Select Publications


Martin AJ, 2017, How technology affects children’s learning. In ‘Psychlopaedia’, December.,

Martin AJ, 2017, How to motivate and engage students who are gifted. In ‘Australian MENSA Initiative Series’, March, 1-8., MENSA Australia, MENSA Australia,

Martin AJ, 2017, How to tell if your child's educational needs are being met at school. In ‘The Conversation’., The Conversation,

Martin AJ; Collie RJ, 2017, Importance of social and emotional competence for teachers, for very young children and for at-risk students: latest research. In ‘EduResearch Matters’ (Australian Associate for Research in Education blog), November,

Green J; Martin AJ, 2017, Mindful teachers cultivate a growth mindset. In ‘EduResearch Matters’ (Australian Associate for Research in Education blog), October.,

Martin AJ; Steinbeck K, 2017, Puberty and its effects on students’ motivation and achievement. In ‘Psychlopaedia’, May., APS,

Martin AJ, 2017, Raising girls. On ‘Kinderling Kids Radio Podcast’, November.,

Durksen T; Martin AJ; Ginns P; Williamson D; Kiss J, 2017, Science education - surviving the zombie apocalypse. In ‘Teacher’., ACER,

Martin AJ, 2017, Transition planning for elite sportspeople and other elite performers. In ‘The Conversation’,, The Conversation (February),

Martin AJ, 2017, Turning novices into experts: Helping students develop web-based research skills. In ‘Australian Teacher Magazine’, August.p.38. Republished in EducationHQ.,

Green J; Martin AJ, 2017, Using personal best (PB) goal-setting and values driven action. In ‘Teacher’., ACER,

Martin AJ, 2016, Creativity: What do motivation and engagement have to do with it? In ‘EducationHQ’, November.,

Martin AJ; Papworth B; Ginns P, 2016, Effects of boarding school. In ‘The Psychologist’, vol 29, p 414., British Psychological Society

Martin AJ, 2016, Problems at school: What is the role of ADHD and other factors? In ‘Psychlopaedia’, November., Australian Psychological Society,

Collie R; Shapka JD; Perry NE; Martin AJ, 2016, Social and emotional learning in schools. In ‘Teacher’., Australian Council for Educational Research,

Martin AJ; Collie RJ; Scott Curwood J, 2016, Students’ motivation and engagement in writing: Do they have the ‘write’ stuff? In ‘Education Matters’.,

Collie RJ; Martin AJ, 2016, Teachers’ adaptability and its importance for teachers’ and students’ outcomes. In ‘The Link’ (The Association of Independent Schools of New South Wales). Term 1, 1-2., Association of Independent Schools of NSW,

Martin AJ; Collie R; Papworth B; Ginns P; Calvo R; Malmberg L, 2015, Academic motivation and engagement: Every moment of every day for every student matters. In ‘Teacher’, October.,

Ginns P; Martin AJ; Marsh H, 2015, Engaging students through a conversational writing style. In ‘Teacher’, September.,

Martin AJ, 2015, Student motivation and engagement: Does gender matter? In ‘EducationHQ’, November.,

Fleming J; Gibson R; Martin AJ; Anderson M; Sudmalis D, 2015, The benefits for students of arts participation. In ‘Leadership in Focus’, vol 37, pp. 18-19.

Martin AJ, 2015, The Personal Proficiency Network: Helping students achieve to their academic potential. In ‘Principal Matters’, Winter, pp. 18-21.

Martin AJ; Liem GAD, 2015, The role of adaptability in tackling climate and environmental challenges. In ‘Geographical Education’, vol 28, pp. 15-17.

Martin AJ; Durksen T; Williamson D; Kiss J; Ginns P, 2015, Undead science ed: Zombies, museum learning, and students’ science aspirations. In ‘Museums Australia Magazine’, vol 23, pp. 30-32.

Martin AJ, 2014, Arts make kids smart. In ‘NSW Parents Council Parent News’, Term 1, p. 2.

Martin AJ, 2014, The Motivation and Engagement Scale. Sydney: Lifelong Achievement Group., Lifelong Achievement Group, Sydney,

Martin AJ, 2014, The Motivation and Engagement Workbook. Sydney: Lifelong Achievement Group., Lifelong Achievement Group, Sydney,

Martin AJ, 2014, What makes a good teacher? Teacher-student relationships. In ‘The Conversation’, August.,

Martin AJ, 2013, Coping with change: Teaching adaptability will help kids grow. In ‘The Conversation’, November.,

Martin AJ, 2013, From will to skill: The psychology of motivation, instruction and learning in today’s classroom. In ‘InPsych – Bulletin of Australian Psychological Society’, December, Lead Article for Special Issue, pp. 10-12.,

Martin AJ, 2013, More to learn about ADHD. In ‘Monitor on Psychology’ (Magazine of American Psychological Association), vol 44, p. 4.

Martin AJ; Papworth B; Ginns P; Nejad H, 2012, Academic buoyancy, academic resilience, and adaptability: How students deal with difficulty and change. In ‘Lights Out’ (the Newsletter of the Australian Boarding Schools Association), vol 5(3), pp. 4-6.

Papworth B; Martin AJ; Ginns P; Liem G, 2012, Attending boarding school: What’s the difference in academic and non-academic outcomes? In ‘Lights Out’ (the Newsletter of the Australian Boarding Schools Association), vol 5(4), pp. 8-10.

Ginns P; Papworth B; Martin AJ, 2012, Enhancing students' approaches to learning. In ‘Lights Out’ (the Newsletter of the Australian Boarding School Association), vol 5(1), pp. 12-13.

Martin AJ, 2012, High school motivation and engagement: Gender and age effects. Educational Resources Information Center Document (ED) 532692. U.S. Department of Education.

Martin AJ, 2012, Personal best goals may help at-risk students’ achievement. In ‘The College of Educational and Developmental Psychologists Newsletter’, September, p. 3.

Papworth B; Martin AJ; Ginns P; Liem G, 2012, Research into the effects of boarding school: Year 2 (2011) findings. In ‘Lights Out’ (the Newsletter of the Australian Boarding Schools Association), vol 5(2), pp. 6-8.

Martin AJ; Papworth B; Ginns P, 2011, Early findings on the effects of boarding school. In ‘Lights Out’ (the Newsletter of the Australian Boarding Schools Association), vol 4(1), pp. 18-19.

Martin AJ, 2011, Playing catch up: Should students repeat a grade at school? In ‘The Conversation’, November.,

Ginns P; Martin AJ; Papworth B, 2011, Residential education: Key findings presented at an international symposium. In ‘Lights Out’ (the Newsletter of the Australian Boarding School Association), vol 4(2), pp. 18-19.

Martin AJ, 2010, Effects of age on students’ academic outcomes: Implications for parents’ decision making. In ‘Pediatrics for Parents’, vol 26, pp. 16-18.

Martin AJ, 2010, Girls, achievement motivation, and the glass ceiling: Implications for personal potential. In ‘Alliance (Magazine of Alliance of Girls’ Schools)’, vol 45, p. 22.

Martin AJ, 2010, Motivating and engaging young people in physical activity. In ‘Active Education Magazine’, vol 25, pp. 42-44.

Martin AJ; Liem G, 2010, Personal Bests (PBs) at school: How self-competition can work for your child. In ‘Parents and Citizens (P&C) Journal’, Term 3, pp. 27-28.

Liem G; Martin AJ, 2010, Personal Bests (PBs): A new approach to realising academic potential. In ‘Education Review’, June, p. 15.

Martin AJ; Ginns P; Papworth B, 2010, Powerful answers to important educational questions. In ‘Lights Out’ (the Newsletter of the Australian Boarding Schools Association), vol 3(2), pp. 12-13.

Papworth B; Martin AJ; Ginns P, 2010, Preliminary insights and research directions. In ‘Lights Out’ (the Newsletter of the Australian Boarding School Association), vol 3(4), pp. 18-19.

Jackson S; Eklund R; Martin AJ, 2010, The Flow Scales: Instrumentation and Test User Manual: Menlo Park, CA, USA: Mind Garden Inc., Mind Garden Inc, Menlo Park, California,

Ginns P; Martin AJ; Papworth B, 2010, Understanding approaches to learning. In ‘Lights Out’ (the Newsletter of the Australian Boarding School Association), vol 3(3), pp. 4-5.

Papworth B; Martin AJ; Ginns P, 2010, Understanding boarding school from residential and experiential perspectives. In ‘Lights Out’ (the Newsletter of the Australian Boarding Schools Association), vol 3(1), pp. 10-11.

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