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UNSW has been at the forefront of vanadium redox flow battery technology since the invention of the first all-vanadium redox flow cell by Professor Maria Skyllas-Kazacos and co-workers in 1985.
These by-products have outstanding physical properties when compared with traditional particleboards. Mechanical properties are in average with traditional particle boards in the market. Formaldehyde emissions in all new panels are lower of what is expected in wood.
Australian federalism needs urgent repair. Over 107 years it has become a costly and inefficient means of governance. This project will produce a framework against which proposals for the reform of our federal system can be judged.
As history has repeatedly shown, where there are valuable minerals to be unearthed, adventurous humans will arrive in droves - even if it means battling extreme conditions and risking life and limb.
This project is focused on applications like controlled delivery of softeners, nutrients, and drugs from droplets like those in a shampoo, food, or drug formulation.
Universal health coverage (UHC), which implies all people have access to needed services without the risk of financial ruin, has become a major goal for health reform in many countries.
We are an interdisciplinary group interested in understanding how viruses evolve under the host immune response.
We take advantage of next generation sequencing technologies to study viral populations including low frequency variants.
Project 1: Mathematical modelling of T cell trafficking in the liver
This project aims to design a mathematical model to study the trafficking of CD8 T cells in the full body of mice in the absence or presence of antigen.
This NHMRC CRE in Population Health Research commenced in 2012 and is focused on immunisation for vulnerable or marginalised population subgroups at increased disease risk.
Algal and cyanobacteria blooms are of particular concern in drinking water resources due to their adverse impact on treatment processes, as well as their potential to release harmful toxins and taste and odour compounds into water supplies.
Potable source water frequently has a high organic matter (OM) content originating from decaying plants, soil and peat, bacterial activity, algal blooms and upstream treated effluent discharges.
The primary aim of this applied research project is to investigate the capacity of deaf people who use sign language to participate in the administration of justice by serving as jurors. Research of this kind has never previously been conducted in Australia or internationally.
Increasingly, interviewers rely on interpreters because they lack proficiency in the language spoken by the interviewee. Yet little is known about ways interpreters can affect the dynamics of the interview.
In the past decade, massive scale-up of insecticide-treated nets (ITN) and indoor residual spraying (IRS), together with the introduction of artemisinin-combination treatments, have led to substantial reductions in malaria prevalence and incidence in African highlands.
This study will determine whether mask use by people with influenza-like-illness (ILI) while at home protects other family members from respiratory infections.