Select Publications


Murphie A; Massumi B; Munster A; Bertelsen L; Manning E; Bordeleau E; Rousell C; Brunner C; Farrell C; Topp M; Jeffries E; Fritsch E; Fritsch J; Kellokumpu S; Plumb L; Scliar B; Gabriels J; Kolozsvari C; Morales M; Sempert M; Patterson T; Roumagnac V; Mason J; Trento F; Fogliano A; Kuipers H; Goodman A; Lee M, 2016, The Go-To How-To Guide to Anarchiving, Murphie AK, (ed.), The Senselab, Montréal,

Munster AM, 2013, An Aesthesia of Networks. Conjunctive Experience in Art and Technology, MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachussets,

Munster AM, 2011, Nerves of Perception, Munster AM, (ed.), Open Humanities Press,

Munster AM, 2006, Materializing New Media: Embodiment in Information Aesthetics, University Press of New England, Hanover and London

Book Chapters

Munster A; Barker M, 2024, 'Ecologies of Duration: a visual essay on thinking-imaging novel space-times with drones', in Pong B; Richardson M (ed.), Drone Aesthetics: War, Culture, Ecology, Open Humanities Press, pp. 244 - 253,

Munster A; Rossiter N, 2023, 'Performing the Automated Image', in Choreomata: Performance and Performativity after AI, pp. 47 - 73,

Munster A; Barker M, 2022, 'Moving Data: Visualizing Human and Nonhuman Movement Artistically', in Gwilt I (ed.), Making Data Materializing Digital Information, Bloomsbury Publishing,

Munster A, 2021, '‘Disfluent Interfaces. Affective Conversations: Differencing Humans and Machines in AI’', in Stavning Thomsen BM; Kofoed J; Fritsch J (ed.), Affects, Interfaces, Events, Imbricate Press, Vancouver, pp. 39 - 58,

Munster A; Mackenzie A, 2021, 'Oscilloscopes, slide-rules, and nematodes Toward heterogenetic perception in/of AI', in Lushetich N; Campbell I (ed.), Distributed Perception Resonances and Axiologies, Taylor and Francis, UK, pp. 64 - 81,

Munster A, 2019, 'Signaletic Immediations: Sensing New Media as Relational Events and Ecologies', in Manning E; Munster A; Stavning Thomsen BM (ed.), Immediation 1, Open Humanities Press, pp. 228 - 239,

Munster AM, 2018, 'Conjunctive and Disjunctive Networks: Affects, Technics, and Arts in the Experience of Relation', in Sayers J (ed.), The Routledge Companion to Media Studies and Digital Humanities, Routledge, New York and London, pp. 274 - 282,

Munster AM, 2017, 'Distended Nervous System: Networked Media and Its Neurological Turns', in Neidich W (ed.), The Psychopathologies of Cognitive Capitalism: Part Three, Archive Books, Berlin, Germany, pp. 187 - 213,

Munster AM; Barker M, 2016, 'The mutable face', in Hinkson M (ed.), Imaging Identity: Media, memory and portraiture in the digital age, ANU Press, Canberra, pp. 101 - 116,

Munster AM, 2014, '“Text and Walk without Fear”: Apps and the Experience of Transparency', in Miller PD; Matviyenko S (ed.), The Imaginary App, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, pp. 111 - 124,

Munster A, 2014, 'Biotechnical art and the ethico-aesthetic paradigm', in Context Providers: Conditions of Meaning in Media Arts, pp. 243 - 258

Munster AM, 2014, 'Materiality', in Ryan M-L; Emerson L; Robertson B (ed.), The Johns Hopkins Guide to Digital Media, Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, USA, pp. 327 - 330,

Munster AM, 2014, 'Entanglements of Brain, Technics and Experience', in Skinner S (ed.), Torque#1, Link Publications, Link Arts Center, Brescia Italy, pp. 25 - 31,

Munster AM, 2012, 'Digital Embodiment/Digital Materiality', in Wiedemann C; Zehle S (ed.), Depletion Design: A Glossary of Network Ecologies, INC Publications, Amsterdam, pp. 35 - 40

Munster AM, 2010, 'Biotechnical Art and the Ethico-Aesthetic paradigm', in Lovejoy M; Paul C; Vesna V (ed.), Context Providers Conditions of Meaning in Media Arts, Intellect Ltd, Chicago, pp. 245 - 259

Munster AM, 2008, '‘A vizuális információ tömörítése és felerősítése a Flash esztétikában’ (Compression and the intensification of information in Flash Aesthetics)', in Gerencsér P (ed.), Új, média, művészet. (New, media, art), Universitas Szeged Kiadó, Szeged, Hungary, pp. 159 - 176

Munster AM, 2008, 'Bioaesthetics as Bioethics', in Pandolowski M (ed.), Art in the Biotech Era, Experimental Art Foundation Inc., Adelaide, pp. 14 - 21

Munster AM, 2008, 'Outage, Seepage, Blockage: Art and Cultural Practice in the Network', in Butt D; Bywater J; Paul N (ed.), Place: Local Knowledge and New Media Practice, Cambridge Scholars Press, Cambridge, pp. 78 - 92

Munster AM, 2008, 'Welcome to Google Earth', in Kroker A; Kroker M (ed.), Critical Digital Studies, University of Toronto Press, Toronto, pp. 397 - 416

Munster AM, 2006, 'Media Art Zones - But Where`s The Media?', in Keenan and Bullock (ed.), Zones of Contact: A Critical Reader, Artspace, Sydney, pp. 55 - 60

Munster AM, 2004, 'Digitality: Approximate Aesthetics', in Kroker A; Kroker M (ed.), Life In The Wires: The CTheory Reader, NWP / CTheory Books, Victoria, Canada, pp. 415 - 429

Munster AM, 2002, 'Returns of The Deminishing Body', in Angerer ML; Peters K; Soufoulis Z (ed.), Future Bodies: Visualising the Body in Science and Fiction, Springer Verlag, Vienna, New York, pp. 143 - 161

Munster AM, 2001, '‘Net Affects: Responding to Shock on Internet Time’', in Brown H; Merrik H; Rossiter N; Teh D; Wilson M (ed.), Politics of a Digital Present: An Inventory of Australian Net Culture, Criticism and Theory, Melbourne, pp. 9 - 17

Munster AM, 2001, 'New Media as Old Media: Strategies of Location and Dislocation', in Shaw J; Favero DD (ed.), (dis)LOCATIONS, ZKM Publications, Karlsruhe, Germany, pp. 22 - 31

Edited Books

Munster A; Manning E; Stavning Thomsen BM, (eds.), 2019, Immediation I, Open Humanities Press, Online,

Munster A; Manning E; Stavning Thomsen BM, (eds.), 2019, Immediation II, Open Humanities Press, online,

Journal articles

Horn Z; Magee L; Munster A, 2024, 'Lost in the logistical funhouse: speculative design as synthetic media enterprise', AI and Society, pp. 1 - 14,

Munster A; Magee L; Horn Z, 2023, 'Lost in the Logistical Funhouse: Speculative Design as Synthetic Media Enterprise',,

Richardson M; Munster A, 2023, 'Pluralising the Planetary: The Radical Incompleteness of Machinic Envisioning', Media+Environment, 5,

Tan K; Munster A; Mackenzie A, 2021, 'Images of the arXiv: Reconfiguring large scientific image datasets', Journal of Cultural Analytics, 6, pp. 117 - 157,

MacKenzie A; Munster A, 2019, 'Platform Seeing: Image Ensembles and Their Invisualities', Theory, Culture and Society, 36, pp. 3 - 22,

Arguel A; Lockyer L; Lipp OV; Lodge JM; Kennedy G, 2017, 'Inside Out: Detecting Learners' Confusion to Improve Interactive Digital Learning Environments', JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL COMPUTING RESEARCH, 55, pp. 526 - 551,

Munster AM, 2016, 'Into 'inter: the between in interacting', Rivista di Estetica, 63, pp. 56 - 67,

Munster AM, 2014, 'Transversal Interference', Leonardo Electronic Almanac, 20, pp. 146 - 157,

Munster AM, 2014, 'Transmateriality: Toward an Energetics of Signal in Contemporary Mediatic Assemblages', Cultural Studies Review, 20, pp. 150 - 167,

Münster A, 2013, 'Transnational Islamic movements', Transformation, 30, pp. 117 - 128,

Munster AM, 2012, '‘Pushing at Life’s Pulls. A Response to the Vital Politics of Experience in Escape Routes’', Rethinking Marxism, 24, pp. 436 - 441

Barker MF; Munster AM, 2012, 'HokusPokus', Leonardo Electronic Almanac, 18, pp. 52 - 58

Munster A, 2011, 'After the Digital Divide? German Aesthetic Theory in the Age of New Media', GERMAN QUARTERLY, 84, pp. 397 - 398,

Munster AM, 2011, 'From a Biopolitical ‘Will to Life’ to a Noopolitical Ethos of Death in the Aesthetics of Digital Code', Theory Culture and Society, 28, pp. 67 - 90,

Munster AM, 2011, 'Nerves of Data: the Neurological Turn in/against Networked Media’?', Computational Culture: A Journal of Software Studies, 1, pp. n/a - n/a,

Munster AM, 2011, 'Review of Koepnick, Lutz, and Erin McGlothlin, eds. After the Digital Divide? German Aesthetic Theory in the Age of New Media in', German Quarterly, 84, pp. 377 - 378

Munster AM, 2010, '‘Bios and Baroque: Life in the folds of 17th-century Artifice and Contemporary Bioart’', Ars Aeterna, pp. 150 - 159

Munster AM, 2010, 'Syn-aesthetics – Total Artwork or Difference Engine? Thinking Synthesis in Digital Audiovisuality', Inflexions, 4, pp.

Munster AM; Murphie AK, 2009, 'Editorial: Web 2.0: Before, during and after the event', Fibreculture Journal,

Munster AM, 2009, 'The Henson photographs and the `network condition`', Continuum : Journal of Media and Cultural Studies, 23, pp. 3 - 12,

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