Dr Christopher Anthony Falzon
Faculty: Arts, Design & Architecture
Fields of Research (FoR): Social Philosophy, History of Philosophy and History of Ideas
Faculty: Arts, Design & Architecture
Fields of Research (FoR): Social Philosophy, History of Philosophy and History of Ideas
Dr Christopher Falzon is a Visiting Fellow in the School of Humanities and Languages.

Professor Aurelia Dorane George Mulgan
Faculty: UNSW Canberra
Faculty: UNSW Canberra
Professor Aurelia George Mulgan is a Professor (Conjoint) in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of New South Wales, Canberra.
Fine tuning emotion in music
Fine tuning emotion in music: What musician do with their instrument to move us.
Why does music move us? What do musicians actually do that causes us for feel joy, sadness or marvel at the beauty of a performance?
The UNSW Engine Research Laboratory performs experimental research on all types of powertrain systems used in automobiles, power generators, aeroplanes and ships. The keywords of our research are: Petrol (Gasoline) Engines, Diesel Engines, Gasoline Compression Igntion Engines, Dual-Fuel Engines, Optical Engines, In-cylinder Flow and Turbulence, In-cylinder Combustion Process, Optical/Laser Diagnostics, Engine Performance and Emissions Testing, Fuel Injection System, Pollutants Formation (soot, NOx, HC, CO, CO2) and Alternative Fuels (Hydrogen, Ethanol, Biodiesel and Natural Gas).
Development of conceptual overview of a new model for NAATI standards, testing and assessment.
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This project provides an overview of the current Interpreter/Translator acc
Contraception understandings and experiences of Australian women
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Rationale / Background
Interpreters in court: Witness credibility with interpreted testimony.
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This ARC Linkage project investigates how juries and judicial officers resp
Vanadium Redox Battery
UNSW has been at the forefront of vanadium redox flow battery technology since the invention of the first all-vanadium redox flow cell by Professor Maria Skyllas-Kazacos and co-workers in 1985.
Sustainable Panel Materials for the Built Environment
These by-products have outstanding physical properties when compared with traditional particleboards. Mechanical properties are in average with traditional particle boards in the market. Formaldehyde emissions in all new panels are lower of what is expected in wood.
Federalism for the 21st Century - A Framework for Achieving Reform and Change
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Australian federalism needs urgent repair. Over 107 years it has become a costly and inefficient means of governance. This project will produce a framework against which proposals for the reform of our federal system can be judged.
Immigration Restriction and the Racial State, c. 1880 to the present
This is a four-year Australian Research Council Discovery Grant which examines the history of medico-legal border control in the Asia-Pacific region.
Off Earth Mining Forum
As history has repeatedly shown, where there are valuable minerals to be unearthed, adventurous humans will arrive in droves - even if it means battling extreme conditions and risking life and limb.
Mining Education Australia
Mining Education Australia is one program and one school delivering world class undergraduate education in mining engineering.
Shaped and Stimulus-Responsive Droplets for Improved Delivery
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This project is focused on applications like controlled delivery of softeners, nutrients, and drugs from droplets like those in a shampoo, food, or drug formulation.
Sustainable Health Financing in Fiji and Timor-Leste (Shift Study)
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Universal health coverage (UHC), which implies all people have access to needed services without the risk of financial ruin, has become a major goal for health reform in many countries.
Breast cancer Mortality Evaluation of BreastScreen Aotearoa (New Zealand)
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BreastScreen Aotearoa (BSA) is the national breast screening programmen in New Zealand which aims to reduce cancer mortality through early diagnosis.