Select Publications

Journal articles

Guest DE; Sanders K; Rodrigues R; Oliveira T, 2021, 'Signalling theory as a framework for analysing human resource management processes and integrating human resource attribution theories: A conceptual analysis and empirical exploration', Human Resource Management Journal, 31, pp. 796 - 818,

Sanders K; Guest D; Rodrigues R, 2021, 'The role of HR attributions in the HRM – Outcome relationship: Introduction to the special issue', Human Resource Management Journal, 31, pp. 694 - 703,

Bouckenooghe D; Schwarz G; Kanar A; Sanders K, 2021, 'Revisiting research on attitudes toward organizational change: Bibliometric analysis and content facet analysis', Journal of Business Research, 135, pp. 137 - 148,

Biron M; De Cieri H; Fulmer I; Lin CH; Mayrhofer W; Nyfoudi M; Sanders K; Shipton H; Sun JM, 2021, 'Structuring for innovative responses to human resource challenges: A skunk works approach', Human Resource Management Review, 31, pp. 100768,

Sanders K, 2021, 'Dynamics of psychological goals. A self-organization theory of motivation and personality', PERSONNEL PSYCHOLOGY, 74,

Sanders K; Yang H; Li X, 2021, 'Quality enhancement or cost reduction? The influence of high-performance work systems and power distance orientation on employee human resource attributions', International Journal of Human Resource Management, 32, pp. 4463 - 4490,

Wang Y; Rafferty A; Sanders K; Kim S, 2021, 'Birds of a feather flock together: The relationship between managers' and employees' perceptions of HR practices', International Journal of Human Resource Management,

Kitt A; Sanders K, 2021, 'Non-Work Antecedents of the HR Process: Towards a Multi-Level Model', Academy of Management Proceedings, 2021, pp. 11158 - 11158,

Sanders K; De Cieri H, 2021, 'Similarities and differences in international and comparative human resource management: A review of 60 years of research', Human Resource Management, 60, pp. 55 - 88,

Sanders K; Kraimer M; Greco L; Morgeson F; Budhwar P; Sun JJM; Shipton H; Li X; Sang X, 2021, 'Why Academics Attend Conferences? An Extended Career Self-Management Framework', Human Resource Management Review, 32, pp. 100793,

Yang H; van Rijn MB; Sanders K, 2020, 'Perceived organizational support and knowledge sharing: employees’ self-construal matters', International Journal of Human Resource Management, 31, pp. 2217 - 2237,

Wang Y; Kim S; Rafferty A; Sanders K, 2020, 'Employee perceptions of HR practices: A critical review and future directions', International Journal of Human Resource Management, 31, pp. 128 - 173,

Lin CH; Sanders K; Sun JM; Shipton H; Mooi EA, 2020, 'HRM and innovation: the mediating role of market-sensing capability and the moderating role of national power distance', International Journal of Human Resource Management, 31, pp. 2840 - 2865,

Sanders K; Nguyen P; Bouckenooghe D; Rafferty A; Schwarz G, 2020, 'Unravelling the What and How of Organizational Communication to Employees during COVID-19 pandemic: Adopting an Attributional Lens', The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 56, pp. 289 - 293,

Schwarz G; Sanders K; Bouckenooghe D, 2019, 'In The Driving Seat: Executive's Perceived Control Over Environment', Australian Journal of Management, 45, pp. 317 - 342,

Sanders K; Jorgensen F; Shipton H; Van Rossenberg Y; Cunha R; Li X; Rodrigues R; Wong SI; Dysvik A, 2018, 'Performance-based rewards and innovative behaviors', Human Resource Management, 57, pp. 1455 - 1468,

Yousaf A; Sanders K; Yustantio J, 2018, 'High commitment HRM and organizational and occupational turnover intentions: the role of organizational and occupational commitment', International Journal of Human Resource Management, 29, pp. 1661 - 1682,

Chen W; Zhang Y; Sanders K; Xu S, 2018, 'Family-friendly work practices and their outcomes in China: the mediating role of work-to-family enrichment and the moderating role of gender', International Journal of Human Resource Management, 29, pp. 1307 - 1329,

Van Mierlo J; Bondarouk T; Sanders K, 2018, 'The dynamic nature of HRM implementation: a structural perspective', The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 29, pp. 3026 - 3045,

Hak FR; Sanders K, 2018, 'Principled Negotiation: An Evidence Based Approach', Evidence-based HRM: A Global forum for Empirical Scholarship, 6, pp. 66 - 76,

Cogin JA; Sanders K; Williamson IO, 2018, 'Work-life support practices and customer satisfaction: The role of TMT composition and country culture', Human Resource Management, 57, pp. 279 - 291,

Sanders K, 2018, 'Different Cultural Perspectives - Interpretations of the HR Function', Human Resources (Hong Kong Institute for HRM), pp. 25 - 29

Bednall T; Rafferty A; Shipton H; Sanders K; Jackson C, 2018, 'Innovative behaviour: How much transformational leadership do you need?', British Journal of Management, 29, pp. 796 - 816,

Rafferty A; Sanders K, 2018, 'The Effects of Change Attributions on Change Outcomes: An Experimental Examination', Academy of Management Proceedings, 2018, pp. 11282 - 11282,

Bainbridge HTJ; Sanders K; Cogin JA; Lin C, 2017, 'The pervasiveness and trajectory of methodological choices: A 20-year review of Human Resource Management research', Human Resource Management, 56, pp. 887 - 913,

Hui KM; Bednall TC; Wang L; Sanders K, 2017, 'Effects of Cultural Diversity and Emotional Regulation Strategies on Team Member Performance', Australasian Journal of Organisational Psychology, 10, pp. 1 - 14,

sanders K; Cogin J; lin V, 2017, 'Methodological choices of HR research conducted in Asia', Frontiers of Business Research in China, 11, pp. 11,

Bednall TC; Sanders K, 2017, 'Do opportunities for formal learning stimulate follow-up participation in informal learning?', Human Resource Management, Online Version First published: 22 August 2016, pp. 803 - 820,

Shaukat R; Yousaf A; Sanders K, 2017, 'Examining the linkages between relationship conflict, performance and turnover intentions: Role of job burnout as a mediator', International Journal of Conflict Management, 28, pp. 4 - 23,

Wang Y; Sanders K; Rafferty A, 2017, 'How Manager-Employee LTO Similarity and Employee CQ influence the Link of Their HR Perceptions', Academy of Management Proceedings, 2017, pp. 11555 - 11555,

Sanders K; Yang H; Li X, 2017, 'HPWPs, HR COMMITMENT ATTRIBUTIONS AND EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT: CONSIDERING POWER DISTANCE ORIENTATION', Academy of Management Proceedings, 2017, pp. 10286 - 10286,

Lin VCH; Sanders K, 2017, 'HRM and Innovation: A Multilevel Organizational Learning Perspective', Human Resource Management Journal, 27, pp. 300 - 317,

Biron M; Fulmer I; De Cieri H; Sue-Chan C; Lin C; Mayrhofer W; Ramaswami A; Sanders K; Shipton H; Sun J, 2017, 'Responses to Work/Employment Issues and Global Politics: Shared Wisdom from the HR Ambassadors', Academy of Management Proceedings, 2017, pp. 18636 - 18636,

Sheldon P; Sanders K, 2016, 'Contextualizing HRM in China: differences within the country', International Journal of Human Resource Management, 27, pp. 2017 - 2033,

Runhaar P; Bednall T; Sanders K; Yang H, 2016, 'Promoting VET teachers’ innovative behaviour: exploring the roles of task interdependence, learning goal orientation and occupational self-efficacy', Journal of Vocational Education and Training, 68, pp. 436 - 452,

Farndale E; Sanders K, 2016, 'Conceptualizing HRM system strength through a cross-cultural lens', International Journal of Human Resource Management, pp. 132 - 148,

Runhaar P; Sanders K, 2016, 'Promoting Teachers' Knowledge Sharing. The fostering roles of Occupational Self Efficacy and Human Resource Management', Educational Management Administration and Leadership, 44, pp. 794 - 813,

Sanders K; Sang X; Morgeson FP; Lepak DP; Budhwar PS; Sun JM, 2016, '"Attending Conferences: Learning Goals, National Culture, Involvement and Role Identity"', Academy of Management Proceedings, 2016, pp. 10803 - 10803,

Wang L; Doucet L; Waller M; Sanders K, 2016, 'A Laughing Matter: Patterns of Laughter and the Effectiveness of Working Dyads', Organization Science, 27, pp. 1142 - 1160,

Lin VCH; Sanders K; Shipton H; Sun J; Mooi E, 2016, 'From Customer-Oriented Strategy to Organizational Financial Performance: The Role of Human Resource Management and Customer-Linking Capability', British Journal of Management

Shipton HJ; Farndale E; Jorgensen F; Sanders K; Wang Y; Li X; Nouri R; Rossenberg YV; Wang Y; Yang H, 2016, 'HRM Process Approach: Advancing the Field', Academy of Management Proceedings, 2016, pp. 10509 - 10509,

Helen Shipton H; Sanders K; Atkinson C; Frenkel S, 2016, 'Sense-giving in health care: the relationship between the HR roles of line managers and employee commitment', Human Resource Management Journal, 26, pp. 29 - 45,

Sanders K; Yang H, 2016, 'The HRM Process Approach: The Influence Employees' Attribution to Explain the HRM - Performance Relationship', Human Resource Management, pp. 201 - 217,

Mesu J; Sanders K; Riemsdijk MV, 2015, 'Transformational leadership and organisational commitment in manufacturing and service small to medium-sized enterprises: The moderating effects of directive and participative leadership', Personnel Review, 44, pp. 970 - 990,

Cheng EWL; Sanders K; Hampson I, 2015, 'An intention-based model of transfer of training', Management Research Review, 38, pp. 908 - 928,

Yousaf A; Sanders K; Abbas Q, 2015, 'Organizational/occupational commitment and organizational/occupational turnover intentions: A happy marriage?', Personnel Review, 44, pp. 470 - 491,

Yousaf A; Yang H; Sanders K, 2015, 'Effects of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation on task and contextual performance of Pakistani professionals', Journal of Managerial Psychology, 30, pp. 133 - 150,

Sanders K; Wang Y; Shipton HJ; Rossenberg YV; Jøgensen F; Gomes JFS; Rodrigues RM; Cunha RC; Humborstad SIW, 2015, '"Innovative Behavior: HPWSs, HR system Strength and Country Values"', Academy of Management Proceedings, 2015, pp. 11812 - 11812,

Lin C-HV; Sanders K; Sun JM; Shipton HJ; Mooi E, 2015, 'Opening the Black-Box between HRM and Firm Innovation: The Moderating Effect of Power Distance', Academy of Management Proceedings, 2015, pp. 11846 - 11846,

Cogin JA; Kaše R; Sanders K, 2015, 'The effects of HRM and social-network on managerial-performance Examining the interaction in a MNC', Academy of Management Proceedings, 2015, pp. 11266 - 11266,

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