations in Australia in 2018', The Journal of Industrial Relations, 61, pp. 1 - 15,

Foley M; Williamson S, 2018, 'Does anonymising job applications reduce gender bias?: Understanding managers’ perspectives', Gender in Management, 33, pp. 623 - 635,

Williamson S; Colley L, 2018, 'Gender in the Australian Public Service: Doing, Undoing, Redoing or Done?', Australian Journal of Public Administration, 77, pp. 1 - 14,

Foley M; Williamson S, 2018, 'Managerial Perspectives on Implicit Bias, Affirmative Action, and Merit', Public Administration Review, 79, pp. 35 - 45,

Williamson S; Foley M, 2018, 'Unconscious Bias Training: The ‘Silver Bullet’ for Gender Equity?', Australian Journal of Public Administration, 00, pp. 1 - 5,

Foley M; Baird M; Cooper R; Williamson S, 2018, 'Is independence really an opportunity? The experience of entrepreneur-mothers', Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 25, pp. 313 - 329,

Baines D; Charlesworth S; Daly T; Williamson S, 2017, 'The work of care: tensions, contradictions and promising practices', Labour and Industry, 27, pp. 257 - 260,

Williamson S; O'Donnell M; Roles C, 2016, 'Bargaining over Australian public service cuts: Do forcing strategies work?', The Economic and Labour Relations Review, 27, pp. 11 - 28,

Williamson S, 2015, 'A case study of regulatory confusion: Paid parental leave and public servants', Economic and Labour Relations Review, 26, pp. 430 - 447,

Williamson S; Cooper R; Baird M, 2015, 'Job-sharing among teachers: Positive, negative (and unintended) consequences', Economic and Labour Relations Review, 26, pp. 448 - 464,

Williamson S, 2015, 'Can Collective Enterprise Bargaining Affect the Psychological Contract? An analysis of the 2011 Australian Public Service negotiations', Australian Bulletin of Labour, 41, pp. 1 - 19,

Williamson S; O'Donnell M; Shingles J, 2015, 'Unintended Consequences: Implications of the 2014 Australian Defence Force Pay Deal', Australian Journal of Public Administration, 74, pp. 354 - 358,

Williamson S; Williamson S; Baird M, 2014, 'Gender equality bargaining: Developing theory and practice', Journal of Industrial Relations, 56, pp. 155 - 169,

Baird M; Williamson S; Heron A, 2012, 'Women, Work and Policy Settings in Australia in 2011', Journal of Industrial Relations, 54, pp. 326 - 343,

Williamson S, 2012, 'Gendering the Bricks and Mortar: Building an Opportunity Structure for Equality Bargaining', Journal of Industrial Relations, 54, pp. 147 - 161,

Baird M; Williamson S, 2011, 'Women, work and industrial relations in 2010', Journal of Industrial Relations, 53, pp. 337 - 352,

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