Find your prospective supervisor, research project or research group, collaborator or expert by searching UNSW Sydney Researcher Profiles. Use keywords to view their research interests, publications and areas of expertise.

Dr Jesse Laeuchli

Faculty: Engineering

Dr Laeuchli received his PhD from the College of William and Mary, where hi
Dr Sylvia Hay

Faculty: Science

Research fields: Conservation biology, Freshwater ecology, Fire ecology.
Associate Professor Kaustuv Bhattacharya

Faculty: Medicine & Health

I am a specialist in managing rare genetic metabolic conditions, having designed the original investigator led studies leading to the marketing of a n
Dr Ali Isin

Faculty: Medicine & Health

Dr. Ali Isin is a Visiting Fellow at the School of Population, Medicine & Health, UNSW.
Associate Professor James Andrew Phillips

Faculty: Arts, Design & Architecture
Fields of Research (FoR): Philosophy, Aesthetics, Phenomenology, Cinema studies, Political theory and political philosophy, British and Irish literature, History of philosophy
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I have been at UNSW since 2006, first as a Vice-Chancellor's postdoctoral fellow, then as an ARC Australian Research Fellow (2007-2011), before taking up a combined research-teaching position in Ph
Dr Adam John Hepworth

Faculty: UNSW Canberra

Expert, Global Commission on Responsible Artificial Intelligence in the Military Domain (GC REAIM)
Professor Christine Chan

Faculty: Business

Christine Chan is Professor of International Business in the School of
Dr Theresa Caruana

Faculty: Arts, Design & Architecture

Theresa Caruana is a Research Associate/Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Centre for Social Research in Health.
Professor Jason John Sharples

Faculty: UNSW Canberra
Fields of Research (FoR): Applied Mathematics, Natural Hazards
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Extreme bushfires are a worsening global problem.
Dr Oleh Klochan

Faculty: UNSW Canberra
Fields of Research (FoR): Condensed Matter Physics, Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Condensed Matter; Superconductivity, Nanoelectronics, Quantum Physics
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I graduated from Lviv National University in Ukraine in 2000, majoring in Physics of Semiconductors, and received a PhD in Condensed Matter Physics from UNSW in 2008.
Dr Yasemin Fadil

Faculty: Engineering

Dr Yasemin Fadil is an Associate Lecturer and Postdoctoral Fellow in the School of Chemical Engineering at University of New South Wales (UNSW).
Mr Zhaoxi Zheng

Faculty: Arts, Design & Architecture
Fields of Research (FoR): Sociology, Sociology of health

Zhaoxi Zheng (He/Him) is a sociologist, thanatologist, and an award-winning university educator. Zhaoxi’s works centre around the sociologies of health and illness and
Ms Chloe Blacket

Faculty: Medicine & Health

I am a Lecturer in Health Behaviour Change in the School of Health Sciences at the University of New South Wales.