Select Publications


Martin AJ, 2016, Using Load Reduction Instruction (LRI) to boost motivation and engagement, British Psychological Society, Leicester, UK,

Martin A, 2013, Influences from the Home

Martin AJ, 2012, How To Help Your Child Fly Through Life, Random House Australia, Sydney

Martin AJ, 2010, Building Classroom Success: Eliminating Academic Fear and Failure, Continuum, London

Martin AJ, 2003, How to Motivate Your Child for School and Beyond, Random House Australia, Sydney

Book Chapters

Caldecott-Davis K; Collie RJ; Martin AJ, 2023, 'Need satisfaction and links with social-emotional motivation and outcomes among students', in Self-Determination Theory and Socioemotional Learning, pp. 19 - 37,

Evans P; Martin A, 2023, 'Explicit Instruction', in O'Donnell A; Barness NC; Reeve J (ed.), Oxford Handbook of Educational Psychology, Oxford University Press,

Martin A; Burns E, 2023, 'Gaps in contemporary motivation research: A biopsychological perspective', in Bong M; Reeve J; KIm S (ed.), Motivation Science: Controversies and Insights, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 380 - 386,

Martin A; Burns E; Kennett R; Pearson J, 2023, 'Harnessing biopsychology and mobile technology to develop motivation science in the next decade', in Bong M; Reeve J; Kim S (ed.), Motivation Science: Controversies and Insights, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 435 - 440,

Holliman AJ; Connolly C; Martin AJ; Collie RJ, 2022, 'Adaptability and educational transitions', in Overcoming Adversity in Education, Routledge, pp. 54 - 65,

Martin AJ; Tynan L; Collie RJ; Bishop M; Lowe K, 2022, 'Indigenous (Aboriginal, First Nations) students overcoming academic adversity', in Overcoming Adversity in Education, Routledge, pp. 211 - 222,

Martin AJ; Collie RJ, 2022, 'The Academic and Cultural Demands-Resources (ACD-R) framework', in Overcoming Adversity in Education, Routledge, pp. 249 - 261,

Bostwick KCP; Martin AJ; Collie RJ; Durksen TL, 2022, 'Students' growth orientation: Implications for their academic flourishing', in Handbook of Positive Psychology in Schools: Supporting Process and Practice, pp. 309 - 318,

Martin AJ; Evans P, 2022, 'Buoyancy, Resilience, and Adaptability', in The Oxford Handbook of Music Performance, Volume 1, Oxford University Press (OUP), pp. 630 - 651,

Bostwick KCP; Martin AJ; Collie RJ; Durksen TL, 2022, 'Students' Growth Orientation', in Handbook of Positive Psychology in Schools, Routledge, pp. 309 - 318,

Martin A, 2022, 'The role of academic engagement in mediating the link between instruction and academic outcomes: New insights from load reduction instruction and the 4M Academic Engagement Framework', in Christenson S; Reschly A (ed.), Handbook of Research on Student Engagement, Springer, New York,

Burns EC; Martin AJ, 2021, 'Motivational Issues in Gifted Education: Understanding the Role of Students’ Attribution and Control Beliefs, Self-Worth Protection and Growth Orientation', in Springer International Handbooks of Education, pp. 339 - 357,

Martin A; Evans P, 2021, 'Buoyancy, resilience, and adaptability', in G M (ed.), Oxford Handbook of Music Performance, Oxford University Press, Oxford

Granziera H; Collie R; Martin A, 2020, 'Understanding Teacher Wellbeing Through Job Demands-Resources Theory', in Cultivating Teacher Resilience International Approaches, Applications and Impact, Springer

Holliman A; Martin A; Collie R, 2020, 'Adaptability and academic development', in Hupp S; Jewell JD (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Child and Adolescent Development, Wiley-Blackwell, London, pp. 1 - 11,

Liem G; Martin A, 2020, 'Direct instruction', in Hattie J; Anderman E (ed.), Visible learning: Guide to student achievement, Routledge, London

Martin A; Newton K; Sperling R, 2020, 'Educational psychology and students with special needs', in Martin A; Sperling R; Newton K (ed.), Handbook of educational psychology and students with special needs, Routledge, New York,

Martin A; Newton K; Sperling R, 2020, 'Future directions in the application of educational psychology to students with special needs', in Martin A; Sperling R; Newton K (ed.), Handbook of educational psychology and students with special needs, Routledge, New York,

Martin A, 2020, 'Goal orientation', in Hattie J; Anderman E (ed.), Visible learning: Guide to student achievement, Routledge, London

Martin AJ; Bostwick K; Collie RJ; Tarbetsky AL, 2020, 'Implicit Theories of Intelligence', in Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences, Springer International Publishing, pp. 2184 - 2190,

Martin A; Evans P, 2020, 'Load reduction instruction policy', in Allen K; Reupert A; Oades L (ed.), Building better schools with evidence-based policy: Adaptable policy for teachers and school leaders, Routledge, New York

Burns EC; Martin AJ, 2020, 'Received Support', in Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences, Springer International Publishing, pp. 4326 - 4328,

Martin A, 2020, 'Self-worth motivation theory and students with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)', in Martin A; Sperling R; Newton K (ed.), Handbook of educational psychology and students with special needs, Routledge,

Martin AJ; Evans P, 2019, 'Load reduction instruction (LRI): Sequencing explicit instruction and guided discovery to enhance students’ motivation, engagement, learning, and achievement', in Advances in Cognitive Load Theory: Rethinking Teaching, Routledge, Oxon, U.K., pp. 15 - 29,

Holliman A; Collie R; Martin A, 2019, 'Adaptability and academic development', in Jewell J (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Child and Adolescent Development, Wiley, London,

Burns E; Martin A, 2019, 'Educational psychology, evolutionary psychology, and socio-cultural perspectives: A roadmap for research and practice', in Good T; McCaslin M (ed.), Encyclopedia of Education, Routledge, Oxford

Collie R; Martin A, 2019, 'Motivation and engagement in learning', in Zhang L (ed.), Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education, Oxford University Press, New York,

Burns E; Martin A, 2019, 'Motivational issues in gifted education: Understanding the role of students’ attribution and control beliefs, self-worth protection, and growth orientation', in Smith S (ed.), Handbook of giftedness and talent development in the Asia-Pacific, Springer, Singapore,

Burns E; Martin A, 2019, 'Received support', in Zeigler-Hill V; Shackelford T (ed.), Encyclopedia of personality and individual differences, Springer Nature, Switzerland,

Martin AJ, 2018, 'Evolutionary psychology and the classroom: Implications for theory, research, and practice in motivation, learning, achievement, and instruction', in Liem GAD; McInerney DM (ed.), Big Theories Revisited - Two, edn. Research on Sociocultural Influences on Motivation and Learn, Information Age Publishing, Charlotte, NC

Martin AJ, 2018, 'Grade Retention: Assessing Its Role in Students’ Academic and Personal Wellbeing Outcomes', in Encyclopedia of Adolescence, Springer International Publishing, pp. 1638 - 1644,

Burns E; Martin A, 2018, 'Growth goal setting in positive education: The role of personal best (PB) goal setting in promoting student well-being and academic success', in Stokoe J (ed.), Global perspectives in positive education, John Catt Educational, Melton

Collie R; Perry NE; Martin AJ, 2017, 'School context and educational system factors impacting educator stress', in McIntyre TM; McIntyre SE; Francis DJ (ed.), Educator Stress An Occupational Health Perspective, Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 3 - 22

Martin ANDREW; Strnadova I; O'Neill S; Cumming TM, 2017, 'The role of perceived competence in the lives of children with ADHD, emotional and behavioral disorder, learning disability, and developmental disability: A positive psychology perspective.', in Guay E; Marsh H; McInerney I; Craven R (ed.), SELF – Driving Positive Psychology and Wellbeing. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing., edn. Cambridge Studies in Public Opinion and Political Psychology, Information Age Publishing, Charlotte, NC, pp. 1 - 26,

Collie R; Martin AJ; Frydenberg E, 2017, 'Social and emotional learning: A brief overview and issues relevant to Australia and the Asia-Pacific', in Frydenberg E; Martin A; Collie R (ed.), Social and emotional learning in Australia and the Asia-Pacific, Springer, New York,

Martin AJ; Cumming TM; O Neill SC; Strnadová I, 2017, 'Social and emotional competence and at-risk children’s well-being: The roles of personal and interpersonal agency for children with ADHD, emotional and behavioral disorder, learning disability, and developmental disability', in Social and Emotional Learning in Australia and the Asia-Pacific: Perspectives, Programs and Approaches, Springer, pp. 123 - 145,

Tarbetsky AL; Martin AJ; Collie RJ, 2017, 'Social and emotional learning, social and emotional competence, and students’ academic outcomes: The roles of psychological need satisfaction, adaptability, and buoyancy', in Social and Emotional Learning in Australia and the Asia-Pacific: Perspectives, Programs and Approaches, Springer, pp. 17 - 37,

Martin AJ; Collie RJ; Frydenberg E, 2017, 'Social and emotional learning: Lessons learned and opportunities going forward', in Social and Emotional Learning in Australia and the Asia-Pacific: Perspectives, Programs and Approaches, Springer, pp. 459 - 471,

Marsh HW; Martin AJ; Yeung A; Craven R, 2017, 'Competence self-perceptions', in Elliot A; Dweck C; Yeager D (ed.), Handbook of competence and motivation, edn. 2nd ed., Guilford, New York, pp. 85 - 115

Martin AJ, 2017, 'Grade retention: Assessing its role in students’ academic and personal wellbeing outcomes', in Levesque RJR (ed.), Encyclopedia of Adolescence, Springer, New York,

Martin AJ, 2017, 'Opposite-Sex Relationships', in Shackelford T; Weekes-Shackelford V (ed.), Encyclopedia of evolutionary psychological science, Springer, New York,

Martin AJ; Strnadova I; O'Neill S; Cumming T, 2017, 'The role of perceived competence in the lives of children with ADHD, emotional and behavioral disorder, learning disability, and developmental disability: A positive psychology perspective', in Guay F; Marsh H; Craven R; McInerney D (ed.), SELF – Driving Positive Psychology and Wellbeing, Information Age Publishing, Charlotte, NC

Martin AJ; Collie R, 2016, 'The role of teacher-student relationships in unlocking students’ academic potential: Exploring motivation, engagement, resilience, adaptability, goals, and instruction', in Wentzel KR; Ramani GB (ed.), Handbook of Social Influences in School Contexts Social-Emotional, Motivation, and Cognitive Outcomes, Routledge, New York, pp. 158 - 177

Martin AJ, 2016, 'Grade Retention: Assessing its Role in Students’ Academic and Personal Wellbeing Outcomes', in Levesque RJR (ed.), Encyclopedia of Adolescence, Springer, New York, pp. 1 - 7,

Martin AJ; Bostwick K; Collie RJ; Tarbetsky A, 2016, 'Implicit Theories of Intelligence', in Zeigler-Hill V; Shackelford T (ed.), Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences, Springer, New York, pp. 1 - 7,

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