Select Publications

Journal articles

Frandsen S; Gotsi M; Johnston A; Whittle A; Frenkel SJ; Spicer A, 2018, 'Faculty Responses to Business-School Branding: A Discursive Approach', European Journal of Marketing, 52, pp. 1128 - 1153,

Zhang Y; Frenkel SJ, 2018, 'Chinese Workers’ Responses To Justice: Quitting, Collective Action Or Both', Journal of Chinese Human Resource Management

Schuessler E; Frenkel SJ; Wright CW, 2018, 'FOCUSING EVENTS AND CHANGES IN THE GOVERNANCE OF LABOR STANDARDS IN AUSTRALIAN AND GERMAN GARMENT SUPPLY CHAINS', Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 72, pp. 552 - 579,

Guan X; Frenkel S, 2018, 'How perceptions of training impact employee performance: Evidence from two Chinese manufacturing firms', Personnel Review,

Yue Y; Nguyen H; Frenkel SJ, 2018, 'Momentary Effects of Customer Incivility and Effectiveness of Emotion-Focused Coping Strategies', Academy of Management Proceedings, 2018, pp. 14646 - 14646,

Guan X; Frenkel SJ, 2017, 'How HR Practice, Work Engagement and Job Crafting Influence Employee Performance', Academy of Management Proceedings, 2017, pp. 10547 - 10547,

Guan X; Frenkel SJ, 2017, 'How supervisor-subordinate guanxi impacts subordinate performance', Academy of Management Proceedings, 2017, pp. 10505 - 10505,

Frenkel SJ, 2016, 'How Organizational Support, Career Expectations and two dimensions of Organizational Justice explain Discretionary Work Effort', Human Performance,

Frenkel SJ; Bednall T, 2016, 'How training and promotion opportunities, career expectations, and two dimensions of organizational justice explain discretionary work effort', Human Performance, 29, pp. 16 - 32,

Zhang H; Li X; Frenkel SJ, 2016, '"HR Practices, Self-identity and Employee Turnover: An Explanation from Social Identity Theory"', Academy of Management Proceedings, 2016, pp. 14836 - 14836,

Helen Shipton H; Sanders K; Atkinson C; Frenkel S, 2016, 'Sense-giving in health care: the relationship between the HR roles of line managers and employee commitment', Human Resource Management Journal, 26, pp. 29 - 45,

Frenkel SJ; Li X, 2016, 'Where hukou status matters: analysing the linkage between supervisor perceptions of HR practices and employee work engagement', International Journal of Human Resource Management,

Frenkel SJ; Yu C, 2015, 'Chinese migrants’ work experience and city identification: Challenging the underclass thesis', Human Relations, 68, pp. 261 - 285,

Frenkel S, 2014, 'Understanding Management in China: past, present and future', JOURNAL OF GENERAL MANAGEMENT, 40, pp. 87 - 90,

Frenkel SJ, 2013, 'Labor, Economy, and Society', ORGANIZATION STUDIES, 34, pp. 1227 - 1229,

Frenkel SJ; Yu C, 2013, 'Explaining Task Performance and Creativity from Perceived Organizational Support Theory: Which Mechanisms Are More Important?', Journal of organizational behavior,

Yu C; Frenkel SJ, 2012, 'Employee regulatory focus as predictors and moderators in explaining motivational states', Academy of Management Proceedings, 2012, pp. 10679 - 10679,

Yu C; Frenkel SJ, 2012, 'Explaining Task Performance and Creativity From Perceived Organizational Support Theory', Academy of Management Proceedings, 2012, pp. 11226 - 11226,

Frenkel SJ; Sanders K; Li X, 2012, 'How leader–member exchange, work engagement and HRM consistency explain Chinese luxury hotel employees’ job performance', International Journal of Hospitality Management, 31, pp. 1059 - 1066,

Sanders K; Frenkel S, 2011, 'HR-line management relations: Characteristics and effects', International Journal of Human Resource Management, 22, pp. 1611 - 1617,

Frenkel SJ; Yu C, 2011, 'Managing Coworker Assistance Through Organizational Identification', Human Performance, 24, pp. 387 - 404,

Goodwin RE; Groth M; Frenkel SJ, 2011, 'Relationships between emotional labor, job performance, and turnover', Journal of Vocational Behavior, 79, pp. 538 - 548,

Frenkel SJ; Lee B, 2010, 'Do High Performance Work Practices Work in South Korea?', Industrial Relations Journal, 41, pp. 479 - 504,

Frenkel SJ; Wood S; Holman D; S rensen O, 2009, 'Work Design Variation and Outcomes in Call Centres: Strategic Choice and Institutional Explanations', Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 62, pp. 510 - 531,

Frenkel SJ; Sanders K, 2007, 'Explaining Variations in Co-worker Assistance in Organizations', Organization Studies, 28, pp. 797 - 823,

Frenkel SJ; Sanders K, 2007, 'Explaining variations in co-worker assistance in organizations', ORGANIZATION STUDIES, 28, pp. 797 - 823,

Finegold D; Frenkel SJ, 2006, 'Managing people where people really matter: The management of human resources in biotech companies', International Jurnal of Human Resource Management, 17, pp. 1 - 24,

Weakliem DL; Frenkel SJ, 2006, 'Morale and workplace performance', Work and Occupations, 33, pp. 335 - 361,

Orlitzky M; Frenkel SJ, 2005, 'Alternative pathways to high-performance workplaces', International Journal of Human Resource Management, 16, pp. 1325 - 1348,

Frenkel SJ; Orlitzky M, 2005, 'Organizational trustworthiness and workplace labor productivity: Testing a new theory', Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 43, pp. 34 - 51,

Frenkel SJ; Kim S, 2004, 'Corporate codes of labour practice and employment relations in sports shoe contractor factories in South Korea', Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 42, pp. 6 - 31,

Lee B; Frenkel SJ, 2004, 'Divided workers: social relations between contract and regular workers in a Korean auto company', Work Employment and Society, 18, pp. 507 - 530,

Frenkel SJ; Scott D, 2003, 'Code compliance at adidas:The human factor', China Rights Forum, 1, pp. 53 - 60

Frenkel SJ, 2003, 'The embedded character of workplace relations', Work and Occupations, 30, pp. 135 - 153,

Frenkel SJ, 2002, 'The limits of convergence: Globalization and organizational change in Argentina, South Korea, and Spain', BRITISH JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS, 40, pp. 597 - 599,

Frenkel SJ; Scott D, 2002, 'Compliance, collaboration, and codes of labor practice: The ADIDAS connection', California Management Review, 45, pp. 29 - 49,

Frenkel SJ; Kuruvilla S, 2002, 'Logics of action, globalization and changing employment relations in China, India, Malaysia and the Philippines', Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 55, pp. 387 - 412,

Frenkel S; Kuruvilla S, 2002, 'Logics of action, globalization, and changing employment relations in China, India, Malaysia, and the Philippines', INDUSTRIAL & LABOR RELATIONS REVIEW, 55, pp. 387 - 412,

May TY; Korczynski M; Frenkel SJ, 2002, 'Organizational and occupational commitment: Knowledge workers in large corporations', Journal of Management Studies, 39, pp. 775 - 801,

Frenkel SJ, 2002, 'Workplace relations: Past, present and Future', Australian Journal of Management, 27, pp. 149 - 159,

Kuruvilla S; Frenkel SJ, 2001, 'Globalisation and workplace relations in electronics industry in India, China, Malaysia and the Philippines', Indian Journal of Labour Economics, 44, pp. 429 - 445,

Frenkel SJ, 2001, 'Globalization, athletic footwear commodity chains and employment relations in China', Organization Studies, 22, pp. 531 - 562,

Morishima M; Frenkel SJ; Korczynski M; Shire KA; Tam M, 2001, 'On the Front Line: Organization of Work in the Information Economy', Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 54, pp. 898 - 898,

Wharton AS; Frenkel SJ; Korczynski M; Shire KA; Tam M, 2001, 'On the Front Line: Organization of Work in the Information Economy', Contemporary Sociology, 30, pp. 150 - 150,

Korczynski M; Shire K; Frenkel S; Tam M, 2000, 'Service work in consumer capitalism: Customers, control and contradictions', Work, Employment and Society, 14, pp. 669 - 687,

Sergeant A; Frenkel S, 2000, 'When do customer contact employees satisfy customers?', Journal of Service Research, 3, pp. 18 - 34,

Frenkel SJ, 2000, 'Introduction: service work and its implications for HRM', INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT, 11, pp. 469 - 476,

Korczynski M; Shire K; Frenkel S; Tam M, 2000, 'Service Work in Consumer Capitalism: Customers, Control and Contradictions', Work, Employment and Society, 14, pp. 669 - 687,

Frenkel SJ; Kuruvilla S, 1999, 'Union-member relations and satisfaction with unions in South Korea', British Journal of Industrial Relations, 37, pp. 559 - 575,

Frenkel SJ; Kuruvilla S, 1999, 'Union-member relations and satisfaction with unions in South Korea', BRITISH JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS, 37, pp. 559 - 575

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