Journal articles
Lamoureux A-A; Fisher MJ; Lemelle L; Pfaff E; Amir-Yazdani P; Kramm C; De Wilde B; Kazanowska B; Hutter C; Pfister SM; Sturm D; Jones DTW; Orbach D; Pierron G; Raskin S; Drilon A; Diamond EL; Harada G; Zapotocky M; Zamecnik J; Krskova L; Ellezam B; Weil AG; Venne D; Barritault M; Leblond P; Coltin H; Hammad R; Tabori U; Hawkins C; Hansford JR; Meyran D; Erker C; McFadden K; Sato M; Gottardo NG; Dholaria H; Nørøxe DS; Goto H; Ziegler DS; Lin FY; Parsons DW; Lindsay H; Wong T-T; Liu Y-L; Wu K-S; Franson AT; Hwang E; Aguilar-Bonilla A; Cheng S; Cacciotti C; Massimino M; Schiavello E; Wood P; Hoffman LM; Cappellano A; Lassaletta A; Van Damme A; Llort A; Gerber NU; Spalato Ceruso M; Bendel AE; Skrypek M; Hamideh D; Mushtaq N; Walter A; Jabado N; Alsahlawi A; Farmer J-P; Coleman C; Mueller S; Mazewski C; Aguilera D; Robison NJ; O'Halloran K; Abbou S; Berlanga P; Geoerger B; Øra I; Moertel CL; Razis ED; Vernadou A; Ducray F; Bronnimann C; Seizeur R; Clarke M; Resnick AC; Alves M; Jones C; Doz F; Laetsch TW; Perreault S, 2025, 'Clinical Characteristics and Outcomes of Central Nervous System Tumors Harboring NTRK Gene Fusions.', Clin Cancer Res, 31, pp. 561 - 572,
Nysom K; Kilburn LB; Leary SES; Landi DB; de Vos-Kerkhof E; Perreault S; Witt O; Ziegler DS; Hernáiz Driever P; Franson AT; Baxter PA; Whipple NS; Kline C; Segal D; Jabado N; Bailey S; McCowage G; Hansford JR; Khuong-Quang D-A; Gottardo NG; Hassall T; Han JW; Yalon Oren M; Chi SN; Qiu J; Da Costa D; Govinda Raju S; Manley P; Hargrave D, 2024, 'Radiographic and visual response to the type II RAF inhibitor tovorafenib in children with relapsed/refractory optic pathway glioma in the FIREFLY-1 trial.', Neuro Oncol,
Hansford JR; Bouche G; Ramaswamy V; Jabado N; Fonseca A; Moloney S; Gottardo NG; Robinson GW; Gajjar A; Tinkle CL; Fisher PG; Foreman N; Ashley DM; Ziegler DS; Eisenstat DD; Massimino M; Witt O; Bartels U; Rutkowski S; Hargrave D; Fouladi M; Pfister SM; Bouffet E, 2024, 'Comments and Controversies in Oncology: The Tribulations of Trials Developing ONC201', Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, 42, pp. 4126 - 4129,
Haeusler GM; Dashti SG; James F; Babl FE; Borland ML; Clark JE; Padhye B; Tapp H; Alvaro F; Raj TS; Walwyn T; Ziegler DS; Super L; Hall L; Yeoh DK; Butters C; McMullan B; Hanna DMT; De Abreu Lourenco R; Slavin MA; Phillips B; Thursky KA, 2024, 'Impact of time to antibiotics on clinical outcome in paediatric febrile neutropenia: a target trial emulation of 1685 episodes', The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, 53,
van Tilburg CM; Kilburn LB; Perreault S; Schmidt R; Azizi AA; Cruz-Martínez O; Zápotocký M; Scheinemann K; Meeteren AYNSV; Sehested A; Opocher E; Driever PH; Avula S; Ziegler DS; Capper D; Koch A; Sahm F; Qiu J; Tsao LP; Blackman SC; Manley P; Milde T; Witt R; Jones DTW; Hargrave D; Witt O, 2024, 'LOGGIC/FIREFLY-2: a phase 3, randomized trial of tovorafenib vs. chemotherapy in pediatric and young adult patients with newly diagnosed low-grade glioma harboring an activating RAF alteration', BMC Cancer, 24,
Staunton J; Ajuyah P; Harris A; Mayoh C; Wong M; Rumford M; Sullivan PJ; Ekert PG; Fuentes-Bolanos N; Cowley MJ; Lau LMS; Ziegler DS; Barahona P; Manoharan N, 2024, 'Novel paediatric case of a spinal high-grade astrocytoma with piloid features in a patient with Noonan Syndrome', npj Precision Oncology, 8,
Perreault S; Khuong-Quang D-A; Kilburn LB; Landi DB; Leary SES; Bailey S; Larouche V; Nysom K; Driever PH; Baxter PA; Witt O; Oren MY; Abdelbaki MS; Kline C; Whipple NS; Ziegler DS; van der Lugt J; Hassall TE; Gerber NU; Segal D; Hansford JR; McCowage G; Kang HJ; Han JW; Hargrave D; Franson AT; Toledano H; Jabado N; Gottardo NG; Chi SN; Oren L; Tan EEK; Mueller S; Hoke ME; Kim Y; Walter A; Da Costa D; Manley P; Waanders AJ, 2024, 'CTNI-09. TYPE II RAF INHIBITOR TOVORAFENIB IN RELAPSED/REFRACTORY (R/R) PEDIATRIC LOW-GRADE GLIOMA (PLGG): RESULTS FROM PATIENTS ON A DRUG HOLIDAY (DH) IN THE PHASE 2 FIREFLY-1 TRIAL', Neuro-Oncology, 26, pp. viii96 - viii97,
Peipert JD; Baxter PA; Yu S; Oestreicher N; Zelt S; Driever PH; Bailey S; McCowage G; Ziegler DS; Witt O; Kang HJ; Hassall TE; Han JW; Franson AT; Oren MY; Toledano H; Larouche V; Abdelbaki MS; Jabado N; Gottardo NG; Gerber NU; Whipple NS; Segal D; Chi SN; Oren L; Tan EEK; Mueller S; Kilburn LB; Nysom K; Khuong-Quang D-A; Landi DB; van der Lugt J; Leary SES; Perreault S; Waanders AJ; Hargrave D; Kline C; McKenna C; Manley P; Raju SG; Hansford JR, 2024, 'NCOG-05. HEALTH-RELATED QUALITY OF LIFE (HRQOL) IN THE PHASE 2 FIREFLY-1 (PNOC026) TRIAL OF THE TYPE II RAF INHIBITOR TOVORAFENIB IN RELAPSED/REFRACTORY (R/R) PEDIATRIC LOW-GRADE GLIOMA (PLGG)', Neuro-Oncology, 26, pp. viii224 - viii225,
Mazariego C; Daly R; McGill B; Kelada L; McKay S; Hetherington K; Ziegler DS; Wakefield CE; Taylor N, 2024, 'Barriers to access of precision guided therapies for children with high-risk cancer', Pediatric Blood and Cancer, 71,
Kerras S; Hetherington K; Toofanian S; Manoharan N; Ziegler DS; Mateos MK, 2024, 'Second Opinion Seeking in Paediatric Oncology: Motivations and Predictors', Psycho-Oncology, 33,
Revon-Rivière G; Hetherington K; Siddiqi A; Wong L; Mitchell LG; Connolly D; Morgenstern D; Ziegler DS; Cohen-Gogo S, 2024, 'Abstract B066: Bridging patient reported outcomes and CTCAE to improve supportive care and trial design: The PROptimise initiative', Cancer Research, 84, pp. B066 - B066,
Jose J; Choi P; Tsoli M; Gopalakrishnan A; Lee C; Park TII; Ziegler D; Denny W, 2024, 'AB005. Development of tumour specific therapy for treatment of diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma (DIPG)', Chinese clinical oncology, 13, pp. AB005,
Lau LMS; Khuong-Quang DA; Mayoh C; Wong M; Barahona P; Ajuyah P; Senapati A; Nagabushan S; Sherstyuk A; Altekoester AK; Fuentes-Bolanos NA; Yeung V; Sullivan A; Omer N; Diamond Y; Jessop S; Battaglia L; Zhukova N; Cui L; Lin A; Gifford AJ; Fleuren EDG; Dalla-Pozza L; Moore AS; Khaw SL; Eisenstat DD; Gottardo NG; Wood PJ; Tapp H; Alvaro F; McCowage G; Nicholls W; Hansford JR; Manoharan N; Kotecha RS; Mateos MK; Lock RB; Tyrrell V; Haber M; Trahair TN; Cowley MJ; Ekert PG; Marshall GM; Ziegler DS, 2024, 'Precision-guided treatment in high-risk pediatric cancers', Nature Medicine, 30, pp. 1913 - 1922,
Wang YZM; Kaj-Carbaidwala B; Lane A; Agarwal S; Beier F; Bertuch A; Borovsky KA; Brennan SK; Calado RT; Catto LFB; Dufour C; Ebens CL; Fioredda F; Giri N; Gloude N; Goldman F; Hertel PM; Himes R; Keel SB; Koura DT; Kratz CP; Kulkarni S; Liou I; Nakano TA; Nastasio S; Niewisch MR; Penrice DD; Sasa GS; Savage SA; Simonetto DA; Ziegler DS; Miethke AG; Myers KC, 2024, 'Liver disease and transplantation in telomere biology disorders: An international multicenter cohort', Hepatology Communications, 8, pp. e0462,
Kline C; Waanders AJ; Ziegler DS; Kilburn LB; Nysom K; van der Lugt J; Hassall TE; Gerber NU; Segal D; Larouche V; Khuong-Quang D-A; Hansford JR; Leary SES; Driever PH; Bailey S; Perreault S; McCowage G; Witt O; Baxter PA; Kang HJ; Han JW; Hargrave D; Franson AT; Oren MY; Toledano H; Abdelbaki MS; Jabado N; Gottardo NG; Whipple NS; Chi SN; Oren L; Tan EEK; Mueller S; Wright KD; Blackman SC; Qiu J; Podesta D; Walter A; Da Costa D; Manley P; McLeod L; Landi DB, 2024, 'LGG-40. TYPE II RAF INHIBITOR TOVORAFENIB IN RELAPSED/REFRACTORY PEDIATRIC LOW-GRADE GLIOMA (PLGG): REVERSIBLE DECREASES IN GROWTH VELOCITY IN THE PHASE 2 FIREFLY-1 TRIAL', Neuro-Oncology, 26,
Valvi S; Manoharan N; Mateos MK; Hassall TEG; Ziegler DS; McCowage GB; Dun MD; Eisenstat DD; Gottardo NG; Hansford JR, 2024, 'Management of patients with diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma in Australia and New Zealand: Australian and New Zealand Children's Haematology/Oncology Group position statement', Medical Journal of Australia, 220, pp. 533 - 538,
Kelada L; Robertson EG; McKay S; McGill BC; Daly R; Mazariego C; Taylor N; Tyedmers E; Armitage N; Evans HE; Wakefield CE; Ziegler DS, 2024, 'Communicating with families of young people with hard-to-treat cancers: Healthcare professionals’ perspectives on challenges, skills, and training', Palliative and Supportive Care, 22, pp. 539 - 545,
Robertson EG; Hetherington K; Daly R; Donoghoe MW; Handelsman N; Ziegler DS; Wakefield CE, 2024, 'The feasibility and acceptability of collecting psychosocial outcome measures embedded within a precision medicine trial for childhood cancer', Cancer Medicine, 13,
Kline C; Waanders AJ; Ziegler DS; Kilburn LB; Nysom K; van der Lugt J; Hassall TE; Gerber NU; Segal D; Larouche V; Mueller S; Walter A; Manley P; McLeod L; Landi DB, 2024, 'Type II RAF inhibitor tovorafenib in relapsed/refractory pediatric low-grade glioma (pLGG): Reversible decreases in growth velocity in the phase 2 FIREFLY-1 trial.', Journal of Clinical Oncology, 42, pp. 10036 - 10036,
Evans L; Walker R; MacDiarmid J; Brahmbhatt H; Anazodo A; McCowage G; Gifford AJ; Kavallaris M; Trahair T; Ziegler DS, 2024, 'A Phase 1 Study of Intravenous EGFR-ErbituxEDVsMIT in Children with Solid or CNS Tumours Expressing Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor', Targeted Oncology, 19, pp. 333 - 342,
Kilburn LB; Khuong-Quang DA; Hansford JR; Landi D; van der Lugt J; Leary SES; Driever PH; Bailey S; Perreault S; McCowage G; Waanders AJ; Ziegler DS; Witt O; Baxter PA; Kang HJ; Hassall TE; Han JW; Hargrave D; Franson AT; Yalon Oren M; Toledano H; Larouche V; Kline C; Abdelbaki MS; Jabado N; Gottardo NG; Gerber NU; Whipple NS; Segal D; Chi SN; Oren L; Tan EEK; Mueller S; Cornelio I; McLeod L; Zhao X; Walter A; Da Costa D; Manley P; Blackman SC; Packer RJ; Nysom K, 2024, 'Author Correction: The type II RAF inhibitor tovorafenib in relapsed/refractory pediatric low-grade glioma: the phase 2 FIREFLY-1 trial, (Nature Medicine, (2023), 10.1038/s41591-023-02668-y)', Nature Medicine, 30, pp. 1500,
Ercan AB; Aronson M; Fernandez NR; Chang Y; Levine A; Liu ZA; Negm L; Edwards M; Bianchi V; Stengs L; Chung J; Al-Battashi A; Reschke A; Lion A; Ahmad A; Lassaletta A; Reddy AT; Al-Darraji AF; Shah AC; Van Damme A; Bendel A; Rashid A; Margol AS; Kelly BL; Pencheva B; Heald B; Lemieux-Anglin B; Crooks B; Koschmann C; Gilpin C; Porter CC; Gass D; Samuel D; Ziegler DS; Blumenthal DT; Kuo DJ; Hamideh D; Basel D; Khuong-Quang DA; Stearns D; Opocher E; Carceller F; Baris Feldman H; Toledano H; Winer I; Scheers I; Fedorakova I; Su JM; Vengoechea J; Sterba J; Knipstein J; Hansford JR; Gonzales-Santos JR; Bhatia K; Bielamowicz KJ; Minhas K; Nichols KE; Cole KA; Penney L; Hjort MA; Sabel M; Gil-da-Costa MJ; Murray MJ; Miller M; Blundell ML; Massimino M; Al-Hussaini M; Al-Jadiry MF; Comito MA; Osborn M; Link MP; Zapotocky M; Ghalibafian M; Shaheen N; Mushtaq N; Waespe N; Hijiya N; Fuentes-Bolanos N; Ahmad O; Chamdine O; Roy P; Pichurin PN; Nyman P; Pearlman R; Auer RC; Sukumaran RK; Kebudi R; Dvir R; Raphael R; Elhasid R; McGee RB; Chami R; Noss R; Tanaka R; Raskin S; Sen S; Lindhorst S; Perreault S; Caspi S; Riaz S, 2024, 'Clinical and biological landscape of constitutional mismatch-repair deficiency syndrome: an International Replication Repair Deficiency Consortium cohort study', The Lancet Oncology, 25, pp. 668 - 682,
Ziegler DS; Lehmann R; Eisenstat DD, 2024, 'A paradigm shift in how we treat pediatric low-grade glioma—Targeting the molecular drivers', Neuro-Oncology, 26, pp. 593 - 595,
Jessop SJ; Fuentos-Bolanos N; Mayoh C; Dolman MEM; Tax G; Wong-Erasmus M; Ajuyah P; Tyrell V; Marshall GM; Ziegler DS; Lau LMS, 2024, 'High throughput screening aids clinical decision-making in refractory acute myeloid leukaemia', Cancer Reports, 7,
Hogarty MD; Ziegler DS; Franson A; Chi YY; Tsao-Wei D; Liu K; Vemu R; Gerner EW; Bruckheimer E; Shamirian A; Hasenauer B; Balis FM; Groshen S; Norris MD; Haber M; Park JR; Matthay KK; Marachelian A, 2024, 'Phase 1 study of high-dose DFMO, celecoxib, cyclophosphamide and topotecan for patients with relapsed neuroblastoma: a New Approaches to Neuroblastoma Therapy trial', British Journal of Cancer, 130, pp. 788 - 797,
Duchatel RJ; Jackson ER; Parackal SG; Kiltschewskij D; Findlay IJ; Mannan A; Staudt DE; Thomas BC; Germon ZP; Laternser S; Kearney PS; Jamaluddin MFB; Douglas AM; Beitaki T; McEwen HP; Persson ML; Hocke EA; Jain V; Aksu M; Manning EE; Murray HC; Verrills NM; Sun CX; Daniel P; Vilain RE; Skerrett-Byrne DA; Nixon B; Hua S; de Bock CE; Colino-Sanguino Y; Valdes-Mora F; Tsoli M; Ziegler DS; Cairns MJ; Raabe EH; Vitanza NA; Hulleman E; Phoenix TN; Koschmann C; Alvaro F; Dayas CV; Tinkle CL; Wheeler H; Whittle JR; Eisenstat DD; Firestein R; Mueller S; Valvi S; Hansford JR; Ashley DM; Gregory SG; Kilburn LB; Nazarian J; Cain JE; Dun MD; Valdes Mora F, 2024, 'PI3K/mTOR is a therapeutically targetable genetic dependency in diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma', Journal of Clinical Investigation, 134, pp. e170329,
Ross SE; Holliday H; Tsoli M; Ziegler DS; Dinger ME, 2024, 'Abstract B015: RNA N6-methyladenosine (m6A) as a therapeutic target in Diffuse Midline Glioma (DMG)', Cancer Research, 84, pp. B015 - B015,
Khan A; Gopalakrishnan A; Liu J; Burns MR; Tsoli M; Ziegler DS, 2024, 'Abstract B047: Inhibition of the polyamine pathway: a novel therapeutic approach to treat aggressive pediatric medulloblastoma', Cancer Research, 84, pp. B047 - B047,
Das A; Fernandez NR; Levine A; Bianchi V; Stengs LK; Chung J; Negm L; Dimayacyac JR; Chang Y; Nobre L; Ercan AB; Sanchez-Ramirez S; Sudhaman S; Edwards M; Larouche V; Samuel D; Van Damme A; Gass D; Ziegler DS; Bielack SS; Koschmann C; Zelcer S; Yalon-Oren M; Campino GA; Sarosiek T; Nichols KE; Loret De Mola R; Bielamowicz K; Sabel M; Frojd CA; Wood MD; Glover JM; Lee YY; Vanan M; Adamski JK; Perreault S; Chamdine O; Hjort MA; Zapotocky M; Carceller F; Wright E; Fedorakova I; Lossos A; Tanaka R; Osborn M; Blumenthal DT; Aronson M; Bartels U; Huang A; Ramaswamy V; Malkin D; Shlien A; Villani A; Dirks PB; Pugh TJ; Getz G; Maruvka YE; Tsang DS; Ertl-Wagner B; Hawkins C; Bouffet E; Morgenstern DA; Tabori U, 2024, 'Combined Immunotherapy Improves Outcome for Replication-Repair-Deficient (RRD) High-Grade Glioma Failing Anti-PD-1 Monotherapy: A Report from the International RRD Consortium', Cancer Discovery, 14, pp. 259 - 273,
Hansford J; Valvi S; de Boer J; McCowage G; Govender D; Kirby M; Ziegler D; Manoharan N; Hassall T; Wainwright B; Alvaro F; Wood PJ; Eisenstat D; Quang DAK; Jenkins M; Dun M; Laughton SJ; Endersby R; Dodgshun A; Gottardo N, 2024, '“If you build it, they will come”: the convergence of funding, research and collaboration in paediatric brain cancer clinical trials', Medical Journal of Australia,
Mazariego CG; McKay S; Tyedmers E; Kelada L; McGill BC; Daly R; Wakefield CE; Ziegler DS; Taylor N; Mazariego-Jones C, 2024, 'Co-design of a paediatric oncology medicines database (ProCure) to support complex care provision for children with a hard-to-treat cancer', Frontiers in Medicine, 11, pp. 1332434,
Upton DH; Ziegler DS; Tsoli M, 2024, 'Development of Orthotopic Patient-Derived Xenograft Models of Pediatric Intracranial Tumors', , 2806, pp. 75 - 90,
Rouleau G; Wu K; Ramamoorthi K; Boxall C; Liu RH; Maloney S; Zelmer J; Scott T; Larsen D; Wijeysundera HC; Ziegler D; Bhatia S; Kishimoto V; Gray CS; Desveaux L, 2024, 'Mapping Theories, Models, and Frameworks to Evaluate Digital Health Interventions: Scoping Review', Journal of Medical Internet Research, 26,
Chen Y; Khan A; Katsinas C; Michniewicz F; Goldberg J; Franshaw L; Tsoli M; Ziegler DS, 2024, 'Preclinical evaluation of protein synthesis inhibitor omacetaxine in pediatric brainstem gliomas', Neuro-Oncology Advances, 6,
Kilburn LB; Khuong-Quang DA; Hansford JR; Landi D; van der Lugt J; Leary SES; Driever PH; Bailey S; Perreault S; McCowage G; Waanders AJ; Ziegler DS; Witt O; Baxter PA; Kang HJ; Hassall TE; Han JW; Hargrave D; Franson AT; Yalon Oren M; Toledano H; Larouche V; Kline C; Abdelbaki MS; Jabado N; Gottardo NG; Gerber NU; Whipple NS; Segal D; Chi SN; Oren L; Tan EEK; Mueller S; Cornelio I; McLeod L; Zhao X; Walter A; Da Costa D; Manley P; Blackman SC; Packer RJ; Nysom K, 2024, 'The type II RAF inhibitor tovorafenib in relapsed/refractory pediatric low-grade glioma: the phase 2 FIREFLY-1 trial', Nature Medicine, 30, pp. 207 - 217,
Hetherington K; Wakefield CE; McGill BC; Tucker KM; Donoghoe MW; Daly R; Hunter JD; Ballinger M; Fuentes-Bolanos NA; Ziegler DS, 2024, 'When genetics and pediatric cancer collide: Understanding and optimizing families' experiences', Neuro-Oncology Advances, 6,
Mayoh C; Gifford AJ; Terry R; Lau LMS; Wong M; Rao P; Shai-Hee T; Saletta F; Khuong-Quang DA; Qin V; Mateos MK; Meyran D; Miller KE; Yuksel A; Mould EVA; Bowen-James R; Govender D; Senapati A; Zhukova N; Omer N; Dholaria H; Alvaro F; Tapp H; Diamond Y; Pozza LD; Moore AS; Nicholls W; Gottardo NG; McCowage G; Hansford JR; Khaw SL; Wood PJ; Catchpoole D; Cottrell CE; Mardis ER; Marshall GM; Tyrrell V; Haber M; Ziegler DS; Vittorio O; Trapani JA; Cowley MJ; Neeson PJ; Ekert PG, 2023, 'A novel transcriptional signature identifies T-cell infiltration in high-risk paediatric cancer', Genome Medicine, 15,
Poursani EM; Mercatelli D; Raninga P; Bell JL; Saletta F; Kohane FV; Neumann DP; Zheng Y; Rouaen JRC; Jue TR; Michniewicz FT; Schadel P; Kasiou E; Tsoli M; Cirillo G; Waters S; Shai-Hee T; Cazzoli R; Brettle M; Slapetova I; Kasherman M; Whan R; Souza-Fonseca-Guimaraes F; Vahdat L; Ziegler D; Lock JG; Giorgi FM; Khanna KK; Vittorio O, 2023, 'Copper chelation suppresses epithelial-mesenchymal transition by inhibition of canonical and non-canonical TGF-β signaling pathways in cancer', Cell and Bioscience, 13, pp. 132,
Ajuyah P; Mayoh C; Lau LMS; Barahona P; Wong M; Chambers H; Valdes-Mora F; Senapati A; Gifford AJ; D’Arcy C; Hansford JR; Manoharan N; Nicholls W; Williams MM; Wood PJ; Cowley MJ; Tyrrell V; Haber M; Ekert PG; Ziegler DS; Khuong-Quang DA; Valdes Mora F, 2023, 'Histone H3-wild type diffuse midline gliomas with H3K27me3 loss are a distinct entity with exclusive EGFR or ACVR1 mutation and differential methylation of homeobox genes', Scientific Reports, 13, pp. 3775,
Kummar S; Shen L; Hong DS; McDermott R; Keedy VL; Casanova M; Demetri GD; Dowlati A; Melcón SG; Lassen UN; Leyvraz S; Liu T; Moreno V; Patel J; Patil T; Mallick AB; Sousa N; Tahara M; Ziegler DS; Norenberg R; Arvis P; Brega N; Drilon A; Tan DSW, 2023, 'Larotrectinib efficacy and safety in adult patients with tropomyosin receptor kinase fusion sarcomas', Cancer, 129, pp. 3772 - 3782,
Gereis JM; Hetherington K; Robertson EG; Daly R; Donoghoe MW; Ziegler DS; Marshall GM; Lau LMS; Marron JM; Wakefield CE, 2023, 'Parents’ and adolescents’ perspectives and understanding of information about childhood cancer precision medicine', Cancer, 129, pp. 3645 - 3655,
McGill BC; Wakefield CE; Tucker KM; Daly RA; Donoghoe MW; Vetsch J; Warby M; Fuentes-Bolanos NA; Barlow-Stewart K; Kirk J; Courtney E; O’Brien TA; Marshall GM; Pinese M; Cowley MJ; Tyrrell V; Deyell RJ; Ziegler DS; Hetherington K, 2023, 'Parents’ expectations, preferences, and recall of germline findings in a childhood cancer precision medicine trial', Cancer, 129, pp. 3620 - 3632,
Lehmann R; Zhu J; Mayoh C; Tsoli M; Rayner B; Ziegler D, 2023, 'DDDR-30. IDENTIFICATION OF DRIVERS OF RESISTANCE IN BRAFV600E PEDIATRIC HIGH-GRADE GLIOMA AND NOVEL THERAPEUTIC TARGETS', Neuro-Oncology, 25, pp. v112 - v112,
Ung C; Upton D; Venkat P; Pandher R; Mayoh C; Tsoli M; Ziegler D, 2023, 'DDEL-07. BARRIER TO PROGRESS: DIFFUSE INTRINSIC PONTINE GLIOMA (DIPG) INDUCES A TIGHTENED BLOOD-BRAIN BARRIER PHENOTYPE', Neuro-Oncology, 25, pp. v102 - v103,
Wakefield CE; Hetherington K; Robertson EG; Donoghoe MW; Hunter JD; Vetsch J; Marron JM; Tucker KM; Marshall GM; Broom A; Haber M; Tyrrell V; Malkin D; Lau L; Mateos MK; O’Brien TA; Ziegler DS, 2023, 'Hopes, concerns, satisfaction and regret in a precision medicine trial for childhood cancer: a mixed-methods study of parent and patient perspectives', British Journal of Cancer, 129, pp. 1634 - 1644,
Grebstad Tune B; Sareen H; Powter B; Kahana-Edwin S; Cooper A; Koh ES; Lee CS; Po JW; McCowage G; Dexter M; Cain L; O’Neill G; Prior V; Karpelowsky J; Tsoli M; Baumbusch LO; Ziegler D; Roberts TL; DeSouza P; Becker TM; Ma Y, 2023, 'From Pediatric to Adult Brain Cancer: Exploring Histone H3 Mutations in Australian Brain Cancer Patients', Biomedicines, 11,
Hardin EC; Schmid S; Sommerkamp A; Bodden C; Heipertz AE; Sievers P; Wittmann A; Milde T; Pfister SM; von Deimling A; Horn S; Herz NA; Simon M; Perera AA; Azizi A; Cruz O; Curry S; Van Damme A; Garami M; Hargrave D; Kattamis A; Kotnik BF; Lähteenmäki P; Scheinemann K; Schouten-Van Meeteren AYN; Sehested A; Viscardi E; Wormdal OM; Zapotocky M; Ziegler DS; Koch A; Driever PH; Witt O; Capper D; Sahm F; Jones DTW; van Tilburg CM, 2023, 'LOGGIC Core BioClinical Data Bank: Added clinical value of RNA-Seq in an international molecular diagnostic registry for pediatric low-grade glioma patients', Neuro-Oncology, 25, pp. 2087 - 2097,
White CL; Kinross KM; Moore MK; Rasouli E; Strong R; Jones JM; Cain JE; Sturm D; Sahm F; Jones DTW; Pfister SM; Robertson T; D'Arcy C; Rodriguez ML; Dyke JM; Junckerstorff R; Bhuva DD; Davis MJ; Wood P; Hassall T; Ziegler DS; Kellie S; McCowage G; Alvaro F; Kirby M; Heath JA; Tsui K; Dodgshun A; Eisenstat DD; Khuong-Quang DA; Wall M; Algar EM; Gottardo NG; Hansford JR, 2023, 'Implementation of DNA Methylation Array Profiling in Pediatric Central Nervous System Tumors: The AIM BRAIN Project: An Australian and New Zealand Children's Haematology/Oncology Group Study', Journal of Molecular Diagnostics, 25, pp. 709 - 728,
Daniel P; Sun CX; Bradshaw G; Shi H; Loi M; Chew N; Parackal S; Tsui V; Liang Y; Koptyra M; Adjumain S; Sun C; Chong WC; Fernando D; Drinkwater C; Tourchi M; Habarakada D; Carvalho D; Storm PB; Baubet V; Sayles LC; Fernandez E; Zhukova N; Dun MD; Ludlow LE; Day B; Stringer BW; Neeman N; Rubens JA; Raabe EH; Vinci M; Tyrrell V; Fletcher JI; Ekert PG; Dumevska B; Ziegler DS; Tsoli M; Sulaiman NFS; Loh AHP; Low SYY; Sweet-Cordero EA; Monje M; Resnick A; Jones C; Downie P; Williams B; Rosenbluh J; Gough D; Cain JE; Firestein R, 2023, 'SYST-15 GENERATION AND MULTI-DIMENSIONAL PROFILING OF A CHILDHOOD CANCER CELL LINE ATLAS DEFINES NEW THERAPEUTIC OPPORTUNITIES', Neuro-Oncology Advances, 5, pp. iii30 - iii30,
Mayoh C; Mao J; Xie J; Tax G; Chow SO; Cadiz R; Pazaky K; Barahona P; Ajuyah P; Trebilcock P; Malquori A; Gunther K; Avila A; Yun DY; Alfred S; Gopalakrishnan A; Kamili A; Wong M; Cowley MJ; Jessop S; Lau LMS; Trahair TN; Ziegler DS; Fletcher JI; Gifford AJ; Tsoli M; Marshall GM; Haber M; Tyrrell V; Failes TW; Arndt GM; Lock RB; Ekert PG; M Dolman ME; Wong-Erasmus M; Ajuyah P, 2023, 'High-Throughput Drug Screening of Primary Tumor Cells Identifies Therapeutic Strategies for Treating Children with High-Risk Cancer', Cancer Research, 83, pp. 2716 - 2732,
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