Select Publications

Journal articles

Ma L; Bryce NS; Turner AW; Di Narzo AF; Rahman K; Xu Y; Ermel R; Sukhavasi K; d’Escamard V; Chandel N; V’Gangula B; Wolhuter K; Kadian-Dodov D; Franzen O; Ruusalepp A; Hao K; Miller CL; Björkegren JLM; Kovacic JC, 2022, 'The HDAC9-associated risk locus promotes coronary artery disease by governing TWIST1', PLoS Genetics, 18,

Turner AW; Hu SS; Mosquera JV; Ma WF; Hodonsky CJ; Wong D; Auguste G; Song Y; Sol-Church K; Farber E; Kundu S; Kundaje A; Lopez NG; Ma L; Ghosh SKB; Onengut-Gumuscu S; Ashley EA; Quertermous T; Finn AV; Leeper NJ; Kovacic JC; Björkgren JLM; Zang C; Miller CL, 2022, 'Single-nucleus chromatin accessibility profiling highlights regulatory mechanisms of coronary artery disease risk', Nature Genetics, 54, pp. 804 - 816,

Kovacic JC; Boscá L, 2022, 'Immuno-Modulation to Treat Common Cardiovascular Diseases: Moving From Sledgehammer to Precision Therapeutics', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 79, pp. 648 - 650,

Hao K; Ermel R; Li L; Amadori L; Koplev S; Franzén O; D'Escamard V; Chandel N; Wolhuter K; Bryce NS; Venkata VRM; Miller CL; Ruusalepp A; Schunkert H; Björkegren JLM; Kovacic JC, 2022, 'Integrative Prioritization of Causal Genes for Coronary Artery Disease', Circulation: Genomic and Precision Medicine, 15, pp. E003365,

Solomon AL; Ratchford EV; Armitage KB; Kovacic JC, 2022, 'Vascular Disease Patient Information Page: Vascular considerations with COVID-19 vaccines', Vascular Medicine (United Kingdom), 27, pp. 102 - 106,

Deftereos SG; Beerkens FJ; Shah B; Giannopoulos G; Vrachatis DA; Giotaki SG; Siasos G; Nicolas J; Arnott C; Patel S; Parsons M; Tardif JC; Kovacic JC; Dangas GD, 2022, 'Colchicine in Cardiovascular Disease: In-Depth Review', Circulation, 145, pp. 61 - 78,

Koplev S; Seldin M; Sukhavasi K; Ermel R; Pang S; Zeng L; Bankier S; Di Narzo A; Cheng H; Meda V; Ma A; Talukdar H; Cohain A; Amadori L; Argmann C; Houten SM; Franzén O; Mocci G; Meelu OA; Ishikawa K; Whatling C; Jain A; Jain RK; Gan LM; Giannarelli C; Roussos P; Hao K; Schunkert H; Michoel T; Ruusalepp A; Schadt EE; Kovacic JC; Lusis AJ; Björkegren JLM, 2022, 'A mechanistic framework for cardiometabolic and coronary artery diseases', Nature Cardiovascular Research, 1, pp. 85 - 100,

Persu A; Dobrowolski P; Gornik HL; Olin JW; Adlam D; Azizi M; Boutouyrie P; Bruno RM; Boulanger M; Demoulin JB; Ganesh SK; J. Guzik T; Januszewicz M; Kovacic JC; Kruk M; De Leeuw P; Loeys BL; Pappaccogli M; Perik MHAM; Touzé E; Van Der Niepen P; Van Twist DJL; Warchoł-Celińska E; Prejbisz A; Januszewicz A, 2022, 'Current progress in clinical, molecular, and genetic aspects of adult fibromuscular dysplasia', Cardiovascular Research, 118, pp. 65 - 83,

Maier A; Liao SL; Lescure T; Robson PM; Hirata N; Sartori S; Narula N; Vergani V; Soultanidis G; Morgenthau A; Kovacic JC; Padilla M; Narula J; Jacobi A; Fayad ZA; Trivieri MG, 2022, 'Pulmonary Artery 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose Uptake by PET/CMR as a Marker of Pulmonary Hypertension in Sarcoidosis', JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging, 15, pp. 108 - 120,

Schaniel C; Dhanan P; Hu B; Xiong Y; Raghunandan T; Gonzalez DM; Dariolli R; D'Souza SL; Yadaw AS; Hansen J; Jayaraman G; Mathew B; Machado M; Berger SI; Tripodi J; Najfeld V; Garg J; Miller M; Surlyn CS; Michelis KC; Tangirala NC; Weerahandi H; Thomas DC; Beaumont KG; Sebra R; Mahajan M; Schadt E; Vidovic D; Schürer SC; Goldfarb J; Azeloglu EU; Birtwistle MR; Sobie EA; Kovacic JC; Dubois NC; Iyengar R, 2021, 'A library of induced pluripotent stem cells from clinically well-characterized, diverse healthy human individuals', Stem Cell Reports, 16, pp. 3036 - 3049,

Cohain AT; Barrington WT; Jordan DM; Beckmann ND; Argmann CA; Houten SM; Charney AW; Ermel R; Sukhavasi K; Franzen O; Koplev S; Whatling C; Belbin GM; Yang J; Hao K; Kenny EE; Tu Z; Zhu J; Gan LM; Do R; Giannarelli C; Kovacic JC; Ruusalepp A; Lusis AJ; Bjorkegren JLM; Schadt EE, 2021, 'An integrative multiomic network model links lipid metabolism to glucose regulation in coronary artery disease', Nature Communications, 12,

Georges A; Yang ML; Berrandou TE; Bakker MK; Dikilitas O; Kiando SR; Ma L; Satterfield BA; Sengupta S; Yu M; Deleuze JF; Dupré D; Hunker KL; Kyryachenko S; Liu L; Sayoud-Sadeg I; Amar L; Brummett CM; Coleman DM; d’Escamard V; de Leeuw P; Fendrikova-Mahlay N; Kadian-Dodov D; Li JZ; Lorthioir A; Pappaccogli M; Prejbisz A; Smigielski W; Stanley JC; Zawistowski M; Zhou X; Zöllner S; Amouyel P; De Buyzere ML; Debette S; Dobrowolski P; Drygas W; Gornik HL; Olin JW; Piwonski J; Rietzschel ER; Ruigrok YM; Vikkula M; Warchol Celinska E; Januszewicz A; Kullo IJ; Azizi M; Jeunemaitre X; Persu A; Kovacic JC; Ganesh SK; Bouatia-Naji N, 2021, 'Genetic investigation of fibromuscular dysplasia identifies risk loci and shared genetics with common cardiovascular diseases', Nature Communications, 12,

Kaur K; Hadas Y; Kurian AA; Żak MM; Yoo J; Mahmood A; Girard H; Komargodski R; Io T; Santini MP; Sultana N; Sharkar MTK; Magadum A; Fargnoli A; Yoon S; Chepurko E; Chepurko V; Eliyahu E; Pinto D; Lebeche D; Kovacic JC; Hajjar RJ; Rafii S; Zangi L, 2021, 'Direct reprogramming induces vascular regeneration post muscle ischemic injury', Molecular Therapy, 29, pp. 3042 - 3058,

Robson PM; Vergani V; Benkert T; Trivieri MG; Karakatsanis NA; Abgral R; Dweck MR; Moreno PR; Kovacic JC; Block KT; Fayad ZA, 2021, 'Assessing the qualitative and quantitative impacts of simple two-class vs multiple tissue-class MR-based attenuation correction for cardiac PET/MR', Journal of Nuclear Cardiology, 28, pp. 2194 - 2204,

Wolhuter K; Arora M; Kovacic JC, 2021, 'Air pollution and cardiovascular disease: Can the Australian bushfires and global COVID-19 pandemic of 2020 convince us to change our ways?', BioEssays, 43,

Lecce L; Xu Y; V'Gangula B; Chandel N; Pothula V; Caudrillier A; Santini MP; D'Escamard V; Ceholski DK; Gorski PA; Ma L; Koplev S; Bjørklund MM; Björkegren JLM; Boehm M; Bentzon JF; Fuster V; Kim HW; Weintraub NL; Baker AH; Bernstein E; Kovacic JC, 2021, 'Histone deacetylase 9 promotes endothelial-mesenchymal transition and an unfavorable atherosclerotic plaque phenotype', Journal of Clinical Investigation, 131,

Giudicessi JR; Ackerman MJ; Fatkin D; Kovacic JC, 2021, 'Precision Medicine Approaches to Cardiac Arrhythmias: JACC Focus Seminar 4/5 (vol 77, pg 2573, 2021)', JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, 78,

Blum M; Cao D; Chandiramani R; Goel R; Roumeliotis A; Sartori S; Beyhoff N; Kelle S; Kovacic JC; Krishnan P; Sweeny J; Barman N; Baber U; Dangas GD; Kini A; Sharma SK; Mehran R, 2021, 'Prevalence and prognostic impact of hsCRP elevation are age-dependent in women but not in men undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention', Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions, 97, pp. E936 - E944,

Fatkin D; Calkins H; Elliott P; James CA; Peters S; Kovacic JC, 2021, 'Contemporary and Future Approaches to Precision Medicine in Inherited Cardiomyopathies: JACC Focus Seminar 3/5', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 77, pp. 2551 - 2572,

Barc J; Kovacic JC, 2021, 'From polygenic risk scores to integrative epigenomics: the dawn of a new era for cardiovascular precision medicine', Cardiovascular research, 117, pp. e73 - e75,

Giudicessi JR; Ackerman MJ; Fatkin D; Kovacic JC, 2021, 'Precision Medicine Approaches to Cardiac Arrhythmias: JACC Focus Seminar 4/5', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 77, pp. 2573 - 2591,

Miller CL; Kontorovich AR; Hao K; Ma L; Iyegbe C; Björkegren JLM; Kovacic JC, 2021, 'Precision Medicine Approaches to Vascular Disease: JACC Focus Seminar 2/5', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 77, pp. 2531 - 2550,

Semsarian C; Ingles J; Ross SB; Dunwoodie SL; Bagnall RD; Kovacic JC, 2021, 'Precision Medicine in Cardiovascular Disease: Genetics and Impact on Phenotypes: JACC Focus Seminar 1/5', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 77, pp. 2517 - 2530,

Priori SG; Mazzanti A; Santiago DJ; Kukavica D; Trancuccio A; Kovacic JC, 2021, 'Precision Medicine in Catecholaminergic Polymorphic Ventricular Tachycardia: JACC Focus Seminar 5/5', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 77, pp. 2592 - 2612,

Von Scheidt M; Zhao Y; De Aguiar Vallim TQ; Che N; Wierer M; Seldin MM; Franzén O; Kurt Z; Pang S; Bongiovanni D; Yamamoto M; Edwards PA; Ruusalepp A; Kovacic JC; Mann M; Björkegren JLM; Lusis AJ; Yang X; Schunkert H, 2021, 'Transcription Factor MAFF (MAF Basic Leucine Zipper Transcription Factor F) Regulates an Atherosclerosis Relevant Network Connecting Inflammation and Cholesterol Metabolism', Circulation, 143, pp. 1809 - 1823,

Monteiro JP; Rodor J; Caudrillier A; Scanlon JP; Spiroski AM; Dudnakova T; Pflüger-Müller B; Shmakova A; Von Kriegsheim A; Deng L; Taylor RS; Wilson-Kanamori JR; Chen SH; Stewart K; Thomson A; Mitić T; McClure JD; Iynikkel J; Hadoke PWF; Denby L; Bradshaw AC; Caruso P; Morrell NW; Kovacic JC; Ulitsky I; Henderson NC; Caporali A; Leisegang MS; Brandes RP; Baker AH, 2021, 'MIR503HG Loss Promotes Endothelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition in Vascular Disease', Circulation Research, 128, pp. 1173 - 1190,

Georges A; Albuisson J; Berrandou T; Dupré D; Lorthioir A; D'Escamard V; Di Narzo AF; Kadian-Dodov D; Olin JW; Warchol-Celinska E; Prejbisz A; Januszewicz A; Bruneval P; Baranowska AA; Webb TR; Hamby SE; Samani NJ; Adlam D; Fendrikova-Mahlay N; Hazen S; Wang Y; Yang ML; Hunker K; Combaret N; Motreff P; Chédid A; Fiquet B; Plouin PF; Mousseaux E; Azarine A; Amar L; Azizi M; Gornik HL; Ganesh SK; Kovacic JC; Jeunemaitre X; Bouatia-Naji N, 2021, 'Rare loss-of-function mutations of PTGIR are enriched in fibromuscular dysplasia', Cardiovascular Research, 117, pp. 1154 - 1165,

Hartman RJG; Owsiany K; Ma L; Koplev S; Hao K; Slenders L; Civelek M; Mokry M; Kovacic JC; Pasterkamp G; Owens G; Björkegren JLM; Den Ruijter HM, 2021, 'Sex-Stratified Gene Regulatory Networks Reveal Female Key Driver Genes of Atherosclerosis Involved in Smooth Muscle Cell Phenotype Switching', Circulation, 143, pp. 713 - 726,

Iismaa SE; Hesselson S; McGrath-Cadell L; Muller DW; Fatkin D; Giannoulatou E; Kovacic J; Graham RM, 2021, 'Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection and Fibromuscular Dysplasia: Vasculopathies With a Predilection for Women', Heart Lung and Circulation, 30, pp. 27 - 35,

Bax M; Junday K; Hesselson S; Iismaa S; Tarr I; McGrath-Cadell L; Dunwoodie S; Fatkin D; Kovacic J; Muller D; Giannoulatou E; Graham R, 2021, 'Modelling Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection With iPSC-Derived Vascular Cells', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 30, pp. S131 - S131,

McGrath-Cadell L; Iismaa SE; Hesselson S; Muller DW; Fatkin D; Giannoulatou E; Kovacic JC; Graham RM, 2021, 'Recent Updates on Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection and Fibromuscular Dysplasia', International Journal of Integrative Cardiology, 3,

McGrath-Cadell L; Hesselson S; Tarr I; Iismaa S; Bax M; Junday K; Dunwoodie S; Fatkin D; Kovacic J; Muller D; Giannoulatou E; Graham B, 2021, 'Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection (SCAD) and a Family History of Aortic Artery Dissection—A Case Series', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 30, pp. S252 - S252,

Beyhoff N; Cao D; Mehran R; Dangas G; Baber U; Sartori S; Blum M; Roumeliotis A; Chandiramani R; Goel R; Zhang Z; Kovacic J; Krishnan P; Barman N; Kapur V; Sweeny J; Sharma SK; Kini A, 2020, 'Prognostic Impact of High-Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein in Patients Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention According to BMI', JACC: Cardiovascular Interventions, 13, pp. 2882 - 2892,

Trivieri MG; Spagnolo P; Birnie D; Liu P; Drake W; Kovacic JC; Baughman R; Fayad ZA; Judson MA, 2020, 'Challenges in Cardiac and Pulmonary Sarcoidosis: JACC State-of-the-Art Review', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 76, pp. 1878 - 1901,

Ma L; Chandel N; Ermel R; Sukhavasi K; Hao K; Ruusalepp A; Björkegren JLM; Kovacic JC, 2020, 'Multiple independent mechanisms link gene polymorphisms in the region of ZEB2 with risk of coronary artery disease', Atherosclerosis, 311, pp. 20 - 29,

Aoi S; Baber U; Kovacic JC; Mehran R; Aquino M; Dangas G; Sweeny J; Vijay P; Shah S; Barman N; Moreno P; Kini AS; Sharma SK, 2020, 'Combined and independent impact of coronary artery calcification and inflammation on risk for adverse cardiovascular events after percutaneous coronary intervention: Results from a large single-center registry', Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions, 96, pp. E278 - E286,

Plitt A; Claessen BE; Sartori S; Baber U; Chandrasekhar J; Aquino M; Vijay P; Elsayed S; Kovacic JC; Sweeny J; Barman N; Moreno P; Krishnan P; Demopoulos A; Dangas G; Kini AS; Mehran R; Sharma SK, 2020, 'Impact of stent diameter on outcomes following percutaneous coronary intervention with second-generation drug-eluting stents: Results from a large single-center registry', Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions, 96, pp. 558 - 564,

Chandrasekhar J; Dangas G; Baber U; Sartori S; Qadeer A; Aquino M; Vogel B; Faggioni M; Vijay P; Claessen BE; Goel R; Moreno P; Krishnan P; Kovacic JC; Kini A; Mehran R; Sharma S, 2020, 'Impact of insulin treated and non-insulin-treated diabetes compared to patients without diabetes on 1-year outcomes following contemporary PCI', Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions, 96, pp. 298 - 308,

Tang GHL; Lerakis S; Kini A; Khan JM; Kovacic JC, 2020, '4-Dimensional Transesophageal Echocardiographic Guidance During TAVR With BASILICA', JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging, 13, pp. 1601 - 1614,

Tang GHL; Zaid S; Fuchs A; Yamabe T; Yazdchi F; Gupta E; Ahmad H; Kofoed KF; Goldberg JB; Undemir C; Kaple RK; Shah PB; Kaneko T; Lansman SL; Khera S; Kovacic JC; Dangas GD; Lerakis S; Sharma SK; Kini A; Adams DH; Khalique OK; Hahn RT; Søndergaard L; George I; Kodali SK; De Backer O; Leon MB; Bapat VN, 2020, 'Alignment of Transcatheter Aortic-Valve Neo-Commissures (ALIGN TAVR): Impact on Final Valve Orientation and Coronary Artery Overlap', JACC: Cardiovascular Interventions, 13, pp. 1030 - 1042,

del Monte-Nieto G; Fischer JW; Gorski DJ; Harvey RP; Kovacic JC, 2020, 'Basic Biology of Extracellular Matrix in the Cardiovascular System, Part 1/4: JACC Focus Seminar', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 75, pp. 2169 - 2188,

Frangogiannis NG; Kovacic JC, 2020, 'Extracellular Matrix in Ischemic Heart Disease, Part 4/4: JACC Focus Seminar', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 75, pp. 2219 - 2235,

Barallobre-Barreiro J; Loeys B; Mayr M; Rienks M; Verstraeten A; Kovacic JC, 2020, 'Extracellular Matrix in Vascular Disease, Part 2/4: JACC Focus Seminar', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 75, pp. 2189 - 2203,

Díez J; González A; Kovacic JC, 2020, 'Myocardial Interstitial Fibrosis in Nonischemic Heart Disease, Part 3/4: JACC Focus Seminar', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 75, pp. 2204 - 2218,

Zaid S; Sengupta A; Okoli K; Tsoi M; Khan A; Ahmad H; Goldberg JB; Undemir C; Rozenshtein A; Patel N; Khan M; Gupta E; Kovacic J; Lansman SL; Dangas GD; Sharma SK; Kini A; Tang GHL, 2020, 'Novel Anatomic Predictors of New Persistent Left Bundle Branch Block After Evolut Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation', American Journal of Cardiology, 125, pp. 1222 - 1229,

Santini MP; Malide D; Hoffman G; Pandey G; D'Escamard V; Nomura-Kitabayashi A; Rovira I; Kataoka H; Ochando J; Harvey RP; Finkel T; Kovacic JC, 2020, 'Tissue-Resident PDGFRα+ Progenitor Cells Contribute to Fibrosis versus Healing in a Context- and Spatiotemporally Dependent Manner', Cell Reports, 30, pp. 555 - 570.e7,

Fernandez-Jimenez R; Jaslow R; Bansilal S; Diaz-Munoz R; Fatterpekar M; Santana M; Clarke-Littman A; Latina J; Soto AV; Hill CA; Al-Kazaz M; Samtani R; Vedanthan R; Giannarelli C; Kovacic JC; Bagiella E; Kasarskis A; Fayad ZA; Fuster V, 2020, 'Different Lifestyle Interventions in Adults From Underserved Communities: The FAMILIA Trial', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 75, pp. 42 - 56,

Olin JW; Di Narzo AF; D'Escamard V; Kadian-Dodov D; Cheng H; Georges A; King A; Thomas A; Barwari T; Michelis KC; Bouchareb R; Bander E; Anyanwu A; Stelzer P; Filsoufi F; Florman S; Civelek M; Debette S; Jeunemaitre X; Björkegren JLM; Mayr M; Bouatia-Naji N; Hao K; Kovacic JC, 2020, 'A plasma proteogenomic signature for fibromuscular dysplasia', Cardiovascular Research, 116, pp. 63 - 77,

Sengupta A; Alexis SL; Kovacic JC; Tang GHL, 2020, 'Current challenges in TAVI: Neo-commissural alignment to mimic more physiologic valve implantation', Vessel Plus, 4,

Haider N; Boscá L; Zandbergen HR; Kovacic JC; Narula N; González-Ramos S; Fernandez-Velasco M; Agrawal S; Paz-García M; Gupta S; DeLeon-Pennell K; Fuster V; Ibañez B; Narula J, 2019, 'Transition of Macrophages to Fibroblast-Like Cells in Healing Myocardial Infarction', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 74, pp. 3124 - 3135,

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