Select Publications

Book Chapters

Martin AJ, 2016, 'Musical prodigies and motivation', in McPherson G (ed.), Musical prodigies: Interpretations from psychology, music education, musicology and ethnomusicology, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 320 - 337

Mansour M; Martin AJ; Liem GAD, 2016, 'School, home and community arts participation and students' outcomes: Quantitative findings', in Fleming J; Gibson R; Anderson M (ed.), How Arts Education Makes a Difference: Research Examining Successful Classroom Practice and Pedagogy, Routledge, Routledge Oxford, pp. 87 - 105,

Liem GAD; Martin AJ; Gibson R, 2016, 'Technology-mediated arts engagement: Theoretical views, empirical bases and applied implications', in Fleming J; Gibson R; Anderson M (ed.), How Arts Education Makes a Difference: Research Examining Successful Classroom Practice and Pedagogy, Routledge, Oxford, pp. 205 - 223,

Mansour M; Martin AJ; Anderson M, 2016, 'The project's research methods: Addressing gaps in previous arts research', in Fleming J; Gibson R; Anderson M (ed.), How Arts Education Makes a Difference: Research Examining Successful Classroom Practice and Pedagogy, Routledge, Oxford, pp. 51 - 69,

Martin AJ; Collie RJ; Evans P, 2015, 'Motivation and engagement in music: Theory, research, practice, and future directions', in Fleming J; Gibson R; Anderson, M. (ed.), How Arts Education Makes a Difference: Research Examining Successful Classroom Practice and Pedagogy, Routledge, London, pp. 169 - 185,

Mansour M; Martin AJ; Liem GAD, 2015, 'School, home and community arts participation and students' outcomes: Quantitative findings', in How Arts Education Makes a Difference: Research Examining Successful Classroom Practice and Pedagogy, pp. 87 - 105,

Liem GAD; Martin AJ; Gibson R, 2015, 'Technology-mediated arts engagement: Theoretical views, empirical bases and applied implications', in Fleming J; Gibson R; Anderson M (ed.), How Arts Education Makes a Difference: Research Examining Successful Classroom Practice and Pedagogy, Routledge, London, pp. 205 - 223,

Mansour M; Martin AJ; Anderson M, 2015, 'The project's research methods: Addressing gaps in previous arts research', in How Arts Education Makes a Difference: Research Examining Successful Classroom Practice and Pedagogy, pp. 51 - 69,

Munday C; Anderson M; Gibson R; Martin AJ, 2015, 'Drama in schools: Agency, community and the classroom', in Freebody K; Finneran M (ed.), Drama and Social Justice: Theory, research and practice in international contexts, Routledge, London, pp. 75 - 88,

Collie R; Martin AJ, 2015, 'Teachers’ Psychological Needs, Motivation, and Autonomy-Support: Impacts on Students’ Growth Goals and Achievement Outcomes', in Goal Setting and Personal Development: Teachers' Perspectives, Behavioral Strategies and Impact on Performance, Nova, New York, NY, pp. 1 - 14,

Walker R; Anderson M; Martin AJ; Gibson R, 2015, 'Constructing identity and motivation in the drama classroom: A sociocultural approach', in Davis S; Ferholt B; Clemson HG; Jansson S-M; Marjanovic-Shane A (ed.), Dramatic interactions in education: Vygotskian and sociocultural approaches to drama, education and research, Bloomsbury Publishing, London, pp. 115 - 131,

Martin AJ, 2015, 'Are These Testing Times, or Is It a Time to Test? Considering the Place of Tests in Students' Academic Development', in Proctor H; Brownlee P; Freebody P (ed.), CONTROVERSIES IN EDUCATION: ORTHODOXY AND HERESY IN POLICY AND PRACTICE, SPRINGER, pp. 55 - 62,

Martin AJ, 2015, 'Are these testing times, or is it a time to test? Considering the place of tests in students’ academic development', in Proctor H; Brownlee P; Freebody P (ed.), Controversies in education: Orthodoxy and heresy in policy and practice, Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 55 - 62,

Martin AJ, 2015, 'Teaching academically at-risk students in middle school: The roles of explicit instruction and guided discovery learning', in Groundwater-Smith S; Mockler N (ed.), Big fish, little fish: Teaching and learning in the middle years, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, pp. 29 - 43,

Parker P; Martin AJ; Dicke T, 2014, 'Occupational well-being and motivation of those in the helping professions', in Michalos AC (ed.), Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research, Springer Verlag, New York, pp. 4461 - 4464,

Martin AJ, 2014, 'Academic buoyancy and adaptability: How to help students deal with adversity and change', in Street H; Porter N (ed.), Better than OK: Helping young people to flourish at school and beyond, Fremantle Press, Perth, pp. 51 - 55,

Martin AJ; Nejad H; Colmar S; Liem GAD, 2014, 'From measurement to modeling: A case study of the development and implementation of the Adaptability Scale', in Flett B (ed.), Sage Research Methods Cases, Sage, London,

Martin A, 2014, 'Interpersonal Relationships and Students’ Academic and Non-Academic Development', in Interpersonal Relationships in Education, SensePublishers, pp. 9 - 24,

Martin AJ, 2014, 'Interpersonal relationships and students’ academic and non-academic development: What outcomes peers, parents, and teachers do and do not impact', in Zandvliet D; den Brok P; Mainhard T; Tartwijk J (ed.), Interpersonal relationships in education: From theory to practice, Sense Publishers, Rotterdam, pp. 9 - 24,

Martin AJ, 2014, 'Multidimensional motivation and engagement: The Motivation and Engagement Wheel', in McInerney DM (ed.), Educational Psychology: Constructing Learning, Pearson, Sydney, pp. 240 - 244,

Martin AJ, 2014, 'Personal best goals and student growth', in Street H; Porter N (ed.), Better than OK: Helping young people to flourish at school and beyond, edn. 1st, Fremantle Press, Perth, pp. 19 - 23,

Martin AJ, 2014, 'Student motivation and engagement: Strategies for parents and educators', in Street H; Porter N (ed.), Better than OK: Helping young people to flourish at school and beyond, Fremantle Press, Perth, pp. 41 - 50,

Martin AJ, 2013, 'Motivation to learn', in Holliman A (ed.), The Routledge International Companion to Educational Psychology, Taylor & Francis, London

Marsh HW; Craven RG; Martin AJ, 2013, 'What is the nature of self-esteem? Unidimensional and multidimensional perspectives', in Kernis MH (ed.), Self-Esteem: Issues and Answers, Psychology Press, New York

Martin AJ, 2013, 'The Personal Proficiency Network: Key self-system factors and processes to optimize academic development', in McInerney DM; Marsh HW; Craven RG (ed.), Theory driving research: New wave perspectives on self-processes and human development, edn. International Advances in Self Research, Information Age Pub Incorporated, Charlotte, NC,

Liem GAD; Martin AJ, 2013, 'Direct instruction and academic achievement', in Hattie J; Anderman EM (ed.), International Guide to Student Achievement, Routledge, Oxford

Martin AJ, 2013, 'Family-school partnerships and academic achievement', in Hattie J; Anderman EM (ed.), International Guide to Student Achievement, Routledge, Oxford

Martin AJ, 2013, 'Goal orientation and academic achievement', in Hattie J; Anderman EM (ed.), International Guide to Student Achievement, Routledge, Oxford

Martin AJ, 2013, 'Goal setting, personal best (PB) goals, and academic achievement', in Hattie J; Anderman EM (ed.), International Guide to Student Achievement, Routledge, Oxford

Martin AJ, 2013, 'Television and academic achievement', in Hattie J; Anderman EM (ed.), International Guide to Student Achievement, Routledge, Oxford

Martin AJ, 2013, 'Goal Setting and Personal Best Goals', in International Guide to Student Achievement, pp. 356 - 358,

Martin AJ, 2013, 'Male involvement in children’s lives the Australian context: Roles and relevance to academic and nonacademic outcomes in the Australian context', in Father Involvement in Young Children's Lives: A Global Analysis, pp. 241 - 260,

Martin AJ, 2013, 'Male involvement in young children’s lives: Roles and relevance to academic and non-academic outcomes in the Australian context', in Pattnaik J (ed.), Father Involvement in Young Children's Lives, Springer Verlag, New York

Martin AJ, 2013, 'A unified approach to motivation and engagement: The Motivation and Engagement Wheel – ‘Extension Study’ section.', in McInerney DM (ed.), Educational Psychology: Constructing Learning, edn. 6th, Pearson, Sydney

Martin AJ; Ginns P; Papworth B; Nejad H, 2013, 'Aboriginal/Indigenous students in high school: Understanding their motivation, engagement, academic buoyancy, and achievement', in Liem GAD; Bernardo A (ed.), Advancing cross-cultural perspectives on educational psychology, Information Age Publishing, Charlotte, NC, pp. 273 - 294,

Liem GAD; Martin AJ, 2013, 'Latent Variable Modeling in Educational Psychology', in Application of Structural Equation Modeling in Educational Research and Practice, SensePublishers, pp. 187 - 216,

Liem GAD; Martin AJ, 2013, 'Latent variable modelling in educational psychology: Insights from a motivation and engagement research program', in Applications of Structural Equation Modeling in Educational Research and Practice, Sense, Boston, pp. 187 - 216

Munns G; Martin AJ, 2013, 'Me, my classroom, my school: A mixed-methods study of the meE Framework of motivation, engagement, and academic development', in Liem GAD; Bernardo A (ed.), Advancing cross-cultural perspectives on educational psychology, Information Age Publishing, Charlotte, NC, pp. 317 - 342,

Martin AJ, 2012, 'Preparation, perseverance, and performance in music: Views from a program of educational psychology research', in McPherson G; Welch G (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Music Education, Oxford University Press, Oxford

Middleton C; Martin AJ; Marsh HW, 2012, 'Development and validation of the Mental Toughness Inventory (MTI): A construct validation approach', in Gucciardi D; Gordon S (ed.), Mental Toughness in Sport: Developments in research and theory, Taylor & Francis, London

Martin AJ, 2012, 'Motivation and engagement: Conceptual, operational and empirical clarity. Section Commentary in S. Christenson', in Christenson SL; Reschly AL; Wylie C (ed.), Handbook of Research on Student Engagement, Springer, New York

Martin AJ, 2012, 'Grade retention: Effects on academic and non-academic development', in Levesque RJR (ed.), Encyclopedia of Adolescence, Springer, New York

Martin AJ, 2012, 'Part II commentary: Motivation and engagement: Conceptual, operational, and empirical clarity', in Handbook of Research on Student Engagement, pp. 303 - 311,

Martin AJ, 2012, 'Adaptability and learning', in Seel NM (ed.), Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning, Springer, New York

Martin AJ, 2012, 'Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder', in Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning, Springer US, pp. 360 - 361,

Martin AJ, 2012, 'Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)', in Seel NM (ed.), Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning, Springer, New York

Martin AJ, 2012, 'Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), perceived competence, and self-worth: Evidence and implications for students and practitioners', in Handbook on Children with Special Health Care Needs, Springer, New York

Martin AJ, 2012, 'Enhancing motivation', in Barletta J; Bond J (ed.), The home therapist: A psychological first aid manual, Australian Academic Press, Sydney

Martin AJ, 2012, 'Fear of failure in learning', in Seel NM (ed.), Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning, Springer, New York

Martin AJ, 2012, 'Motivation enhancement', in Seel NM (ed.), Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning, Springer, New York

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