Select Publications

Journal articles

Martin AJ; Anderson M; Adams RJ, 2012, 'What Determines Young People's Engagement with Performing Arts Events?', Leisure Sciences, 34, pp. 314 - 331,

Martin AJ; Nejad H; Colmar S; Liem GAD, 2012, 'Adaptability: Conceptual and empirical perspectives on responses to change, novelty and uncertainty', Australian Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 22, pp. 58 - 81,

Liem GAD; Ginns P; Martin AJ; Stone B; Herrett M, 2012, 'Personal best goals and academic and social functioning: A longitudinal perspective', Learning and Instruction, 22, pp. 222 - 230,

Parker PD; Martin AJ; Colmar S; Liem GA, 2012, 'Teachers' workplace well-being: Exploring a process model of goal orientation, coping behavior, engagement, and burnout', Teaching and Teacher Education, 28, pp. 503 - 513,

Martin AJ, 2012, 'The role of personal best (PB) goals in the achievement and behavioral engagement of students with ADHD and students without ADHD', Contemporary Educational Psychology, 37, pp. 91 - 105,

Liem GAD; Martin AJ; Porter AL; Colmar S, 2012, 'Sociocultural antecedents of academic motivation and achievement: Role of values and achievement motives in achievement goals and academic performance', Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 15, pp. 1 - 13,

Liem GAD; Martin AJ, 2012, 'The motivation and engagement scale: Theoretical framework, psychometric properties, and applied yields', Australian Psychologist, 47, pp. 3 - 13,

Martin AJ; Anderson J; Bobis J; Way J; Vellar R, 2012, 'Switching on and switching off in mathematics: An ecological study of future intent and disengagement among middle school students', Journal of Educational Psychology, 104, pp. 1 - 18,

Martin A, 2012, 'Winning and losing: What do they mean and how do they shape our lives and society?', Australian Review of Public Affairs

Li H; Martin AJ; Armstrong D; Walker R, 2011, 'Risk, protection, and resilience in Chinese adolescents: A psycho-social study', Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 14, pp. 269 - 282,

Marsh HW; Liem GAD; Martin AJ; Nagengast B; Morin AJS, 2011, 'Erratum to: Methodological Measurement Fruitfulness of Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling (ESEM): New Approaches to Key Substantive Issues in Motivation and Engagement (Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, (2011), 29, (322-346), 10.1177/0734282911406657)', Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 29, pp. 497,

Martin AJ, 2011, 'Holding back and holding behind: Grade retention and students' non-academic and academic outcomes', British Educational Research Journal, 37, pp. 739 - 763,

Parker PD; Martin AJ, 2011, 'Clergy Motivation and Occupational Well-being: Exploring a Quadripolar Model and Its Role in Predicting Burnout and Engagement', Journal of Religion and Health, 50, pp. 656 - 674,

Marsh HW; Ginns P; Morin AJS; Nagengast B; Martin AJ, 2011, 'Use of student ratings to benchmark universities: Multilevel modeling of responses to the Australian course experience questionnaire (CEQ)', Journal of Educational Psychology, 103, pp. 733 - 748,

Martin AJ, 2011, 'Courage in the Classroom: Exploring a New Framework Predicting Academic Performance and Engagement', School Psychology Quarterly, 26, pp. 145 - 160,

Liem GAD; Martin AJ, 2011, 'Peer relationships and adolescents' academic and non-academic outcomes: Same-sex and opposite-sex peer effects and the mediating role of school engagement', British Journal of Educational Psychology, 81, pp. 183 - 206,

Martin AJ, 2011, 'Prescriptive Statements and Educational Practice: What Can Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Offer?', Educational Psychology Review, 23, pp. 235 - 244,

Martin AJ; Bobis J; Anderson J; Way J; Vellar R, 2011, 'Patterns of multilevel variance in psycho-educational phenomena: Comparing motivation, engagement, climate, teaching, and achievement factors', Zeitschrift fur Padagogische Psychologie, 25, pp. 49 - 61,

Marsh HW; Martin AJ, 2011, 'Academic self-concept and academic achievement: Relations and causal ordering', British Journal of Educational Psychology, 81, pp. 59 - 77,

Liem GAD; Martin AJ; Nair E; Bernardo ABI; Prasetya PH, 2011, 'Content and structure of values in middle adolescence: Evidence from Singapore, the Philippines, Indonesia, and Australia', Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 42, pp. 146 - 154,

Marsh HW; Liem GAD; Martin AJ; Morin AJS; Nagengast B, 2011, 'Methodological measurement fruitfulness of exploratory structural equation modeling (ESEM): New approaches to key substantive issues in motivation and engagement', Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 29, pp. 322 - 346,

Martin AJ, 2011, 'Personal Best (PB) Approaches to Academic Development: Implications for Motivation and Assessment', Educational Practice and Theory, 33, pp. 93 - 99,

Martin AJ; LIEM GAD; Coffey L; Martinez C; Parker PP; Marsh HW; Jackson SA, 2010, 'What happens to physical activity behavior, motivation, self-concept, and flow after completing school? a longitudinal study', Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 22, pp. 437 - 457,

Martin AJ; Marsh HW; Cheng JHS; Ginns P, 2010, 'Fathers and Male Teachers: Effects on Boys Academic and Non-Academic Development', Childhood Education, 86, pp. 404 - 408,

Martin AJ; Colmar SH; Davey LA; Marsh HW, 2010, 'Longitudinal modelling of academic buoyancy and motivation: Do the '5Cs' hold up over time?', British Journal of Educational Psychology, 80, pp. 473 - 496,

Martin AJ, 2010, 'Physical activity motivation in late adolescence: Refinement of a recent multidimensional model', Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 81, pp. 278 - 289,

Martin AJ; Hau KT, 2010, 'Achievement motivation among Chinese and Australian school students: Assessing differences of kind and differences of degree', International Journal of Testing, 10, pp. 274 - 294,

Parker PD; Martin AJ; Martinez C; Marsh HW; Jackson S, 2010, 'Longitudinal approaches to stages of change measurement: Effects on cognitive and behavioral physical activity factors', Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 43, pp. 108 - 120,

Martin AJ; Liem GAD, 2010, 'Academic personal bests (PBs), engagement, and achievement: A cross-lagged panel analysis', Learning and Individual Differences, 20, pp. 265 - 270,

Parker PD; Martin AJ; Martinez C; Marsh HW; Jackson SA, 2010, 'Stages of change in physical activity: A validation study in late adolescence', Health Education and Behavior, 37, pp. 318 - 329,

Martin AJ, 2010, 'Physical activity motivation in the year following high school: Assessing stability and appropriate analytical approaches', Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 11, pp. 107 - 113,

Marsh HW; Martin AJ; Jackson S, 2010, 'Introducing a short version of the physical self description questionnaire: New strategies, short-form evaluative criteria, and applications of factor analyses', Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 32, pp. 438 - 482,

Martin AJ; Malmberg LE; Liem GAD, 2010, 'Multilevel motivation and engagement: Assessing construct validity across students and schools', Educational and Psychological Measurement, 70, pp. 973 - 989,

Martin AJ, 2010, 'Should Students Have a Gap Year? Motivation and Performance Factors Relevant to Time Out After Completing School', Journal of Educational Psychology, 102, pp. 561 - 576,

Liem GAD; Martin AJ; Nair E; Bernardo ABI; Prasetya PH, 2009, 'Cultural factors relevant to secondary school students in Australia, Singapore, the Philippines and Indonesia: Relative differences and congruencies', Australian Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 19, pp. 161 - 178,

Liem GAD; Martin AJ; Nair E; Bernardo ABI; Prasetya PH, 2009, 'Cultural Factors Relevant to Secondary School Students in Australia, Singapore, the Philippines and Indonesia: Relative Differences and Congruencies', AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING, 19, pp. 161 - 178,

Martin AJ; Marsh HW, 2009, 'Academic resilience and academic buoyancy: Multidimensional and hierarchical conceptual framing of causes, correlates and cognate constructs', Oxford Review of Education, 35, pp. 353 - 370,

Martin AJ, 2009, 'Age Appropriateness and Motivation, Engagement, and Performance in High School: Effects of Age Within Cohort, Grade Retention, and Delayed School Entry', Journal of Educational Psychology, 101, pp. 101 - 114,

Parker PD; Martin AJ, 2009, 'Coping and buoyancy in the workplace: Understanding their effects on teachers' work-related well-being and engagement', Teaching and Teacher Education, 25, pp. 68 - 75,

Mansour M; Martin AJ, 2009, 'Home, Parents, and Achievement Motivation: A Study of Key Home and Parental Factors that Predict Student Motivation and Engagement', Australian Educational and Developmental Psychologist, 26, pp. 111 - 126,

Martin AJ; Dowson M, 2009, 'Interpersonal relationships, motivation, engagement, and achievement: Yields for theory, current issues, and educational practice', Review of Educational Research, 79, pp. 327 - 365,

Martin AJ, 2009, 'Motivation and engagement across the academic life span: A developmental construct validity study of elementary school, high school, and university/college students', Educational and Psychological Measurement, 69, pp. 794 - 824,

Martin AJ, 2009, 'Motivation and engagement in the workplace: Examining a multidimensional framework and instrument from a measurement and evaluation perspective', Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 41, pp. 223 - 243,

Martin A; Marsh HW; McInerney DM; Green J, 2009, 'Young people's interpersonal relationships and academic and non-academic outcomes: The relative salience of teachers, parents, same-sex peers, and opposite-sex peers', Teachers College Record,

Parker PD; Martin AJ; Marsh HW, 2008, 'Factors predicting life satisfaction: A process model of personality, multidimensional self-concept, and life satisfaction', Australian Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 18, pp. 15 - 29,

Martin AJ, 2008, 'Motivation and engagement in diverse performance settings: Testing their generality across school, university/college, work, sport, music, and daily life', Journal of Research in Personality, 42, pp. 1607 - 1612,

Parker PD; Martin AJ, 2008, 'Personal capacity building for the human services: The roles of curriculum and individual differences in predicting self-concept in college/university students', Learning and Individual Differences, 18, pp. 486 - 491,

Martin AJ, 2008, 'How domain specific is motivation and engagement across school, sport, and music? A substantive-methodological synergy assessing young sportspeople and musicians', Contemporary Educational Psychology, 33, pp. 785 - 813,

Martin AJ; Jackson SA, 2008, 'Brief approaches to assessing task absorption and enhanced subjective experience: Examining 'short' and 'core' flow in diverse performance domains', Motivation and Emotion, 32, pp. 141 - 157,

Martin AJ, 2008, 'Enhancing student motivation and engagement: The effects of a multidimensional intervention', Contemporary Educational Psychology, 33, pp. 239 - 269,

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