
My Expertise

software studies, technologies and embodiment, multichannel and interactive installation work, creative AI, machine learning in art and culture, art, politics and new media, process philosophy.

Fields of Research (FoR)

Communication technology and digital media studies, Digital and electronic media art, Sociology and social studies of science and technology, Art history, theory and criticism not elsewhere classified, Cultural theory

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Anna Munster has been at UNSW Art and Design since 2001 on a full-time tenured basis. She is an active researcher with two sole published books: An Aesthesia of Networks (MIT Press, 2013), and  Materializing New Media  (Dartmouth College Press 2006). She also edited Immediation I and II ( OHP Press 2019). Her current research interests are: statistical visuality and radical empiricism, the politics and aesthetics of machine...view more


UNSW Art and Design


+61 2 8936 0741
+61 2 8936 0615