Select Publications


Mintzes A; Demirbilek OR; Sweatman P; Davey S; Bridge C, 2015, Co-Design Report, Livable Bathrooms for Older People, Blurb Books, Sydney,

Demirbilek OR; Carnemolla PK, 2012, Sacred Geoms: Exploration of Sacred Geometry and Jewellery, Blurb Books, USA,

Judd B; Olsberg D; Quinn J; Groenhart L; Demirbilek O, 2010, Dwelling, land and neighbourhood use by older home owners, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute Limited, Sydney,

Demirbilek OR; Demirbilek N, 2008, Comfort and Light, Lewis M, (ed.), Frances Lincoln Publishers, Sydney

Quinlan AM; Demirbilek OR, 2005, FBE Design Research Group 03-04 Report on Activities, Design Research Group. Faculty of the Built Environment, Sydney Australia

Book Chapters

Demirbilek RO; Murray A, 2024, 'The Fluid Scale of Design Practice: City of Sydney public domain furniture', in Favaro P; Freestone R (ed.), Adaptive urban architecture and design: Tzannes, Thames & Hudson

Demirbilek O, 2022, 'Remote Caring for Older People: Future Trends and Speculative Design', in Scataglini S; Imbesi S; Marques G (ed.), Internet of Things for Human-Centered Design, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd, pp. 293 - 312,

Demirbilek O, 2022, 'Remote Caring for Older People: Future Trends and Speculative Design', in Internet of Things for Human-Centered Design: Application to Elderly Healthcare, pp. 293 - 312,

Demirbilek O, 2017, 'Chapter 14 Evolution of Emotion Driven Design', in Emotions and Affect in Human Factors and Human-Computer Interaction, Elsevier, pp. 341 - 357,

Demirbilek OR, 2017, 'Evolution of Emotion Driven Design', in Jeon MP (ed.), Handbook of Affective Sciences in Human Factors and Human-Computer Interaction, Academic Press, Elsevier Inc., San Diego, pp. 341 - 557,

Demirbilek OR, 2011, 'Alla Turca: Squatting for Health and Hygiene', in Molenbroek J; Mantas J; de Bruin R (ed.), A Friendly Rest Room: Developing Toilets of the Future for Disabled and Elderly People, New IOS Press Publication, Amsterdam, pp. 271 - 280,

Demirbilek O, 2010, 'Squatting or Sitting', in Advances in Human Factors and Ergonomics Series, CRC Press, pp. 535 - 544,

Demirbilek OR; Tantaro N, 2008, 'The next big thing', in Australian Design Awards: Celebrating 50 Years 1958-2008, Lindsay Yates Group, Sydney, pp. 166 - 167

Demirbilek OR; Tantaro N, 2007, 'More than being tnereffitd: the Bachelor of Industrial Design at the University of New South Wales', in The Australian design Awards Yearbook 2007, Sustaining Design, Sydney, pp. 90 - 91

Quinlan AM; Demirbilek OR, 2007, 'REFLEC[EMO]TIONS: Animating Research: Flesh/Contour/Line', in Tactile Imagination: Design Research Process, Ivan Dougherty Gallery, COFA, Sydney, pp. 24 - 25

Nawangpalupi CB; Demirbilek OR, 2006, 'Investigating pleasurability of a scenario of a sustainable product-service system (framework).', in FBE Design Research Group 05 Report Activities, FBE UNSW, Sydney, pp. 65 - 74

Demirbilek OR, 2005, 'Emotions and design', in Karwowski W (ed.), The International Encyclopedia of Ergonomics and Human Factors, Taylor & Francis, pp. 687 - 693

Aurum A; Demirbilek OR, 2005, 'Virtual Collaborative Design', in Dasgupta S (ed.), Encyclopedia of virtual communities and technologies, Idea Group Reference, Hershey, PA, pp. 482 - 486

Demirbilek OR; Sener B, 2004, 'Emotionally Rich Products: The Influence of Chilhood Heroes, Comics and Cartoon Characters', in McDonagh D; Hekkert P; Erp JV; Gyi D (ed.), Design and Emotion: The Experience of Everyday Things, Taylor & Francis, London, pp. 278 - 283

Demirbilek O; Sener B, 2003, 'Emotionally rich products', in Design and Emotion, CRC Press, pp. 278 - 283,

Robinson M; Formosa D; van Dijk M; Konings R; Crossley L; Velázquez V; Givechi R; Mead P; Mottram J; Restivo S; Bennett A; Hollis E; Rodgers P; Keller R; B-N Sanders E; Jan Stappers P; Goatman M; Oltersdorf K; Bruder R; Wellmann K; Kaizuka Y; Eikelenberg N; Ehlhardt H; van der Zande M; Lefeber F; Kalisvaart S; Bonhoure P; Cayol A; Henze L; Kahmann R; Bruseberg A; Wormald P; Kälviäinen M; Miller H; Damodaran L; Olphert W; Downs J; Wallace J; Opperud A; Lumsden C; Kreindler D; Woolridge N; Kristensen T; Gabrielsen G; Hagan S; Holmes F; Eglash R; Bennett A; Baker S; Wilson J; Challis S; Willats J; Ou L-C; Ronnier Luo M; Borisch J; Alenquer D; Brian Stone R; Visch V; Jonsson K; Westergren U; Throop L; Kurvinen E; Kooijman D; Zuo H; Hope T; Jones M; Castle P; Sonneveld M; Bouché N; van Egmond R; Bruder R; Beucker N; DiSalvo C; Forlizzi J; Hanington B; Harker S; Mitchell V; Dixon H; De Angeli A; Johnson G; Taylor V; Taylor A; van Rompay T; Demirbilek O; Sener B; Mark Porter J; Burnett G; Summerskill S; Dudek C; Lindgaard G; Chhibber S; Mark Porter J; Porter S; Maguire M; Woodcock A; Torrens G; Savas Ö; Candy F; Schifferstein H; Mugge R; Thompson J; Battarbee K; Mattelmäki T; Schoormans J; Govers P; Sackett P; Kefallonitis E; Rutherford S; Chalapathi Rao N; Aldrich A; Dias N; Branco J; Ginoulhiac M; Alice Branco R; Branco V; Reavley G; Yagou A; Love T; Lebbon C; Gheerawo R; Illman M; Veen GJVD; Kurtgözü A; Patlar D; Lee S-H; Denton H; Baker S; Wormald P; Reymen I; Hammer D; Clarke R; Montgomery J; Crothers S; Hughes B, 2003, 'Sleeping policemen', in Design and Emotion, CRC Press,

Park M; Demirbilek OR, 2003, 'Design Education with Real Life Projects: LEXON/FBE Corporate Gift Experience', in Collina L; Giuliano S (ed.), Designing Designers: design for a Local Global World, Litogi Edizione Poli.Design, Milan, Italy, pp. 239 - 248

Journal articles

Sunstrum F; Demirbilek RO; Gardner N; Viengkham C; Spehar B, 2024, 'Revealing the Synergy between Formal Aesthetics and Product Semantics: Exploring the Impact of Visual Form on Product Perception', International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics

Demirbilek O, 2021, 'Better Life in Urban Areas for All with Inclusive Design', AMPS Proceedings Series 21, pp. 12 - 25,

Goad P; Wittenoom S; Oldfield P; Demirbilek O; Bergdoll B, 2018, 'Gold medallist Alexander Tzannes', Architecture Australia, 107, pp. 89 - 112,;dn=662823444603411;res=IELAPA

Bridge C; Mintzes A; Demirbilek OR, 2015, 'Older Australian out and about in the global context: Their bathroom preferences and what this means for standards development and accessible tourism', Journal of Universal Design in the Built Environment, 1, pp. 15 - 23,

Xian L; Park M; Demirbilek OR, 2012, 'Informal WEEE Recycling in China: A Field Study of Stakeholders in Tianjin', International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, 3, pp. 422 - 426,

Judd B; Olsberg D; Quinn J; Groenhart L; Demirbilek O, 2010, 'Dwelling, land and neighbourhood use by older home owners', AHURI Final Report, pp. 1 - 340

Judd BH; Olsberg D; Quinn JM; Lucy G; Demirbilek OR, 2010, 'AHURI Final Report 144: Dwelling, Land and Neighbourhood Use by Older Home Owners', Affordable housing, urban renewal and planning: emerging practice in Queensland, South Australia and New South Wales,

Quinn JM; Judd BH; Olsberg D; Demirbilek OR, 2009, 'AHURI Positioning Paper 111: Dwelling, land and neighbourhood use by older home owners', Multi-generation households in Australian cities,

Nawangpalupi CB; Demirbilek OR, 2008, 'Investigation of the drivers and the barriers for travel behaviour chages and analysis of the impact', The international Journal of Environmental, Cultral, Economic and social sustainability, 4, pp. 1 - 10

Demirbilek OR; Demirkan H, 2004, 'Universal Product Design Involving Elderly Users: A Participatory Design Model', Applied Ergonomics, 35, pp. 361 - 370

Demirbilek O; Sener B, 2003, 'Product design, semantics and emotional response', Ergonomics, 46, pp. 1346 - 1360,

Demirbilek OR; Sener B, 2003, 'Product Design, Semantics and Emotional Response. Special Issue: Human Factors Design', Ergonomics, 46,, pp. 1346 - 1360

Demirbilek FN; Yalciner UG; Inanici MN; Ecevit A; Demirbilek OR, 2000, 'Energy conscious dwelling design for Ankara', Building and Environment, pp. 33 - 40

(Saritabak) OD; Demirkan H, 1998, 'Involving the Elderly in the Design Process', Architectural Science Review, 41, pp. 157 - 163,

Conference Papers

Bridge CE; Demirbilek O; Mintzes A, 2016, 'Transforming Inclusion: Designing in the Experience of Greater Technological Possibility', in Petrie H; Darzentas J; Walsh T; Swallow D; Sandoval L; Lewis A; Power C (eds.), 3rd International Conference on Universal Design (UD 2016), IOS Press, York, United Kingdom, pp. 143 - 152, presented at 3rd International Conference on Universal Design (UD 2016), York, United Kingdom, 21 August 2016 - 24 August 2016,

Mintzes A; Bridge C; Demirbilek O, 2015, 'Development of a National Survey on Aging and the Domestic Bathroom: The Livable Bathrooms Survey', in Weber C; Husung S; Cascini G; Cantamessa M; Marjanovic D; Bordegoni M (eds.), DS 80-1 Proceedings of the 20th Inernational Conference on Engineering Design (ICED 15) Vol 1: Design for Life, Design Society, Milan, Italy, presented at 20th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED), Milan, Italy, 27 July 2015 - 31 July 2015,

Demirbilek OR; Bridge C; Mintzes A; Sweatman P, 2015, 'Integrating the voice of older people in the development of bathroom design research methods through the use of participatory co-design', in Christer K (ed.), Proceedings of the Third European Conference on Design4Health 2015, Sheffield, presented at D4H15 3rd European Conference on Design4Health, Sheffield, 13 July 2015 - 16 July 2015,

Bridge C; Demirbilek OR; Cummings S; Mintzes A, 2013, 'Houses as places of self care and enablers of bathing: Beyond bricks and mortar', in 7th Australasian Housing Researchers Conference 2013, Curtin University, Perth, presented at 7th Australasian Housing Researchers Conference 2013, Curtin University, Perth, 06 February 2013 - 08 February 2013

Xian L; Park M; Demirbilek OR, 2012, 'Comparison of informal and regulated WEEE collection methods in China', in International Proceedings of Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering, v. 41, Int. Ass. of Com. Sci. and Inf. Tec. Press, Singapore, pp. 131 - 135, presented at 2012 2nd International Conference on Environmental, Biomedical and Biotechnology, ICEBB 2012, Dubai, UAE, 04 August 2012 - 05 August 2012,

Smith J; Demirbilek OR, 2012, 'Investigating Smart Fabrics to Help Muscle Pain', in Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities, Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities, Honolulu, USA, pp. 1154 - 1168, presented at Tenth Annual Hawaii International Conference on Arts & Humanities, Hawaii,

Demirbilek N; Osborne ; Caldwell ; Demirbilek OR, 2010, 'I'm a designer, get me out of tech class!: closing the gap between design and technology education', in On the edge: Cross-disciplinary and intra-disciplinary connections in architectural science (44th Annual Conference of the Australia and New Zealand Architectural Science Association), Departments of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, Auckland, presented at ANZAScA 2010, Unitec Institute of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand, 24 November 2010 - 26 November 2010

Judd BH; Quinn JM; Olsberg D; Demirbilek OR, 2009, 'Does size matter? Under-occupancy and older Australian home owners', in 4th State of Australian Cities Conference, Promaco Conventions Pty Ltd, Perth, presented at State of Australian Cities: National Conference 2009, Perth, 24 November 2009 - 27 November 2009,

Judd BH; Olsberg D; Quinn JM; Demirbilek OR, 2009, 'Neighbourhood Design and the Activities of Older Home Owners', in Refereed Procedings from 2009 Housing Researchers Conference, City Futures Research Centre, UNSW, Sydney, presented at 4th Australasian Housing Researchers Conference, Asia-Pacific Network of Housing Researchers Conference, Sydney, 05 August 2009 - 07 August 2009

Nawangpalupi CB; Demirbilek OR, 2008, 'Expressions of values related to car sharing in Australia', in Dare to Desire, Hong Kong, presented at 6th Design and Emotion Conference 2008, Hong Kong, 06 October 2008 - 09 October 2008

Nawangpalupi CB; Demirbilek OR, 2008, 'Investigation of the drivers and the barriers for travel behaviour changes and analysis of the impact', in Forth Conference on Environmental, Cultural, Economic and social sustainability - Website, Terengganu, presented at Forth Conference on Environmental, Cultural, Economic and social sustainability - Website, Terengganu, 04 January 2008 - 07 January 2008

Demirbilek N; Demirbilek OR, 2007, 'Architectural Science and Student Centred Learning', in Coulson J; Schwede D; Tucker R (eds.), Towards solutions for a liveable future: Progress, Practice, Performance, People: 41st Annual Conference of the Architectural Science Association - ANZAScA2007, Geelong, Victoria, pp. 38, presented at Towards Solutions for a livable future: progress, practice, performance, people. 41st Annual Conference of the Architectural Schitence Association - ANZAScA 2007, Geelong, Victoria, 14 November 2007 - 16 November 2007

Demirbilek N; Demirbilek OR, 2007, 'Architectural Science and Student-Centred Learning', in Towards solutions for a liveable future: Progress, Practice, Performance, People: 41st Annual Conference of the Architectural Science Association - ANZAScA2007, Geelong, Victoria, presented at Towards Solutions for a livable future: progress, practice, performance, people. 41st Annual Conference of the Architectural Schitence Association - ANZAScA 2007, Geelong, Victoria, 14 November 2007 - 16 November 2007

Marshall NG; Demirbilek OR, 2007, 'Design and Non-Design Final Year Student Experiences in the Faculty of the Built Environment', in ConnecED 2007 International Conference on Design Education, Sydney, University of New South Wales, presented at ConnectED 2007 International Conference on Design Education, Sydney, 09 July 2007 - 12 July 2007

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