Working Papers
Randall KL; Flesch IEA; Mei Y; Miosge LA; Aye R; Yu Z; Domaschenz H; Hollett NA; Russell TA; Stefanovic T; Wong YC; Goodnow CC; Bertram EM; Enders A; Tscharke DC, 2023, DOCK2-deficiency causes defects in anti-viral T cell responses and poor control of herpes simplex virus infection., http://dx.doi.org10.1101/2023.08.02.551154,
Singh M; Louie RHY; Samir J; Field MA; Milthorpe C; Aldiriki T; Mackie J; Roper E; Faulks M; Jackson KJL; Calcino A; Hardy MY; Blombery P; Amos TG; Deveson IW; Read SA; Shek D; Guerin A; Ma CS; Tangye SG; Sabatino AD; Lenti MV; Pasini A; Ciccocioppo R; Ahlenstiel G; Suan D; Tye-Din JA; Goodnow CC; Luciani F, 2024, Expanded T cell clones with lymphoma driver somatic mutations in refractory celiac disease,
Young C; Singh M; Jackson KJL; Field MA; Peters TJ; Angioletti-Uberti S; Frenkel D; Ravishankar S; Gupta M; Wang JJ; Agapiou D; Faulks ML; Al-Eryani G; Luciani F; Gordon TP; Reed JH; Danta M; Carr A; Kelleher AD; Dore GJ; Matthews G; Brink R; Bull RA; Suan D; Goodnow CC, 2024, Self-reactive B cells traverse a perfect storm of somatic mutagenesis to cause a virus-induced autoimmune disease,
Voyer TL; Gervais A; Rosain J; Parent A; Cederholm A; Rinchai D; Bizien L; Hancioglu G; Philippot Q; Gueye MS; Luxman MR; Renkilaraj M; Ogishi M; Soudée C; Migaud M; Rozenberg F; Momenilandi M; Riller Q; Imberti L; Delmonte O; Müller G; Keller B; Orrego J; Gallego WA; Rubin T; Emiroglu M; Parvaneh N; Eriksson D; Aranda-Guillen M; Berrios DI; Vong L; Katelaris CH; Mustillo P; Rädler J; Bohlen J; Celik JB; Astudillo C; Winter S; Guichard A; Béziat V; Bustamante J; Pan-Hammarström Q; Zhang Y; Rosen LB; Holland SM; Kenney H; Boztuğ K; Mahlaoui N; Latour S; Abraham R; Lougaris V; Hauck F; Sediva A; Atschekzei F; Poli MC; Slatter MA; Palterer B; Keller MD; Pinzon-Charry A; Sullivan A; Droney L; Suan D; Aladjidi N; Hie M; Lazaro E; Franco J; Keles S; Malphette M; Pasquet M; Maccari ME; Meinhardt A; Ikinciogullari A; Shahrooei M; Celmeli F; Frosk P; Goodnow CC; Gray PE; Belot A; Kuehn HS; Rosenzweig SD; Licciardi F; Servettaz A; Barlogis V; Guenno GL; Herrmann V-M; Kuijpers T; Ducoux G; Sarrot-Reynauld F; Schuetz C; Cunningham-Rundles C; Rieux-Laucat F; Tangye SG; Sobacchi C; Doffinger R; Warnatz K; Grimbacher B; Fieschi C; Berteloot L; Bryant V; Assant ST; Notarangelo LD; Su H; Neven B; Abel L; Zhang Q; Boisson B; Cobat A; Jouanguy E; Kampe O; Bastard P; Roifman C; Landegren N; Anderson MS; Casanova J-L; Puel A, 2023, Impaired thymic AIRE expression underlies autoantibodies against type I IFNs in humans with inborn errors of the alternative NF-kB pathway,
Al-Eryani G; Bartonicek N; Chan C-L; Anderson A; Harvey K; Wu SZ; Roden D; Wang T; Reeves J; Yeung BZ; Masle-Farquhar E; Goodnow CC; Ma C; Phan TG; Lundeberg J; Junankar S; Swarbrick A, 2022, Integration of single-cell RNA and protein data identifies novel clinically-relevant lymphocyte phenotypes in breast cancers,
Bryant D; Smith L; Rogers-Broadway KR; Karydis L; Woo J; Blunt MD; Forconi F; Stevenson FK; Goodnow C; Russell A; Humberg P; Packham G; Steele AJ; Strefford JC, 2022, Network analysis reveals a major role for 14q32 cluster miRNAs in determining transcriptional differences between IGHV-mutated and unmutated CLL,
Masle-Farquhar E; Jackson KJL; Peters T; Al-Eryani G; Singh M; Payne K; Rao G; Apps G; Kingham J; Jara C; Skvortsova K; Swarbrick A; Ma C; Suan D; Uzel G; Chua I; Leiding J; Heiskanen K; Preece K; Kainulainen L; O’Sullivan M; Cooper M; Seppänen MRJ; Mustjoki S; Brothers S; Vogel T; Brink R; Tangye S; Reed J; Goodnow C, 2022, STAT3gain-of-function mutations connect leukemia with autoimmune disease by pathological dysregulation of NKG2DhiCD8 killer T cells,
Rouet R; Henry J; Johansen M; Sobti M; Balachandran H; Langley D; Walker G; Lenthall H; Jackson J; Ubiparipovic S; Mazigi O; Schofield P; Burnett D; Brown S; Martinello M; Hudson B; Gilroy N; Post J; Kelleher A; Jäck H-M; Goodnow C; Turville S; Rawlinson W; Bull R; Stewart A; Hansbro P; Christ D, 2022, Broadly neutralizing SARS-CoV-2 antibodies through epitope-based selection from convalescent patients,
Zammit N; Gray P; Siggs O; Yap JY; Russell A; Cultrone D; Warren J; Walters S; Brink R; Zahra D; Burnett D; Gayevskiy V; Minoche A; Ziegler J; Craig M; Wong M; Benitez-Aguirre P; Teo J; Cowley M; Dinger M; Tangye S; Burke C; Phan T; Goodnow C; Grey S, 2022, Environmental and genetic disease modifiers of haploinsufficiency of A20,
Ho W-HJ; Law A; Masle-Farquhar E; Castillo L; Mawson A; O’Bryan M; Goodnow C; Ortega DG; Oakes S; Ormandy C, 2021, Activation of the viral sensor oligoadenylate synthetase 2 (Oas2) prevents pregnancy-driven mammary cancer metastases,
Masle-Farquhar E; Peters T; Jackson KJL; Singh M; Ma C; Suan D; Uzel G; Chua I; Leiding J; Heiskanen K; Preece K; Kainulainen L; O’Sullivan M; Cooper M; Seppänen MRJ; Mustjoki S; Brothers S; Vogel T; Brink R; Tangye S; Reed J; Goodnow C, 2021, Overactive STAT3 drives accumulation of disease-associated CD21lowB cells,
Masle-Farquhar E; Peters T; Miosge L; Parish I; Weigel C; Oakes C; Reed J; Goodnow C, 2021, Uncontrolled CD21low age-associated and B1 B cell accumulation caused by failure of an EGR2/3 tolerance checkpoint,
Kayagaki N; Kornfeld O; Lee B; Stowe I; O'Rourke K; Li Q; Sandoval W; Yan D; Xu M; Ulas G; Payandeh J; Roose-Girma M; Modrusan Z; Reja R; Sagolla M; Webster J; Cho V; Andrews T; Morris L; Miosge L; Goodnow C; Bertram E; Dixit V, 2020, NINJ1 mediates plasma membrane rupture during lytic cell death,
Masle-Farquhar E; Russell A; Li Y; Zhu F; Rui L; Brink R; Goodnow C, 2020, Loss-of-function ofFbxo10, encoding a post-translational regulator of BCL2 in lymphomas, has no discernible effect on BCL2 or B lymphocyte accumulation in mice,
Parish IA; Stamp LA; Lorenzo AMD; Fowler SM; Sontani Y; Miosge LA; Howard DR; Goodnow CC; Young HM; Furness JB, 2016, A novel mutation in the nucleoporin NUP35 causes murine degenerative colonic smooth muscle myopathy,
Masle-Farquhar E; Peters TJ; Jackson KJL; Singh M; Ma CS; Suan D; Uzel G; Chua I; Leiding JW; Heiskanen K; Preece K; Kainulainen L; O’Sullivan M; Cooper MA; Seppänen MRJ; Mustjoki S; Brothers S; Vogel TP; Brink R; Tangye SG; Reed JH; Goodnow CC, Overactive STAT3 Drives Accumulation of Disease-Associated CD21 <sup>low</sup> B Cells,
Masle-Farquhar E; Peters TJ; Miosge LA; Parish IA; Weigel C; Oakes CC; Reed JH; Goodnow CC, Uncontrolled CD21 <sup>low</sup> Age-Associated and B1 B Cell Accumulation Caused by Failure of an EGR2/3 Tolerance Checkpoint,
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