Find your prospective supervisor, research project or research group, collaborator or expert by searching UNSW Sydney Researcher Profiles. Use keywords to view their research interests, publications and areas of expertise.

Dr Jia Guo

Faculty: Engineering
Fields of Research (FoR): Operations research, Optimisation, Modelling and simulation, Machine learning, Rail transportation and freight services, Air transportation and freight services, Stochastic analysis and modelling

Dr Jia Guo is a research associate at the Research Centre for Integrated Transport Innovation
Miss Michala Kowalski

Faculty: Medicine & Health

Dr Michala Kowalski is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at NDARC, U
Dr Trish Hill

Faculty: Arts, Design & Architecture
Fields of Research (FoR): Social policy, Gender, policy and administration, Social program evaluation, Policy and administration

Trish's research employs a feminist economic and social policy lens to examine issues in the fields of poverty and inequality, informal care across the lifecourse and ageing and aged care.
Scientia Professor Louisa Jane Degenhardt

Faculty: Medicine & Health

Louisa is UNSW Scientia Professor and NHMRC Senior Principal Research Fellow and Deputy Director at the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre (NDARC)
Ms Haley Christine Stone

Faculty: Engineering

Haley is a PhD candidate and Research Officer with the Kirby Institute’s Biosecurity Program, led by Professor Raina MacIntyre.
Ms Martina Beretta

Faculty: Science

  Postdoctoral Research Associate, UNSW 2018-current Research Assistant, UNSW 2018  
Professor Ian Lloyd Turner

Faculty: Engineering

Professor Research interests: innovative measurements & monitoring of local- to global-scale coastlines
Mr Thomas Archbold

Faculty: Engineering

Thomas is a postdoctoral fellow working in the Algorithmic Decision Theory group at UNSW.
Miss Charlotte Sarah Firth

Faculty: Arts, Design & Architecture
Fields of Research (FoR): Architectural design

Charlotte is an Associate Lecturer in the Built Environment, within the faculty of Arts, Design & Architecture.
Mr Joe Baine

Faculty: Science

I am a Postdoctoral Fellow in the School of Mathematics and Statistics; my research interests typically arise from geometric modular representation theory and Kazhdan-Lusztig theory. I was awa
Dr George Joukhadar

Faculty: Business

George is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Information Systems and Technology Management at UNSW.
Dr Tariq Khan

Faculty: Engineering

Tariq Khan is a senior researcher in the School of Computer Science a
Dr Paul Sharp

Faculty: Medicine & Health
Fields of Research (FoR): Health promotion, Social determinants of health

I am a Senior Lecturer (Health Behaviour Change/Sport Psychology) in the School of Health Sciences at the University of New South Wales.
Mr Jason O'Neil

Faculty: Law & Justice
Fields of Research (FoR): Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and the law, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community governance and decision making, Global Indigenous studies peoples, society and community, Public policy, Public law

Jason O'Neil is a Wiradjuri man and Lecturer in the School of Global and Public Law in the Faculty of Law and Justice, and a Scientia PhD Candidate in the School of Social Sciences.