Select Publications
Journal articles
2016, 'Introduction to the Special Issue on Behavior Management', Intervention in School and Clinic, 52, pp. 3 - 5,
,2016, 'Engaging students with autism spectrum disorders in research through participant-driven photo-elicitation research technique.', Australasian Journal of Special Education, 41, pp. 35 - 50,
,2016, 'School experiences of students with autism spectrum disorder within the context of student wellbeing: A review and analysis of the literature', Australasian Journal of Special Education, 40, pp. 59 - 78,
,2016, 'Combining universal design for learning with evidence based practices and technology enhanced instruction to support students with emotional and behavioural disabilities', Special Education Perspectives, 25, pp. 31 - 41
,2016, 'Life Span Transitions for a Student With LD: Mother–Daughter Perspectives', Intervention in School and Clinic,
,2016, 'Employing Mobile Technology to Improve Language Skills of Young Students with Language-Based Disabilities', Assistive Technology,
,2016, 'Evidence-based transition planning practices for secondary students with disabilities: What has Australia signed up for?', Australasian Journal of Special Education., 40, pp. 39 - 58,
,2016, 'Investigating teacher attitudes of disability using a non-traditional theoretical framework of attitude', International Journal of Educational Research, 80, pp. 93 - 100,
,, 2015, 'Sustaining Mobile Learning', ,
2015, 'Perspectives on life, wellbeing, and ageing by older women with intellectual disability', Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability,
,2015, 'Teacher Attitudes Towards Students Who Exhibit ADHD-Type Behaviours', Australasian Journal of Special Education, 39, pp. 15 - 36,
,, 2015, 'Recent Advances in Assistive Technologies to Support Children with Developmental Disorders', ,
2014, 'Diverse faces of inclusive research: reflecting on three research studies', Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research, pp. 1 - 13,
,2014, 'At-Risk Youth in Australian Schools and Promising Models of Intervention', International Journal of Special Education, 29, pp. 16 - 25,
,2014, 'Young People with Complex Needs in the Criminal Justice System', Research and Practice in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, pp. 1 - 12,
,2014, 'The importance of quality transition processes for students with disabilities across settings: Learning from the current situation in New South Wales', Australian Journal of Education, 58, pp. 318 - 336,
,2014, 'The use of iPad hand held mobile devices to enhance learning opportunities for students with disabilities: An action research project.', Action Research, 12, pp. 151 - 176,
,2014, 'Mobile technology in inclusive research: tools of empowerment', Disability and Society, 29, pp. 999 - 1012,
,2014, 'Building an inclusive research team: The importance of team building and skills training', Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 27, pp. 13 - 22,
,2014, 'People with intellectual disabilities conducting research: New directions for inclusive research', Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 27, pp. 1 - 2,
,2014, 'Using iPads With Students With Disabilities: Lessons Learned From Students, Teachers, and Parents', Intervention in School and Clinic, 49, pp. 244 - 250,
,2013, 'Mobile Learning as a Tool for Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders: Combining Evidence-Based Practice with New Technology', Beyond Behavior, 23, pp. 23 - 29,
,2013, 'Expanding horizons for students with dyslexia in the 21st century: Universal design and mobile technology', Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 13, pp. 175 - 181,
,2013, 'Integrating the iPad into Language Arts Instruction for Students with Disabilities: Engagement and Perspectives', Journal of Special Education Technology, 28, pp. 43 - 52
,2013, 'People with Intellectual Disabilities Conducting Research: New Directions for Inclusive Research', Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities,
,2012, 'Kyle Tomson, iPad builder applications: Language Builder, Question Builder, Sentence Builder and Story Builder, $7.99 to $9.99, (iPod and iPad applications)', Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 37,
,2012, 'The iPad as a pedagogical tool in special education: Promises and possibilities', Special Education Perspectives, 21, pp. 35 - 47
,2011, 'The Education of Students With Emotional and Behavior Disabilities in Australia: Current Trends and Future Directions', Intervention in School and Clinic, 48, pp. 55 - 69,
,2010, 'New South Wales special education teachers' perceptions of classroom social skills that link to secondary students' success', Special Education Perspectives, 19, pp. 25 - 34
,2010, 'Social skills success with student-generated multimedia role plays: A case study', Special Education Perspectives, 19, pp. 6 - 14
,2010, 'Using technology to create motivating social skills lessons', Intervention in School and Clinic, 45, pp. 242 - 250
,2008, 'Social skills instruction for adolescents with emotional disabilities: A technology-based intervention', Journal of Special Education Technology, 23, pp. 19 - 33
,2007, 'Virtual reality as assistive technology', Journal of Special Education Technology, 22, pp. 55 - 58
,2005, 'Virtual technology: Bringing the world into the special education classroom', Intervention in School and Clinic, 41, pp. 114 - 117,
,Conference Papers
2024, 'Using Universal Design for Learning to Increase the Accessibilty of Tertiary Education', in International Conference on Higher Education Advances, pp. 320 - 326,
,2016, 'Parents' and teachers' perspectives on using iPads with students with developmental disabilities: Applications for Universal Design for Learning', in Miesenberger K; Bühler C; Penez P (eds.), Computers helping people with special needs. 15th International Conference, ICCHP 2016, Linz, Austria, July 13-15, 2016, Proceedings, Part II, Springer, Linz, Austria, pp. 217 - 222, presented at 15th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs, Linz, Austria, 13 July 2016 - 15 August 2016,
,2016, 'Student-focussed planning for students with autism spectrum disorder: Knowledge, perspectives and experiences', in JOURNAL OF INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY RESEARCH, WILEY-BLACKWELL, pp. 647 - 647,
,2016, 'Students with developmental disabilities in Australia: Parents' and teachers' experiences with schooling transitions', in JOURNAL OF INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY RESEARCH, WILEY-BLACKWELL, pp. 743 - 743,
,2016, 'Parents’ and teachers’ perspectives on using IPads with students with developmental disabilities: Applications for universal design for learning', in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), pp. 217 - 222,
,2014, 'Teacher perceptions of the transition process for students with developmental disabilities attending NSW special schools', in Higgins K; Boone R (ed.), OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS From the Building Bridges Conference September 15-16, 2014, UNSW School of Education, UNSW Australia, pp. 84 - 90, presented at UNSW/UNLV Building Bridges in Special Education Conference, UNSW Australia, 15 September 2014 - 16 September 2014,
,2014, 'Using ipads to impact the sentence writing formation of young students with language-based disabilities', in Higgins K; Boone R (ed.), OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS From the Building Bridges Conference, UNSW School of Education, UNSW Australia, pp. 129 - 135, presented at UNSW/UNLV Building Bridges in Special Education Conference, UNSW Australia, 15 September 2014 - 16 September 2014,
,2014, 'Using iPads to Increase the Language Skills of Students With Language-Based Disabilities', in Schneider B; Berends M (ed.), AERA Online Paper Repository, AERA, Philadelphia, PA USA, presented at 2014 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA USA, 03 April 2014 - 07 April 2014,
,2013, '"Everything has changed now": Perspectives on ageing from women with intellectual disabilities', in JOURNAL OF POLICY AND PRACTICE IN INTELLECTUAL DISABILITIES, WILEY-BLACKWELL, pp. 171 - 171,
,2013, 'Mobile technology as assistive technology for inclusive research teams: Lessons from the field', in JOURNAL OF POLICY AND PRACTICE IN INTELLECTUAL DISABILITIES, WILEY-BLACKWELL, pp. 116 - 116,
,2012, 'iTouch, iSpeak: Using iPods and iPads to increase the English language skills of students with language-based disabilities', in Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2012, AACE, Chesapeke, VA, pp. 4075 - 4078, presented at Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference, Austin, Texas, 05 March 2012
,2010, 'Using virtual presentations as both assessment and modelling tools for preservice teachers', in Using virtual presentations as both assessment and modelling tools for preservice teachers, St Louis, MO, presented at 33rd Annual Conference Teacher Education Division, Council for Exceptional Children, St Louis, MO, 03 November 2010 - 06 November 2010
,2010, 'New South Wales special education teachers' perceptions of classroom social skills that link to secondary students' success', Darwin, NT, presented at 2010 AASE/ASPEA National Conference, Darwin, NT, 16 June 2010 - 18 June 2010
,2008, 'Classroom Uses of Technology for Students with Disabilities in the 21st Century', in Society for Informaton Technology and Teacher Education International Conference Annual, Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, Chesapeake: VA, presented at Society for Informaton Technology and Teacher Education International Conference, Las Vegas
,2008, 'Technology options for teaching mathematics to all students', in Society for Informaton Technology and Teacher Education International Conference Annual, Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, Chesapeake: VA, presented at Society for Informaton Technology and Teacher Education International Conference, Las Vegas