Select Publications

Journal articles

Marsh HW; Martin AJ; Cheng JHS, 2008, 'A Multilevel Perspective on Gender in Classroom Motivation and Climate: Potential Benefits of Male Teachers for Boys?', Journal of Educational Psychology, 100, pp. 78 - 95,

Martin AJ; Marsh HW, 2008, 'Academic buoyancy: Towards an understanding of students' everyday academic resilience', Journal of School Psychology, 46, pp. 53 - 83,

Martin AJ, 2008, 'Motivation and engagement in music and sport: Testing a multidimensional framework in diverse performance settings', Journal of Personality, 76, pp. 135 - 170,

Jackson SA; Martin AJ; Eklund RC, 2008, 'Long and short measures of flow: The construct validity of the FSS-2, DFS-2, and new brief counterparts', Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 30, pp. 561 - 587,

Martin AJ; Marsh HW; Debus RL; Malmberg LE, 2008, 'Performance and mastery orientation of high school and university/college students: A rasch perspective', Educational and Psychological Measurement, 68, pp. 464 - 487,

Munns G; Martin A; Craven R, 2008, 'To Free the Spirit? Motivation and Engagement of Indigenous Students', Australian Journal of Indigenous Education, 37, pp. 98 - 107,

Martin AJ; Marsh HW, 2008, 'Workplace and academic buoyancy: Psychometric assessment and construct validity amongst school personnel and students', Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 26, pp. 168 - 184,

Munns G; Martin AJ; Craven R, 2008, 'To free the spirit? Motivation and engagement of Indigenous students', Australian Journal of Indigenous Education, 37, pp. 98 - 107

Green J; Martin AJ; Marsh HW, 2007, 'Motivation and engagement in English, mathematics and science high school subjects: Towards an understanding of multidimensional domain specificity', Learning and Individual Differences, 17, pp. 269 - 279,

Martin AJ, 2007, 'Examining a multidimensional model of student motivation and engagement using a construct validation approach', British Journal of Educational Psychology, 77, pp. 413 - 440,

Martin AJ; Marsh HW; Mcinerney DM; Green J; Dowson M, 2007, 'Getting Along with Teachers and Parents: The Yields of Good Relationships for Students' Achievement Motivation and Self-Esteem', Australian Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 17, pp. 109 - 125,

Martin AJ, 2006, 'Personal bests (PBs): A proposed multidimensional model and empirical analysis', British Journal of Educational Psychology, 76, pp. 803 - 825,

Green J; Nelson G; Martin AJ; Marsh H, 2006, 'The causal ordering of self-concept and academic motivation and its effect on academic achievement', International Education Journal, 7, pp. 534 - 546

Martin A, 2006, 'The relationship between teachers' perceptions of student motivation and engagement and teachers' enjoyment of and confidence in teaching', Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 34, pp. 73 - 93,

Martin AJ; Marsh HW, 2006, 'Academic resilience and its psychological and educational correlates: A construct validity approach', Psychology in the Schools, 43, pp. 267 - 281,

Martin AJ; Tipler DV; Marsh HW; Richards CE; Williams MR, 2006, 'Assessing multidimensional physical activity motivation: A construct validity study of high school students', Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 28, pp. 171 - 192,

Martin AJ, 2006, 'A motivational psychology for the education of Indigenous students', Australian Journal of Indigenous Education, 35, pp. 30 - 43

Marsh HW; Papaioannou A; Martin AJ; Theodorakis Y, 2006, 'Motivational constructs in Greek physical education classes: Factor structure, gender and age effects in a nationally representative longitudinal sample', International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 4, pp. 121 - 148,

Dixon R; Craven R; Martin AJ, 2006, 'Underachievement in a whole city cohort of academically gifted children: What does it look like?', Australasian Journal of Gifted Education, 15, pp. 9 - 15

Stephenson J; Martin AJ; Linfoot KW, 2005, 'Promoting positive interactions between mothers and their at-risk young children', Australian Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology, 5, pp. 128 - 137

Martin AJ; Linfoot KW; Stephenson J, 2005, 'Problem Behaviour and Associated Risk Factors in Young Children', Australian Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 15, pp. 1 - 16,

Martin AJ, 2005, 'Exploring the effects of a youth enrichment program on academic motivation and engagement', Social Psychology of Education, 8, pp. 179 - 206,

Martin A; Marsh H, 2005, 'Motivating boys and motivating girls: Does teacher gender really make a difference?', Australian Journal of Education, 49, pp. 320 - 334,

Martin AJ, 2004, 'Perplexity and passion: Further consideration of the role of positive psychology in the workplace', Journal of Organizational Behavior Management, 24, pp. 203 - 205,

Martin AJ, 2004, 'School motivation of boys and girls: Differences of degree, differences of kind, or both?', Australian Journal of Psychology, 56, pp. 133 - 146,

Martin AJ, 2004, 'The role of positive psychology in enhancing satisfaction, motivation, and productivity in the workplace', Journal of Organizational Behavior Management, 24, pp. 113 - 133,

Middleton SC; Marsh HW; Martin AJ; Richards GE; Savis J; Perry C; Brown R, 2004, 'The psychological performance inventory: Is the mental toughness test tough enough?', International Journal of Sport Psychology, 35, pp. 91 - 108

Martin AJ; Marsh HW; Williamson A; Debus RL, 2003, 'Self-Handicapping, Defensive Pessimism, and Goal Orientation: A Qualitative Study of University Students', Journal of Educational Psychology, 95, pp. 617 - 628,

Martin AJ; Marsh HW, 2003, 'Fear of failure: Friend or foe?', Australian Psychologist, 38, pp. 31 - 38,

Martin AJ, 2003, 'Boys and motivation', Australian Educational Researcher, 30, pp. 43 - 65,

Martin AJ; Marsh HW; Debus RL, 2003, 'Self-handicapping and defensive pessimism: A model of self-protection from a longitudinal perspective', Contemporary Educational Psychology, 28, pp. 1 - 36,

Martin AJ, 2003, 'The Student Motivation Scale: Further testing of an instrument that measures school students' motivation', Australian Journal of Education, 47, pp. 88 - 106,

Martin AJ, 2003, 'Enhancing the educational outcomes of boys: Findings from the A.C.T investigation into boys' education', Youth Studies Australia, 22, pp. 27 - 36

Martin AJ, 2003, 'The relationship between parents' enjoyment of parenting and children's school motivation', Australian Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 13, pp. 115 - 132

Martin AJ, 2003, 'The role of significant others in enhancing the educational outcomes and aspirations of Indigenous/Aboriginal students', Aboriginal Studies Association Journal, 12, pp. 23 - 26

Martin A, 2002, 'Motivation and academic resilience: Developing a model for student enhancement', Australian Journal of Education, 46, pp. 34 - 49,

Marsh HW; Rowe KJ; Martin A, 2002, 'PhD students' evaluations of research supervision: Issues, complexities, and challenges in a nationwide Australian experiment in benchmarking universities', Journal of Higher Education, 73, pp. 313 - 348,

Martin AJ, 2002, 'Motivating the gifted and talented: Lessons from research and practice', Australasian Journal of Gifted Education, 11, pp. 26 - 34

Martin AJ, 2002, 'The lethal cocktail: Low self-belief, low control, and high fear of failure', Australian Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 12, pp. 74 - 85

Martin AJ; Marsh HW; Debus RL, 2001, 'Self-handicapping and defensive pessimism: Exploring a model of predictors and outcomes from a self-protection perspective', JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY, 93, pp. 87 - 102,

Martin AJ; Marsh HW; Debus RL, 2001, 'A Quadripolar Need Achievement Representation of Self-Handicapping and Defensive Pessimism', American Educational Research Journal, 38, pp. 583 - 610,

Martin AJ; Marsh HW; Debus RL, 2001, 'Self-handicapping and defensive pessimism: Exploring a model of predictors and outcomes from a self-protection perspective', Journal of Educational Psychology, 93, pp. 87 - 102,

Martin AJ, 2001, 'The Student Motivation Scale: A tool for measuring and enhancing motivation', Australian Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 11, pp. 1 - 20

Stephenson J; Linfoot K; Martin A, 2000, 'Behaviours of concern to teachers in the early years of school', International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, 47, pp. 225 - 235,

Martin AJ; Linfoot K; Stephenson J, 2000, 'Exploring the cycle of mother-child relations, maternal confidence, and children's aggression', Australian Journal of Psychology, 52, pp. 34 - 40,

Gaasterland DE; Ederer F; Beck A; Costarides A; Leef D; Closek J; Banks J; Jackson S; Moore K; Vela A; Brown RH; Lynch M; Gunsby J; Lober K; Marsh T; Stepka C; Montgomery R; Clagett D; Ashburn F; Schacht K; Coyle E; Garland MK; Lauber S; Michelitsch K; Plavnieks S; Vayer L; Burt E; Hundley M; Rae A; Allen RC; Miller E; Sporn A; Fendley CK; Hoyle LS; Weber PA; Derick R; McKinney K; Moore D; Lauderbaugh T; Baker ND; Kapetansky F; Lehmann D; Black L; Gloeckner B; Coleman K; Cassady M; Sharf LJ; Romans B; Satterwhite Y; Simmons L; Vela MA; Harbin TS; Brannon L; Wright J; LaSalle J; Degenhardt G; Bridgman SA; Ozment RR; Hooper M; Goldstein S; Butler L; Perry M; Eckel A; Martin A; Session C; Nummerdor D; Wille L; Cyrlin MN; Dubay H; Fazio R; Corbin PS; Wilensky JT; Lindenmuth K; Hillman D; Carroll CA; Hatton J; Sonty S; Higginbotham EJ; Scholes G; Uva R; Fiene J; Frohlichstein D; Gates V; Pappas L; Rathbone D; Tadelman M; Hopkins G; Lichter PR; Bergstrom TJ; Moroi SE; Pollack- Rundle CJ; Standardi C; Abt L; Van Heck T; Skuta GL; Schertzer RM; Wicker D; Van Veldhuisen PC, 2000, 'The Advanced Glaucoma Intervention Study (AGIS): 7. The relationship between control of intraocular pressure and visual field deterioration', American Journal of Ophthalmology, 130, pp. 429 - 440,

Martin AJ; Milne-Home J; Barrett J; Spalding E; Jones G, 2000, 'Graduate Satisfaction with University and Perceived Employment Preparation', Journal of Education and Work, 13, pp. 199 - 213,

Stephenson J; Linfoot K; Martin A, 2000, 'How teachers of young children respond to problem Behaviour in the Classroom', Australasian Journal of Special Education, 24, pp. 21 - 31,

Stephenson J; Linfoot K; Martin A, 2000, 'How Teachers of Young Children Respond to Problem Behaviour in the Classroom', Australasian Journal of Special Education, 24, pp. 21 - 31,

Martin AJ, 1999, 'Alternative factor structure for the revised self-consciousness scale', Journal of Personality Assessment, 72, pp. 266 - 281,

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