Select Publications

Book Chapters

Martin AJ, 2012, 'Resilience and learning', in Seel NM (ed.), Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning, Springer, New York

Marsh HW; Xu K; Martin AJ, 2011, 'Self-concept: A synergy of theory, method, and application', in Harris KR; Graham S; Urdan T (ed.), APA Educational Psychology Handbook 3v, American Psychological Association (APA), Washington

Bobis J; Anderson J; Martin AJ; Way J, 2011, 'A model for mathematics instruction to enhance student motivation and engagement', in Brahier DJ (ed.), Motivation and Disposition: Pathways to learning mathematics, Wiley-Blackwell; National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), Reston, VA

Martin AJ, 2011, 'Preface', in Inspired children: How the leading minds of today raise their children, Sydney University Press, Sydney

Martin AJ; Green J; Colmar S; Liem GAD; Marsh HW, 2011, 'Quantitative modelling of correlational and multilevel data in educational research: A construct validity approach to exploring and testing theory', in Markauskaite L; Freebody P; Irwin J (ed.), Methodological choices and research designs for educational and social change: Linking scholarship, policy and practice, Springer, Dordrecht

Ginns P; Liem GAD; Martin AJ, 2011, 'The role of personality in learning processes and learning outcomes in applied settings', in Boag S; Tiliopoulos N (ed.), Personality and individual differences: Theory, assessment, and application, Nova Science Publishers, New York

Martin AJ, 2010, 'Multidimensional motivation and engagement: The Motivation and Engagement Wheel – ‘Extension Study’ section.', in McInerney DM; McInerney V (ed.), Educational Psychology: Constructing Learning, edn. 5th, Pearson, Sydney,

Marsh HW; Cheng J; Martin AJ, 2008, 'Advances in Motivation and Achievement', in Maehr M; Urdan T; Karabenick S (ed.), Advances in Motivation and Achievement, Elsevier, New York

Martin AJ; Marsh HW; Hau KT, 2006, 'A multiple method perspective on self-concept research in educational psychology: A construct validity approach', in Diener E (ed.), Handbook of multimethod measurement in psychology, Amer Psychological Assn, Washington DC

Martin AJ; Marsh HW; Williamson A; Debus RL, 2005, 'Fear of failure in students’ academic lives: Exploring the roles of self-handicapping and defensive pessimism from longitudinal, multidimensional, and qualitative perspectives', in Marsh HW; Craven RG; McInerney DM (ed.), International Advances in Self Research, Information Age Publishing, Greenwich, CT

Martin AJ, 2005, 'The Student Motivation and Engagement Wheel – ‘Researcher in Profile’ section', in McInerney DM; McInerney V (ed.), Educational Psychology: Constructing Learning, edn. 4th, Prentice-Hall, Sydney

Marsh HW; Martin AJ; Debus RL, 2001, 'Individual differences in verbal and math self-perceptions: One factor, two factors, or does it depend on the construct?', in Riding R; Rayner S (ed.), International Perspectives on Individual Differences, Greenwood Publishing, London

Watson K; Martin AJ, 1996, 'The role of attitude in intercultural understanding: An assessment of secondary students’ freehand maps', in Baumgart NL (ed.), Changing the Landscape, Pacific Circle Consortium for Education, Sydney

Fry G; Martin AJ, 1993, 'Factors contributing to identification and incidence of stress during the school practicum as reported by supervising teachers', in Teacher Educators' Annual Handbook, QUT Press, QLD

Edited Books

Martin A; Malmberg L-E; Pakarinen E, (eds.), 2023, The potential of biophysiology for understanding educational psychology: Special Issue in British Journal of Educational Psychology, Wiley,

Martin A; Sperling R; Newton K, (eds.), 2020, Handbook of educational psychology and students with special needs, Routledge, New York

Li H; Martin AJ; Yeung J, (eds.), 2017, Academic risk and academic resilience: Special Issue in Educational Psychology, Taylor and Francis, UK,

Martin AJ; Newton K; Sperling R, (eds.), 2017, Learning disabilities, ADHD, and executive functioning: Special Issue in Contemporary Educational Psychology, Elsevier, USA,

Frydenberg E; Martin AJ; Collie RJ, (eds.), 2017, Social and emotional learning in Australia and the Asia-Pacific, Springer, Singapore

Martin AJ, (ed.), 2015, Academic growth goals: Special Issue in British Journal of Educational Psychology, British Psychological Society, UK,

Journal articles

Sun SW; Evans P; Martin AJ, 2024, 'Load reduction instruction: Exploring its applicability in a Chinese-speaking secondary school context', Teaching and Teacher Education, 148,

Martin AJ; Collie RJ; Malmberg LE, 2024, 'Exploring the roles of academic, personal, and cultural demands and resources in immigrant students' motivation, engagement, and achievement', Learning and Instruction, 92,

Collie RJ; Martin AJ, 2024, 'The academic and social-emotional flourishing framework', Learning and Individual Differences, 114,

Martin AJ; Collie RJ; Stephan M; Flesken A; Halcrow F; McCourt B, 2024, 'What is the role of teaching support in students’ motivation and engagement trajectories during adolescence? A four-year latent growth modeling study', Learning and Instruction, 92,

Martin AJ; Bostwick KCP; Burns EC; Munro-Smith V; George T; Kennett R; Pearson J, 2024, 'A healthy breakfast each and every day is important for students' motivation and achievement', Journal of School Psychology, 104,

Collie RJ; Martin AJ, 2024, 'Teachers’ motivation and engagement to harness generative AI for teaching and learning: The role of contextual, occupational, and background factors', Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence, 6,

Martin AJ; Collie RJ; Holliman AJ, 2024, 'The role of health demands, health resources, and adaptability in psychological strain and life satisfaction', Stress and Health, 40,

Collie RJ; Caldecott-Davis K; Martin AJ, 2024, 'Academic buoyancy among female secondary school students: An examination of predictors and outcomes up to age 22', Social Psychology of Education, 27, pp. 363 - 388,

Collie RJ; Martin AJ; Renshaw L; Caldecott-Davis K, 2024, 'Students’ perceived social-emotional competence: The role of autonomy-support and links with well-being, social-emotional skills, and behaviors', Learning and Instruction, 90,

Bostwick KCP; Burns EC; Martin AJ; Collie RJ; Durksen TL, 2024, 'A Bifactor Exploratory Structural Equation Model of Students’ Growth-Focused Motivation', Journal of Experimental Education,

Nagy RP; Martin AJ; Collie RJ, 2024, 'Corrigendum: Disentangling motivation and engagement: Exploring the role of effort in promoting greater conceptual and methodological clarity(Front. Psychol., (2022), 13, (1045717), 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.1045717)', Frontiers in Psychology, 15,

Martin AJ, 2024, 'Growth goals: A review of the construct, predictors, consequences, and intervention', Advances in Motivation Science, 11, pp. 123 - 169,

Granziera H; Collie RJ; Martin AJ, 2024, 'The role of personal best goal setting and teaching style in homework behavior: An academic demands-resources perspective', Social Psychology of Education,

Martin AJ; Collie RJ; Stephan M; Flesken A; Halcrow F; McCourt B, 2024, 'The role of teaching support in assisting students' transition to high school', Learning and Individual Differences, 109,

Collie RJ; Martin AJ, 2023, 'Teacher well-being and sense of relatedness with students: Examining associations over one school term', Teaching and Teacher Education, 132,

Ginns P; Martin AJ; Freebody K; Anderson M; O’Connor P, 2023, 'Creative Self-Beliefs Among Children and Adolescents', Australian Journal of Education, 67, pp. 181 - 195,

Marsh HW; Dicke T; Riley P; Parker PD; Guo J; Basarkod G; Martin AJ, 2023, 'School principals' mental health and well-being under threat: A longitudinal analysis of workplace demands, resources, burnout, and well-being', Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, 15, pp. 999 - 1027,

Martin AJ, 2023, 'University Students’ Motivation and Engagement During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Roles of Lockdown, Isolation, and Remote and Hybrid Learning', Australian Journal of Education, 67, pp. 163 - 180,

Danker J; Strnadová I; Tso M; Loblinzk J; Cumming TM; Martin AJ, 2023, '‘It will open your world up’: The role of mobile technology in promoting social inclusion among adults with intellectual disabilities', British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 51, pp. 135 - 147,

Martin AJ; Malmberg LE; Pakarinen E; Mason L; Mainhard T, 2023, 'The potential of biophysiology for understanding motivation, engagement and learning experiences', British Journal of Educational Psychology, 93, pp. 1 - 9,

Bembenutty H; Liem GAD; Allen KA; King RB; Martin AJ; Marsh HW; Craven RG; Kaplan A; Schunk DH; DiBenedetto MK; Datu JAD, 2023, 'Culture, Motivation, Self-Regulation, and the Impactful Work of Dennis M. McInerney', Educational Psychology Review, 35,

Martin AJ; Ginns P; Collie RJ, 2023, 'University students in COVID-19 lockdown: The role of adaptability and fluid reasoning in supporting their academic motivation and engagement', Learning and Instruction, 83,

Martin AJ; Ginns P; Nagy RP; Collie RJ; Bostwick KCP, 2023, 'Load reduction instruction in mathematics and English classrooms: A multilevel study of student and teacher reports', Contemporary Educational Psychology, 72,

Evans P; Martin AJ, 2023, 'Load reduction instruction: multilevel effects for motivation, engagement, and achievement in mathematics', Educational Psychology, 43, pp. 1125 - 1143,

Collie RJ; Martin AJ; Flesken A; McCourt B, 2023, 'Personal agency among students from low socio-economic backgrounds: An examination of student profiles, perceived teaching support, and achievement', Social Psychology of Education,

Martin A, 2023, 'Integrating motivation and instruction: Towards a unified approach in educational psychology', Educational Psychology Review, 2023, pp. 1 - 35,

Nagy RP; Martin AJ; Collie RJ, 2022, 'Disentangling motivation and engagement: Exploring the role of effort in promoting greater conceptual and methodological clarity', Frontiers in Psychology, 13,

Martin AJ; Burns EC; Collie RJ; Cutmore M; MacLeod S; Donlevy V, 2022, 'The role of engagement in immigrant students’ academic resilience', Learning and Instruction, 82,

Martin AJ; Balzer B; Garden F; Handelsman DJ; Hawke C; Luscombe G; Paxton K; Skinner SR; Steinbeck K, 2022, 'The role of motivation and puberty hormones in adolescents' academic engagement and disengagement: A latent growth modeling study', Learning and Individual Differences, 100,

Granziera H; Collie RJ; Martin AJ, 2022, 'Teacher well-being: A complementary variable- and person-centered approach harnessing Job Demands-Resources theory', Contemporary Educational Psychology, 71,

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