Find your prospective supervisor, research project or research group, collaborator or expert by searching UNSW Sydney Researcher Profiles. Use keywords to view their research interests, publications and areas of expertise.

Dr Tianruo Guo

Faculty: Engineering

Dr Tianruo Guo is currently a Lecturer of Neuromodulation and an Early Career Academic Fellow with the Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering, where&
Mr Dilum Bandara

Faculty: Engineering

I serve as an Adjunct Senior Lecturer at the School of Computer Science and Engineering at UNSW. In my primary role, I am a Principal Research Scientist at Data 61, CSIRO, Australia.
Mrs Roberta Pires Vasconcellos

Faculty: Medicine & Health

I am a lecturer and course convenor (Sport & Exercise Psychology) in the School of Health Sciences at the University of New South Wales. I completed my P
Dr James Daniel Dunn

Faculty: Science
Fields of Research (FoR): Forensic psychology, Sensory processes, perception and performance

Dr. James Dunn is an ARC DECRA Research Fellow and Lecturer in the School of Psychology at UNSW Sydney.
Dr Ali Shariati

Faculty: Science
Fields of Research (FoR): Applied Statistics, Statistical Theory, Stochastic Analysis and Modelling, Biostatistics

Ali Shariati is a statistician at the School of Mathematics and Statistics.
Professor William Arthur Sewell

Faculty: Medicine & Health
Fields of Research (FoR): Immunology

General interest is molecular and cellular components of the immune and haemopoietic systems, with translation to diagnostic pathology. 
Dr Ulrike Dackermann

Faculty: Engineering
Fields of Research (FoR): Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering, Infrastructure Engineering and Asset Management, Construction Materials

Lecturer in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering and the Centre for Infrastructure Engineering and Safety (CIES)
Dr Neea Anniina Palojarvi

Faculty: UNSW Canberra

I am a Visiting Fellow at the University of New South Wales (Canberra), Australia. My research interests include analytic number theory and mathematics education.
Dr Azadeh Tavakkolinasab

Faculty: Medicine & Health

Dr Azadeh Tavakoli is a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the School of Optometry & Vision Science (SOVS), UNSW Sydney.
Associate Professor Pauline Heseon Kang

Faculty: Medicine & Health
Fields of Research (FoR): Optometry and Ophthalmology

Pauline Kang is an Associate Professor and the Deputy Head of School at the School of Optometry and Vision Science, UNSW.
Dr Yao-Tai Li

Faculty: Arts, Design & Architecture
Fields of Research (FoR): Sociology, Social policy, Sociology of migration, ethnicity and multiculturalism, Culture, representation and identity, Migration

Yao-Tai is Senior Lecturer of Sociology and Social Policy in the School of Social Sciences at UNSW. His research interests include Race and Ethnicity, Identity, Migr
Dr Melanie Fentoullis

Faculty: Medicine & Health

Melanie Fentoullis is Clinical Academic Lead (UNSW Medicine Program Redesign) and Senior Lecturer (Clinical Education Fellow) in the Office of Medical Education, Faculty of Medicine & Health.
Dr Othman Shukri Abdelkarim Abu Laban

Faculty: Engineering

Dr. Othman Abu Laban is a research associate at the University of New South Wales who specialises in numerical modelling and experimental testing of advanced composite structures.
Dr Oleh Klochan

Faculty: UNSW Canberra
Fields of Research (FoR): Condensed Matter Physics, Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Condensed Matter; Superconductivity, Nanoelectronics, Quantum Physics
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I graduated from Lviv National University in Ukraine in 2000, majoring in Physics of Semiconductors, and received a PhD in Condensed Matter Physics from UNSW in 2008.
Dr Dharani Keyan

Faculty: Science
Fields of Research (FoR): Clinical psychology, Psychiatry (incl. psychotherapy), Digital health, Implementation science and evaluation, Health equity, Health, Clinical and Counselling Psychology
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My research seeks to understand how to reduce the gap between what we Know and what we Do when it comes to scaling up brief evidence-based interventions in poorly resourced settin
Mr Binod Rayamajhee

Faculty: Science
Fields of Research (FoR): Medical microbiology, Infectious diseases, One health

Binod Rayamajhee is a postdoctoral research associate at School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences (BEES), UNSW since 2024.
Ms Michelle Bonnette

Faculty: Medicine & Health

Ms Michelle Bonnette (BPharm, MPharmPH, FANZCAP (EmergMed), MSHP, MPSA) is a full-time Education Focused Lecturer for the Pharmacy Program in the School of Health Sciences at the University of New
Associate Professor Catherine Michelle Bond

Faculty: Law & Justice
Fields of Research (FoR): Intellectual property law, Law and humanities, Law and society and socio-legal research, Intellectual Property Law
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Associate Professor Catherine Bond researches in intellectual property law, specifically copyright history; the relationship between law and war in Australia; and Australian legal history.